Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 19, 1794, Image 4

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Those pcrfons who
undertake tocuttimbei 01 wood of any kind
whatever, from any lauds of the teal (Hate of
the late Richard Stockton Esq. deceased, ii/
the v*cftemprecm& of the county of Somcifc)
inuhe ftatc of Jci fey, under a pretence ol
a right to cut a a lauds adj JCCnt, ate ivqueftcdr<
dtfift l»om so doing, or they will be proeeed
ed againil such mmuei as in*y prove tiou
bl !o;m- and expeulivc to (iumuivo.
April -A *w£:s2v
SJLES atKEH'-rORK, by A.L.
f\ ri-
On Thurfdiy the I «th May nrxt at Twelve
o'clock at the Tontine Coffee House,
oj Land,
In \VJtkiru and Flint's onrchafe, «i» the coun
*tyx){ Tioga, state ot New York.
The containing acre s
Sonthweft quar. of No. 2, 9»4 2 4
No thwcft do. do. 4, 5-^47
N'ntheaft do. do. 6, 10,525
do. do. 7>
5 vthweft do do. 8, 3.95^
N* ;»r th we ft do. do. 8, 6,if?
s<>utheaft d;>. do. 9> 6,25:
: out.eaft do do. I" 1 , 9>- 53 '
<ort!i*eft do. do. 10, i" 5 ?47„'
7°>s 21
Tbefelands are rapidly encreafing in valu ,
targe ft t elements. a»e already r»adc- in several
o r the town'fhip. j the gooclnel's of foil, and
the advantages in point of fit nation l»eing so
wH known-, render any further defci iption
uonecelfa r nip of the tratts and condi
tions of (ale may be seen at No. vo, Queen
street, New' York*
AqriJ iq
Just Imported,
In 'the Jhip Abigail, Captain Horton, from St
Peter/burgh its RuJ/ia, and lltrw landing at
Ritffell's wharf,
R \VtNS l>t'CK,
And lor falc at the (t-rcsof the fubferiber in
Walput fticct, N 92.
John Donnaldfon.
Aor'l 4- di w w&>t*
The annual election
Dire&ors and a Treasurer
:Library Company of Philadelphia,
, WlLLt,ehe»a at tin Library, in Fifth
on Monday the fifth .'of May jicxt, at
threeo clock in'the w.hen the trea
surer will attend to-receive the annual pay
ments. „
As there arefevera 1 fharcs on which fines
are N due, the owners of them, or their rep e
fentatives, are hereby notified, that rhey will
\>e forfeited, agreeably to ihe laws of the
;CoaT}pa})>, onlcfs the said arrears are paid off
on the fifth day of May ? or withiu ten days
a. te r.
By Older of the Directors.
Ap'U 7 re& v 4 5th TVljv.
r " F OR SALE,
>1 7-
Old-Lisbon Wine of a
fuper'ior quality in p.ip .5, imported in the Ihip
"Wil Yiington.
•OI.D >.HERRY WINE of the firft quality
in quarte- caflc*, imported in the brig Nancy
fiwJny f> m Cadiz
ALJVIONDS and a few kegs of
R.AISINS, imported in ditto.
Particular TENERIFFE WINES,in pipes
hhdi. aid quarter cjik c , imported in the Ihip
Tndfmas, capt. Ski;»ner.
A few quarter caiks of old particular bill
of exchange MADEIRA WINE.
George Meade,
Wlio bai also, jnft arrived and tor sale
v Lijbon Salt.
A quantity of empty BAGS for sale.
Apnl j. diw w&sim.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends'and
the public, That from the encouragement
he has received, from several refpe&able Gentle,
men, he is iudiiccd once more, to embark in the
PAPER LINE —and would offer his feivi. es to
alt those Gentlemen, who can place confidenc
in him ;an c allures those who employ him,
that th. ir confidence shall not be mifpteced
but it (hall be his conllant endeavor, to pay the
ftrift/ft attention to then best interest, inall ne
gociations whoever. He has taken the Chamber
in Slate-Strret, over Mr. David Toncnjci.d, Watch
Makei's Shop.—-—Where PUBLIC SECURI
TIES," of aW kinds, are bought and fold ; and
•where Com million Bufiucfp ot all kinds, will be
tranf.&ed on leafonabte terms. HOUSES and
VESSELS will be conftamly cxpofcd tor faie, on
• Cash paid for Salem, Providence,
Portfmouih BILLS
N. B. If any Gentleman in Philadelphia, or
Una-York. has any Bujinefs to tr/to fa ft at Bojlen,
in Paper tfegociaiions-, he will be happy to be em
ployed, on comm>]jion. •
Boston, Jan. 24, 1794.
