Ik, ♦ Tift Pm>fits «riftw/nr» publi cation tfr« for tlfe benefit of the Paqr• - *' J'ift pabilihed, printed by R. Aitkc-n and Sou, and Ibid by ). Cryifiiaok, W. Young T. Dobfoii) ajid the other Booksellers, MINUTE S OF THE I Preeeedings of the Committee, Appointed on the 14th September 1 by the (Citizens of Philadelphia, tlie Nurtiipru liberties, andthe piftrift of Southward* to attend to jind alleviate the fiisefi;>£s of Jhe afHi&ed with ttie Maligoant Fever,pre valent, in the Citv and its vicinity. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING A lift of per flirts adm tted into the Hospi tal at Bufli-hill, (hewing the times of their aJmiilion, death difehar-ge. Number of Houfcs, Dsaths, &p. in the i-eifMpdive streets, alleys, courts in the c.ty ol Philadelphia, Northern Liberties, and D*.ftricl of 'South\yark. A lift of the Intements in the Burial grounds in the city of Philadelphia, Northern Liberties, aHd piftrift ps Southward, with a meteorological account of (he weatbfr. A (ummary of donations in caih and provi sions, received from fun ry perfojis and pla ces, for the uf»of the poor and affii&ed. April 2. d^w scheme of a Lottery, To rci'ife 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, deducting 15 per Cent, from th? Prizes—tins, Lottery confijls of , 38,000 Tickets, in , ,<, * • «*ooo rtM* — >->> '4'" ' • 3 00 <* Bte» 12 10 .44>539. W"i. 862,000 Blanks* First drawn number, % x ooo Laitdrawn number, 9,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars cacb is 266,000 The drawing will commence, under the in fpe&i >n of a Committee of the Superintendents, to loon as the Tickets are fold,of vyhyjh timely notice wiW be given. • The Superintendants have appointed John N Vummiqg, of Newark, Jacob R. Hardenberg, of and Jonathan Rhea. o( Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample security for discharging the trull reposed in »herT^. n order 10 secure the punctual payment «f the Prues, the Superintendants of the Lottery have d,re£led that the Manager, (hall each enter into oonds in 4 c,000 dnllars, with four fufficient securities, to perform their iulliu&ions, the Tub fiance of which is r. That whenever either of the Managers i. n r ,Ve ' kc { * m 01 Th,ce Httndrfd Botlarj, he mall 1 nundlately place the faine in o«fl oH (he Banks of Nevv-Yprk or Philadelphia, to the eiedu ol the Governor of the Society, and such ot the Superin.endants as Ifve in the city vtwte (tie monies are placed.tß there until t^ie ,', cr L" drawn > fpt >b* payment of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficient fepyrity for any Tickets they may trull, otherwise lo be ♦elponnble fpr them. 111. To keep regular books of Ticfcets fol State of New-J»r(ey. 15- State df Fenufylvania. t 6. State of Qaliwufq, *7. Statfi ps IVJarylwi 18. State of Virginia, 19' State of Kentucky. 23. State of Newth-Caro&Kj. ?.'• Tennessee Govtrnmeijt. 22. State of Soutt*-Qnrolin^ r v 23. Stata of Georgia, TERMS. 1. This work will be ceraprifed in two' vo lumes. 2. S.itWccibors fay for th» prefant v«kma w delivery, fix dollars, and the price of bind ing, cents for boards.) 3. They may receive the ftjcreeding volume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quar ter deUar each, »r elfc, when finilhed, at tfjft price as the 4. The (übfcnption will be raised on thefirft day of June 1794, t.O fourteen doltars, ex clusive of binding. J. Should anx copies remain for sale after the completion of the work, they will be foM at fi*te»B dollara, a»d tin price of binding. 