E V ENING ADVERTI S E R. No. 125'0f Vol. V.] For Sale or Charter, Z^NDROMACtig, (An American bottom ) y o h„ Moors, Mafler. IS a ft out good vittl-l, about two years oW, bnvrhep 232 tons, has only made three voy ' *Xe*~, arid uny lei tto sea at a filial! ex pence. She may be seen at V'me-ftreet wharf, and the ternts made know*) by application to WHARTON & LEWIS. March 2i. dtf For Norfolk & Frcdericksburgh, ::^LITTL E"sA LLY S John Earl, Mailer. A iiauncli good vefiel, will fail in a few days. For freight or p fijge, apply to the matter on board at Chefaut street wharf, or to JOSEPH ANTHONY & SON. March 31. dtf For Amsterdam, ""J--, The new fall-failing, copper bottomed SHIP f§|| ADRIAN A, r "■' " K. Fitzpatrick, Matter. BUILT of live oak and cedar and was in tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or paflage, having excellent accommodations, apply 011 board at Walnut street wharf, or to THOS. & JOHN KETLAND. N. B. PafTengers will be landed in Eng land if required. March 6, 1794? dtf To be Let, Por Merchants Compting Houses or Public Ofjices, Two brick 3 story Ploufes, HAVING 6 1 ooin> 10 each, wi;h'fire i>efi.lc garrets, fiiuate 011 the foul h wriierly fide oT Dock Prar and Walnut street s. Enq <»"c of BENJAMIN W. MORRIS. A P nl '7- ruch&rstf Excellent CLARET^ In hogsheads and in cases of 50 bottles each. A L S-O, A few cases Champaigne Wine; MADEIRA,, In pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks, for sale by t JOHN VAUGHAN, N« til. South Front Ureet. Jaa. a, 1794. Just Imported, In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitz pat rick, from Amsterdam, and now landing on Walnut-street wharf, viz. I GIN in pipes y A fezu bales Holland Duck, Ditto OznaburgSy Holland Sheetings Juniper Berries, Glass Ware, -viz. Tumblers and. Mugt, va rious ftx.es. Sheathing Paper, Swedes Iron, square and flat bars, Hair Ribbctnd, No. 4. Dutch Great Coats, A quantity of Junk and Oakum, 13c. &c. FOR SALF. BY THOMAS KETLAND, Jun. The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale ftouldapphcation be made <,within a few dap ; other wife fie will take freight for Amfltr- March 1, i 7Q4 . d __ tf -Lately Fublifhed. SOLD BY Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, South Second-Street : H '" or y ? f , New -Hampfliire, from the A Difcqvery of the River P:fca(aqua—bv 71 TcmmtMhap, D. D. 3 Vols. Price in Board., 4 1-2 Dollars. ' The Forreftcr an American Fable, being'", Sequel to the Hrfloryof John Bull the Clothier rrce, 75 Cents. A D ltrfurfe, intended to commemorate Ihe D.fcovery ot A,none, by Chriltopher Colum bus; delivered at the of the Historical Society in Maffachufettj, Oaober 3 ,d t 7Qe being the completion of the Thud CentuTv' fmce that Memorable event. To which are aoded, F.,ur Diflertatlon.v, connected with th,- fuMeR-By the /ame iutbor. 50 c March 17. t..MW 3 w » ■»9HHMP9l>«»S«ra>' ■* - "*•* » ..»» : S;-»f -.- \ '■ ----si*-'- " • -p> '• *.T< - ; -.- »..;■ .i^-..' :m. '"-" - Tuesday, May 6, 1794. ! The following Certifi- of the funded three per Cent Stock of the | Dome(lie Debt of the United States Handing on the books ot the TreafuYy of the laid United States, in the name* ol Dvmnald and Barton of London, merchants, and signed by Jofcph Nourfe, Register of said Treasury, to wit :— No. 5476, dated 24'h August 1792 for 29.59 dollars and 5-3 cents was transmitted from Lon don in the lhip Peter, Paul Hll Hey, mailer, •wund for New York, and has been loft.— Tltc Subfciiber intending to apply to the Trea fu/y of the United States 10 have the fame re newed, dc fires all per Cons who arc iritereffed in the said certificate, to make their objections thtreto, if any they have. Francis Macy. Philad. March iy. d6w Philad. April 11, 1794. *** Notice, agreeably to charter, is here of given to the members of the Corporation for the Relief, of Poor and bijlrejed Prefby ■ tenon Mir.ijlen, and of the Poor and Dif-, trejjed Widows and children of Prejbyterian Mmifters, that a meeting of said corporation is to take place, 011 the 2jd day of May nejft, in the lecond Preibyterian church in the city of Philadelphia, at 4 o'clock P. M. for the ui.patch or all such bufinels as may then be brought before the board. ASHBEL GREEN, Secretary of the Corporation. tuth&s6t A New Novel. To the LADIES of Philadelphia. This Day is Publijhed by MATHEW CARET, 118, Market street, p.icr, bound, fn/e-eighjn of a dollar, sewed in 11 arble paper, hall a dollar, Charlotte, a tale of Truth, IN TWO VOLUMES. fly Mis. ROWSON, of the New Theatre, Phladelphia, Author of Victoria, the In qmfitor, the Fille de Chambre, &c. Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have given the following char alter. IT may be a i'ale oi Truth, for it is not unnatural, and it is a tale of real diltrels.— Charlotte, by the artifice of a teacher, recom mended to a fcliool, fropi linmanity rather than a convi&ion ol her integrity, or the re gularity of her former conduit, it enticed from her governed, and accompanies a young cer to Amenta— The marriage ceremo ny, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Char lotte dies a martyr to the inconstancy of her 'jver, and treachery ol his friend.—The fitu tioits are artlels and aflTefting—the defenp. anons naturil and pathetic; we Ihotfld feel to.