From Londj.i, D.iblin, and GlaljVow,
And ihjw tor lale,
No. 118, M.irket-Jireet,
A La ge a ill Vamabje
Among whitii are the following:
NEW Annual Remitter for 1792
European Magazine for the firft f»J
months of l 793
Gibbons decline and fall of the RomanEmpin
Alem >irs of the Ma-iciriter focietj, 3 vois.
Prieitly on matrer aud ,pirit
on Christianity
DiOiey's life of Dr. Jon in
D'Anville's ancle. t .geography
Vltiu 'ics of Guy J>>ji
Variety,a collection of e'lTuy,
King of PruiliVs *orks
Calm observer—by Mackintcfh
Kuifell's ancient and mode si Europe
Langhorne's Plutarch
Elegant extracts, superbly <;i!t
h ! gant extracts of natural hi lory
and 8» iir»n's voyage
Rov Inn's voyage to D^ada^iiftt^
To vnfend's travels in Spain
Taflo's Jerusalem cielvered
Sinell e's translation of Button
Berwick's hiftoiy of quadrupeds
Btrffon abridged
History 0/birds
Piiill ps's history of inland navigation
Hoo ;>er's rational recreations
Hift>ry of France, in 3 vols.
Curi'-Hties of literature, 3 vols.
Whitaker's defence of queen Mary
Sheridan's dictionary, 2 vols.
Daw's history of Hiiuloftan
Sketches of the Hindoos
Key to oolite literature.
Imlny's description of Kentucky
Pi efent "date o. Nova-Scoria
Preient ltate t>f Hudson's Bay '
Preftoii on masonry
Lavater on phvfiu ,nomy, abridged
Zimmerman's survey
Mur,>!iy's lile of Dr. Johnson
Necker on executive power
vi.fais of Secui dus
Gallery of portraits
volney's ruins of empires
Vaillaint's trav«ls, with luperb engravings
D<>wnmart's infancy
Adair's history of American Indians
Benin rfou on mater ialifin and ininia'erialifni
Be -child's advice to patriotic travelk?rf
Bu'lder's magazine
Complete farmer
Chandan's hfe of Voltaic©
D • N 1 i's travels
Franklin's life and works
Grazier') description of China
Murphy's tr an flat on of Tacitus
Godwin on pol ticaljuftice
.Gazetteer of France, 3 vols.
Helverius on man
K.iimes's (ketches of the history ol man
Liberal opinion?, or the history of Benignus
Vlawe's gardener's dictionary
Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family
Playhouse d»<stionary
Reveries of solitude
Smith's theory of moral sentiments
Stackhoufe's history of the bible
Watfoi's ljfe of Philip-1 Id. & lild.
Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols.
"Wanley's wonders of the little world, called
kVa i a on tlie prevention of diseases
Via )-e'»j »ur- il in France
pax's travelsinto Denmark,Ruflia,Poland,&rc
Cox's (ravels into Switzerland
Rabant's bffltory of rhe French revolution
Life of Lord Chatham
Ma let's northern antiquities
jVI itderby's medical dictionary v
Grog's advice to females
Hamilton's outlines of the pr4ltice of mid
Manning's pra&ice of phytic
Clegboru's diseases of Minorca
Innes on the mufcies
Pott's works
Fourcroy's chemistry
A on dileafes of children
Qnincy's d fpenfatory
A: _ I I- -I: /■- .
;tli Mjv.
Edinburgh dispensatory
Lewis's dispensatory
Ryan oil the aftlima
Robertfon's treatise on fevers
Lee's botany,
Leake on the viscera
Leake on diseases of women
Nicholfon's chemistry
Gardiner on the animal economy
Lewis's Materia Metfica
Fordyce on digestion
Withering on the fox glove
Lind oil the difeales of heat
Monro on diseases of armies
Halter's pbyfiology
Spalanzane's dilTertations
London practice of physic
Bell's Airgery
Chautal's chemistry.
Just Imported,
la the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from
St. Ptterlhurg in Ruffe,
And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz
March 4,1794,
v.r ' )
V" *
•> V
;>■ . . j
OR SALfc t,
fobti Domtaldfon,
No. 22, Waluut-ftreet.
And entered up«o the fir ft o May,
The noted EJlate, called
JobnJon Hall:
Lynw id the Ivioha wk country, state oF New
foik, formerly the (eat ol Sir William John
un, containing about seven hundred acres f>i
and, which is ot the very best quality ; togc
hcr with the stock, and terming utensils. The
are large and convenient, and fit for
gentleman's feat. The payments will be made
tafy, on good (ccurity. Forfuither particulars
uquire of George Metcalf, Esq. on the prcmif
of Silas Talbot, Esq. at Philadelphia, of
Samuel and Brothers, in New York, or
of the lublcnber in Providence.