6. The names Ojf the fubfcrihers will be pub lished as patrons of American literature, arts t and fcienc«s. It is wholly unneceflary to expatiate on the advantage,to Amvicnn readers, th»t thisedi tion polft(Tes l over every imported edition of any system ofQeography ax tint. Th« addit tM»»of owfwoftfc fe-waj ftata , procured a. a very great expcnfe, and from the best ma terials that are attaiuable, speaks such full cortviftion on this fubjedt, that it would be difVefyeft to the reader's understanding to ; suppose it retfuifita to enter into a deta.il of arguments to prove its. fuperior'Hy. |n no finiilar work have such maps baeneyer intro dticed. The emendations and additions which are made in this work,are innumerable,and occbj in every page. The public ast referred to the preface for a flight (ketch of a few of thein. ~l i . The publilher fakes the present oppo: tu jiity of rptiwuiug his xnoft sincere thinks to fhofe refp stable charaiS-ers who hive favored hhn with documents for improving the ma'ps of fe vera! of the ftatcs. He requests a conti nuance of their kindness; and hopes that such public I'pirited citizens, as are poHelled of fi in lar documents, wjll favor hiji) with their »ffiftance in perfecting his undertaking. The extrnordinary encouragement with which he has been favored, has excited |n his bread the warjneft sentiments of grati tude—sentiments which time will not efface, fie pledges himfelf to the citizens of the United States, to spare neither pains nor ex penfe to render the present edition ofGnthrie's Geography improved, deserving of their pa tronage. waftf jnfeK _ .cs, to iWI neither pains ««*.. kenfe to reader the present edition of Guthrie' Geography improved, deferring of their pa tronage, ivaftf FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, A Ground Plan OF THE City Philadelphia, AND ITS ENVIRONS: Taken from actual survey, by A. P. Folie, Geographer, from St. Domingo. THIS P.an will be engraved on a plate 26 inches Iqujic j and ic will contain an ex ocl defcripiioi) of all the iquares, streets and alleys in the City atitjl Liberties. The fttuation of ihr fevers! public buildings, such as the Staie- Hoi) e, City-Hall, Scat ut Cojjgrefs, Churches, Hospital, Lib'raiy and Scmina rics of Learning—of the several Banks, and ot the Federal and State Offices, will be ascertained. The parti which ait built on will be distinguish ed From those that are not. Thecourfcs ot the rivulets between Delaware and Schuylkill, and as much the Canal, intended to conned -the navigation of iticfe two waters, as lies within the compass of the draught, will be accurately delineated. It will also be ornamented by a view of the (hipping in the harbor, and an ele vation of Congress-Hall, and of the other public buildings that occupy the giound contiguous. In Ihon, nothing will be omitted to render this ufeful and desirable work acceptable to an en lightened public, that is in [he author's power : and it (hall be compleated with the greatest polfible dilpatch, as fopu as the generous encou ragement of fubfcrtbtis (hall insure to the author such a sum as will be fufficicnt 10 defray cx pences. A Pamphlet will be delivered with each Plan, which will contain , n alphabetical lift of the Subfcribcrs names, and information con cerning the police, population and present state of the city. The price to fubferibeu will be Two Dollars and one third, t<*be paid at the time of deliver ing the Plans. Subscriptions will be gratelully received at he principal BooJifcHers iu this qitv—and the jngmal Draft may be seen at B. Davits', No. 68, Maiket-ftreet, at any time until it 111 all 3e put into the hauds of the Engraver. Feb m&thif JUST PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE BY VI. Carey,No. 1 18,Higb-Jirzet, The PROMPTER; Iqmmbntart on Common Savings and. Subjects, which are full of Common Sense, the bejl sense in the •world. rHIS little book is written in a stile altogether novel, and is adapted to all capacities, as veil alio all ctalTes of people, merchants, tne hanics and farmers. Such a reputation has this iork acquired, thai it has patted thro ihrce im reflions in the eastern ftatej, and many houle olders deem u f® ufelul as topurckafe a copy Jr every adult in their families Price as February 4. , *»* Calli paid for Salcin, Providence, and Ponf.nouih BILLS m. V £\ if ***■ «*■ NtUa&Miir or W 4 W. &*&■ * no*— > JMK'»4, ityg.fr Jufl Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Peterlburg in Russia, And now landing a» South-flrert Wharf, viz TTEMP, «i, viz. n BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN'? DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. ANH FOR SALE BY March 4,1794. ?