- Charlotte if such a person ever existed, who for one error scarcely, perhaps, deserved lo revere a puoiihrnent. If it is a fiction, poeticjuftice is not, we think, dhjperly dil tributed Said Carey has jujl published, A 2 sheet map of Kentucky compiled by Elihu Barker, price one dollar and two thirds. War Atlas, containing maps of France, Go. many, Spain,ltaly, the United Provinces, the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies. Price two dollars. mp of New jersey—Hals a dollar. Maps of Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia -Price three eighths of a dollar Ejch. Apr'! 29. tqth&sjw —NO. 21— Second Jlreet, between Market and Chefnut Jlreets, Philadelphia. POYNTELL' S AMERICAN MANUFACTORY OF PAPER HANGINGS, WHERE he keeps up a constant stock of ten thousand pieces for sale, comprising every variety of colours, in grounds and figures, of the most modern and tasty patterns, for eve ry part of a house. Thfc perfection attained in this manufactory, in peculiar neamefs of ' workman/hip, durability of colours, variety l'n'aefigns, and good quality oi the paper, will be fotnid to exceed any European papers at ■ the Q»me moderate prices. : Ao-elegant variety of rich fancy feftoon &• 1 narrow borders, and of ftuccoand other co- ' loured pannel papers. i Plain grounds made to any colour orfliade. ; Wtiolefile orders for any quantity, from , the country or for exportation, executed on a Ihort notice, on advantageous terms, on ' ulual credit. : In addition to the above afTortment, hehas 1 aTieautifal variety of French paper hangings ' 1 if very fuperinr quality, (Paris inanafiCtoiy) ' with a variety of Rich "Borders. ' April Jj tuth&saw i Whole No. 519/ Far th'e Gazktta of the United Status Mr. Fenno, IT must be very real friends of genuine modern democracy, that the de mand for many articles of the growth and in vcrttion of European nations is rapidly de clining. This cireumHance, although in lotne cases the result of a diminilhed con lumption; is rather to be attributed to the mdultry 'and indefatigable zeal of several of our own citizens. The fabrication of news tormftaHce, may be adduced as an example M, P ° mt -r> I tle BrUfrels London Morning Port, with many others of less note slave hitherto claimed the exclusive rioht of deftroymg .private charatfers, and palmihs upon the,public thesnoft prepufterous, impu dent and improbable falfehoods for truth!— ihis monopoly, however, is now happily done away by the spirited exertions of the writers m the American BruJJih Gazette, whose talents for Scandal and the Marvellous are beyond all praise. Great merit is a rfo due to the several manufacturing Societies lately established throughout the Union, afld more especially at Norfolk, where intelli gence of the mod important nature is fabricated, packed up, and forwarded by ex press to the Editor of said Gazette, who aAs as their agent in this city. The profits re lulting to the agent from this fmgular retail trade are not yet fully known—the general opinion however is, that they are not equal to the expence that will accrue in profecut mg the business. Foreign Intelligence. FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION, January 7. General Weftermann appeared at the bar, and said, " Citizens Reprefentatites, a wound which prevents me from all exer cise on horseback, is the motive of my journey to Paris. I corne to present to the Convention some remains of the sacer dotal spoils of the bishop of Agra.jfo fam ous for the part which he aded in the late Catholic and royal army_l come alf® to anure you, upon my head, that of that ar my, which was still 90,000 men ftrong while in the diftrift of Mans, not a furgfe combatant has remained Chiefs, officers, soldiers, bishops, countefTes, princeflesj & marchionefles, all perished by the sword, by the flames, by the waves. This dreadful example is unprecedented in the annals of history; and Europe, aftonilh ed, will fee that a Republic, which, like the Everlasting Father, dicftates its laws from the iummit of a sacred mountain, will be able to maintain ltfelf, and to reduce, like La Ven dee, every country which shall be foolilh enough to form a plan of reftoratiirg Royal ty to France." ' The President answered Weftermann, and invited him to the honors ps the fitting a mong the Representatives of the people? a midll the loudest plaudits. A Spanijb Regijler Ship was captured left Summer by a Frertch privateer, and after- ' wards taken by the Ertgljfb. The sol. towing article relative to the trial of ihis capture, appears to be interefling. LONDON, Dec. it. DOCTOR'S COMMONS. High Court of Admiralty. Yesterday, after a reply and rejoirtder rom the learned Civilians on both fides >ir James Marriott, the Judge Advocate' ironounced judgment upon the cafe of the hip S. Jago. The learned Judge said that the cafe be org the Court was pferfeftfy novel, and herefore a novel decree mull be pronoun ed, The numerous cases that had beer* titrodueed in the course of the different rguments proved the learning arid itidufc 17 of the Advocates, but had no appfrca ion to the The novelty of the cafe rose from the Angularity of the present oltilities, which so much agitated the wblic mind. -The learned Judge said e was not bound by any jfrecedent that ad been cited, or by tli»» authaiity of any nctent authors, who had Seah in learned nd abttwfc upon the v>,"- 1