Jabez Bo wen.
Philad. March 2j6, mw&fim
11 Je Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
IT is with pieafure thai the publilher has to
inform his fubfcribersand the public in gene
ral, that the plate >s now under the bands of
the engraver, and in greater forwardnefs than
was at fuft contemplated At the fame time
lie begs leave to r mind them, that fubferip
tion papers areftill open at most of the noted
book-stores in the city * and that he hopes
fcoin the whole of them to,be enabled t;o so m
luch a relpeftable catalogue cf, as will
do a credit to the work, as well as afford a
re tfonab'e encouragement to the under' ker.
* Thole who a edelirousof further info ina
tiJU are requeued to call on
Benjamin Davies
No. 68 y Market llreet.
Ap>i' 14. m&tn.tF
In the House of Representatives,
December 21 ft s 1793.
WHLREAS the Lomm.flioncrs of pu.ottc
Accounts, have reported, that they can
not vroceed to the in -cfligation of the'Treafury
A counts, rei'pe&ing special Indents, without
kriowiiigahe ouiftanding amount thereof inx:ii-
CuUtion -.—Therefore,
Refolded, That all holder* of special Indents
be dtrefcVd, and required, on or before ihc firfl
day of November next, to deliver the special In
dents in their 'pofTef&on to one or other of t!ie
Commiffi >ners ol the Tr< afuty, who are to give
receiots for the fame, and to report to (he Com
imlTi > on public accounts, on or before the
tenth day of November next, the amount by
the w relpe&rvely rtceived, and ajfo to the Le
g nature, at their meeting in November next,
md thai.afpecial Indents not rendered into
the Treasury r aiiaye,.Qn or before the fitll day .
o* November next, faall behind theTajrte are
he 1 by barred.
Stfolvtd, That public notice of this refol ition
be given .n the k-Veial Gazettes in thi-s State,
once every three weeks, un il the fir ft day of
November next. And 'hat the DelefjStes of this
State in the Congress of t he United be re
queued to ca«fe thjs rcfolution to be. publrfhed
in one or moie papers in the cities of PhiladeK
phi a and New-York, and that provision will be
made lor the expences attending such publica
Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the
•Seudte for their concirrenre.
By order of the House,
■ In the SENATE*,
December 2 rft , 1793.
I Rtfolved, That this, House do concur wnh the
I Houle of Representatives in the foregoing refo-
I luhon<.
Ordered, That tfee resolutions be sent to the
Hoafe of Representatives.
'>*■ : -V
v I
by Order. of ihe Senate,
, » -
Lately Published.
Thomas Dobfon,
No. 41, South Second-Street:
THli Hiitory of Nrw-Hamplhirr, from ihe
Dtfcovery of the River Pifcataqua—by 7 t
r*i<A to/knap, D. D. 3 Vol.. Price in Boards
4 I 1 Dollars.
The Forrcftcr, an American Fable, being a
Sequel to the History of John Bull the Cioihier.
Pice, 75 Cents.
A Dilcourfe, intended to commemorate the
Discovery ot America by Chiiftophcr Colum
bus ; delivered at the request of the Hiltorical
society 111 MaiTaehufetts, Oflober 23d, i 7q2
being the couplet on of the Thud Cemoiy'
(nice that memorable event. To which are
r d i dc i' F " Ur comiefltd with the
lubjtfl— By the fame author. Puce, 50 Cmis
' M,rch '?• t'u.flgMw
St. Domingo Sufferers.
THOSE perfous who undertook to collect
the sub cription made for the relief of the a.
bove unto tunate persons, are reqirelted to
complete! their returns, where thev have, not
aheadydoae it, and to deliver the fame with
they ma, b»M, in to the funds of
tile I rcofurer, who w.ll re. eve. any fabferip
tion which remains uncollected, or any f.efh
donation. It is hoped instant attention WiS
bepaid to tjm notice, to enable the commit
tee of difti, but, on to close tbeir accounts and
gmofiirther relief to a „uml>e, of thole per.
Z,*s£ZT 8 he,e - r — »
By order of the committee of diftribntion,
Robert Smith, Treasurer.
P. s. It is requeued the diflkrent P,inters
; will lar a few <l»vs, publWk th* above.
Well picked, out of a very large quauutv—•
Tierces of Rice,
/ »
Louis Ofmorttp
No, 117, north Seeoad street.