/' ? • «.v *' k* .?* <.. * mw&frf John Donnaldfoii, No. j», WaTniit-ftreet. diw.itawtf 2 ¥ . •! 1 The Public are cautioned to ,C beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills e f Jhe Bank of the United States, and Tquentj . Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America, „ several of which have appeared in circulation d within a few days pafl; they are a good ge ■s neral imitation of the genuine Bills, but may be diflinguifhed by the fallowing i. MARKS. Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the United States. h ALL that have appeared bavs the letter F. j for their Alphabetical Mark. The Texture of the Paper is thicker and whiter and it takes the ink more freely than " the gunuine paper. The O. in the word Company is smaller than the M. and other letters of that word, so that a line extended from the top of the O, to touch the top of the M would extend con fideiably above the range of the whole word. In the word United the letters are narrow erand closer together than the reft of the bill The i and fin the word promise are o.ot parallel, theyinclining much more forward than the i. The engraving is badly executed,the ftr okei of all the Letters are stronger and the devi e in the margin particularly ismtich co»i(»r n»d appears darker than in the true bills. Some of the counterfeits bear date in l 791 —U'here- • as the Bank was not in operation till Oeceni ber, and no five dollar bills were issued in that year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America. ALL that have appeared have the letter B. for their alphabetical mark. They are primed on a paper nearly similar to that of the couuterfeit Five Dollar Notes above (fcferibed ; the engraving is bettei exe cuted, and they approach nearer to the ap pearance of the genuine bills. The line ruled lines through the word 7nr»- ty) in the body of* the bill, are in number thir teen in the genuine Ulls, and but twelve in the counterfeits. The word Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar B lis as defer ibed a bove, the. 0 being less than them, and others following. There is no stroke to the t in the word Aforth. whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well defined. The letters ent in the word Twenty, to the left hand at the bottom, do not come down ta the line, but are so cut as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the Tw and go ing below th^rn. The Signature J. Nixon, has the appear ance of being written with lamp black and oil, and differs f»oin the other inks used in, printing the bills and the c-alhicr's denature. It is fqppofecj these forgeries were committed in fomc ot the Southern States, as all the coun terfeits that have appeared, have come .from thence, and two peifoiis have been appiehend cd npVxfghr.u,TStf fJ fpfcTol» oTf>eTfr£ iKc iiTlftorti of them. The reward «f ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS will be paid to any Person or >Perfc.n< ih-all discover and prosecute to conviction the ieveral offenders of the. iqllowing deienpb os or any of them, viz. The peifon or pcrfons, who nunu > e Hat W oi John Hull the C«Mfew Free, 75 Cents. A Dutourfe, intended to commemorate the Discovery ot America by Chrilt'opher CoWtn bus; delivered »t the request of the Hidorical oocieiy in MafTachufetts, October god, , 7Qa the completion of the Thud "nee that memorable event. To which are added, Four Piifertatiom, connected wilh ih* fubjeil— By the fame author. Price, c 0 Cents March ty. ""hiijw, ' For Sale by the Subscribers MUSCOVADO Sugar in hhds.&bbsL Hyson and Souchong Teas. Sherry Wines, of superior quality, is pipes and quarter calks. Spaljifh Indigo. Boston Beef, in barrels. And a small invoice of Muslins. NALBRO' & JOHN FRAZIER, No, 164, SoutJi Pfont-ftreet. Marchß - i'mwA-n- AN APPRENTICE Printing Buf,nefs ' Enquire « this PH.ll/WZLPH~I A : Priktco by JOHN FENNQ, Na 4, J»outh Fourth-Street, ' 1