April 17. dtf
To be Let,
For Merchants Compting Houses or Public
Two brick 3 story Houses,
H AVING 6 100 ms m C4ch, with fact places
betide garrers, iituaie on the fouih wtllerJy fide
ot Dock ttrcet, between Pear and Walnut
ftre'eu. JEnquiieof
April 1 7
Treasury Department.
Revalue Office, April lbth, 1754. '
Communications by pest or
otherwise. will b rcCeiveci by v-av of i n j or
marion ai the Office oi the CominiflJ oner of
the Revenue fiom per funs .willing t Q supply ;l on
Cannon, Cannon galj, and Shells, f or ift e for
nficaiions and Snips of War. The „f
the metal for cannon, and ihe capaci-l of ifi C
founders in fineltjiig, in pit-paring an g , nix C
mg the metal, aud 11, c-iftlna a ur i bonm, tfic
cannon (which a,e to be c„(t JUidi)) will , c .
.quire to be par .iculaily stated.
Similar c mmunUati »ns will also be retir
ed ftQin any per funs willing, to kippiy |, V J
oak and red ce.iar limber for the conftrtift on
of ihe Ihipsff" war. D Herent p| ans D |
curing and supplying the fame may be propos
ed. The con v. i.k ice of the fi:ua ion i n re
ga.d to navigation, and the (late of the timber
whether already fallen or hereafter 10 be cut
will require to be noticed.
All the necefiary particulars in reg»cd to •
the.feveral^r;iCi's which are wanted, will be
fpecified ir. c< nti atftsjimr-nded to be grounded
in part on the infornu tion. which is hereby#
April ij.
Louis Ofmont,
Has removed from N.'. 40, north Thud fttcci,
to No. 117, r onh Second street, l»tiwec«
Arch and Htci streets, in those ftorrt latrly
occupied by Mr. Starman, oppeft c 10 Mcfi'rs
J. W. and \V. w her he keeps his
Wholesale W rcheufe, lo> the 'ale-cf ail
(oris ot GOODS» v and the tranfatiion of all
commifiio.. Bufim f*. and
Has_ now far 5a!.", m
White silk stockings,
High dir-IT-d Jkngiiih fafhion
A box of Fiench pomatum
Hanging Paper oi'the bv.ll patterns and co- 1
A few pieces ofLong Ljwds
An invoice of Saimi Cloaks, which on ac
count of the feafou wij) be fold low and at a
long rfdit
Champaign Wmr 6 years old
A few pipes Liib >n Wine
Do. do. P »rt Wme
Do. do. Madeira
Some Calcavrlla Wine
Burgundy \ylnc aud Claret.
ApnJ 17.
fcr THE fchnooer DELIGHT, the pro
peitywf Minn 1 Antonio Martin, of the- If
la id of Bona Vilta, was on the 18th of Oc
tober laft.wJiift IvUijj at anchor in the ;ond o#
thai I/land, fi»icibiv entered and carrier! <ff
man by the name of DODGE, and one othtr
person, name unknown—This vcll'ei was fold
to M. A. Martin, bv William M'Neill,- »bo
came to B<ma Villa in her, from Madeira.—
She was built in the countv of Matthews,
ft.ue of Vifgi iia, and was regtftered at New-
York, the 16th April, 1793 —Her name was
p in ed on her Hern—Her dimerfnn- a fnl
lows: $6 feet 6 inches keel, 46 feet 6 1 icl es
bean, hold 6 feet a inches, her burthen 54
At the time of iheir entering tie vefiel,
there was a black man 011 board by ihe name
of Balthazer, whom, they carried oft with thrm.
•John Dunham was mate of the vefll-I under
Capt. M'Nei-11, prior to the sale of her, and
tie other persons were Dunham
is a married man, and fias a family at Nan
The cargo of the veiTc] canftfted of the fol
-1 jwing arucles.—2 cafe's containing 74 pieces
Linen; cafe Wi, ,e-GlafTe< ; 1 bale com Siting
g pieces liroadcjoth ; 1 do. 9 d». 79 pieces
Cotton, (needie worked) 1 -—33 do. do inferior,
2 nr>ys of Sak • (he had seven final! arias and
lb me piifcols.
it any peifwii can give any iihtoigns-tjon of
thu veflel, or any part of that
i< e?n be recovered, or
°4 julite, they are rcqfcfled to iof.-rm'McttVs.
JOSEITI ANT HOOT and §. IMj « Phi!ad?'phia ;
Mur-h ay aiid«TuM*o*D, Niw.'Y rrk ; Cl./rifK
a'jd fJio.HTi NGALt, Providence ; or Hiau
*nd A mok-y, Boston.
Mar oil 17,
Printed by JOHN FENNO, No 3,
South Fourtk-Street.
t"t &S2W.