Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, March 12, 1794, Image 4

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    Philadelphia, March 1, 1794-
No. 118, Market Jirctt,
Modern Geography i
Geographical, Hiflortcal, ana
Commercial Grammar;
Ami p«-efent of the several
I. Tlv* motions, and distances of
the planets, according to the Newtonian fyf-
Min and the latest observations.
2. A general view of the earth, confide red
as a planet; with several ufeful geographical
definitions and problems.
3 The grand divisions of the globe into
land and water, continents and islands.
4- l*he situation and extent of empires,
kingdontsj states, provinces and colonies.
5 Their climates, air, foil, vegetables,
productions, metals, minerals, natural curi
fefitiesj seas, rivers, bays, capes, promontories,
aud lakes.
6. The birds and beads peculiar to each
7. Observations on the changes that have
been any where observed upon the face of na
ture since the most earjy periods of history.
8. The history and origin of nations; their
forms of government, religion, Jaws, reve
nue-*; tnxes, naval and military strength.
9 The genius, manners, customs, and ha
bits of the people.
ID. Their language,learning,arts,fciences,
manufactures, and commerce.
11. The chief cities, ftruftures, ruins, and
artificial cttriofities.
12. The longitude, latitude, beT-in**, and
distances of principal places from 1 hilade'phia.
To which are added.
1. A Geographical Index, with the names
4nd places alphabetically arranged.
2. A Table of the Coins of all nations, artd
their value in dollars and cents.
3. A Chronological Table of remarkable
•vents, from the creation to the present time.
The Agronomical Pa it corrected by
Dr. Rittenhouse.
To which have been added,
The late Discoveries of Dr. HerschelL,
and other eminent Astronomers.
Corrected, Imp oved, and greatly Enlarged
The firft volume Contains twenty-one Maps
and Charts, besides two Astronomical Plates,
1. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the world,
3. Europe. 4- Alia. 5. Africa. 6. South
America. 7. Cook's discoveries. 8. Coun
trie* round the-north Pole. 9. Sweden, Den-
maik. and Norway, id. Seven United Pro-*
vlnces. 11 Auft< ian, French and Dutch Ne
' tl>erlands. 12. Germany. 13 Seat of war
in France. 14. France divided intodepait
ments. »5- Switzerland. 16. Italy, Sicily,
and Sardinia. ij- Spain and Portugal.
18. Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19 Ire
land. 20 Weft-Indies. I\. Vermont. 22. Ar
millary sphere: 23. Copernican system.
With the second volume, which is now in
the prc-fs, will be givefi the following Maps :
Ruifia in Europe and Asia.
2. Scotland.
3. England and Wales.
4. Poland.
(y. Hindoftan. v
•j. United State*.
g. Bntifh America.
q. S ate of New-Hampshire.
,o. State of MaHTachufetts.
ji. State of Connecticut.
,2. State of Rhode Island.
j3. State of New-York.
,4. State of New-JeiTey.
15. State'of Pennsylvania.
16. State of Delaware.
17. State of Maryland.
18. State of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky.
20. State of North-Carolina.
21. Tenheflee Government.
la. State of South-Carolina. -
23. State of Georgia.
Y, This work will be comprised in two vo
2. Subscribers pay for the present volume on
delivery, fix. dollars, and the price of bind
ing, (56 e'ents for boards.)
3. They may receive the succeeding volume
in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quar
ter dollar each, or else, when finilhed, at
the fame price as the firft.
4. The fubfeription wiil be raised on the firft
day of June i 794» to fourteen dollars, ex
clusive of binding.
5. Should any copies remain for sale after the
completion of the work, they will be fold at
sixteen dollars, and the price of binding.
6. The names of the fubferibers will be pub-
Jiftred as patrons of American literature,
arts, and sciences.
It is wholly unneceflfary to expatiate on the
advantage,to American this edi
tion poflefTes, over every imported edition of
any fyftrftrt of Geog aphy extant. The addi
tion of maps of the several state , procured at
a very great expense, and from the best ma
terials that are attainable, fpcaks such fall
convi&ion on this fubjeft, that it would be
difrefpe<st to the reader's understanding to
Ibppofe it requifire to enter into a detail of
arguments to prove <ts superiority. In no
funilar work have such maps been ever intro
The emendations and additions which are
made in this work,are innumerable,arfd occur
in every page. The public are referred to
the preface for a flight (ketch of a few of
The publiftier takes the prefect oppoi tu
nity of returning his molt sincere thanks to
those refpc&able characters who have favored
him with documents for improving the maps
of several of the ltatcs. He requests a conti
nuance of their kindness; and hopes that such
public spirited citizens, as are poflelfcd of si
milar documents, will favor him with their
assistance in perfecting his undertaking.
The extraordinary encouragement with
which «he has been favoredj has excited
in his bread the warmed Pen tiuients of grati
tude—sentiments which time will not efface.
He pledges himfelf to the citizens of the
United States, to spare neither pains nor ex
pente to r ender the pr< Pent edition ofGuihrie's
Gertgraphy improved, deserving of their pa
tronage. waff
Back of the New L brary, between Chefnut
and Walnut-Streets.
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public in general, that he continues
c trying on the business of
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or window-(hutfers,don4 in tnc moll
elega-it manner, and with dispatch.
Orders from the Country will be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December 30, dtf
M.Carey, No. 11 S,Higb-/lreet )
Commentary on Common Sitings and
Subjects, -which are full of Common
Sense, the lejl fetife in the world.
THIS little book is wntien in a stile altogether
novel, and is adapted to all capacities, as
well as to all claflTrs of people, merchant, me
chanics and farmers. Such a reputation has this
wo>k acquired, that it hat paded thio three im
pnflions in the eastern states, and many houie
holders deem it so ufelul as to purchase a copy
for every adtllt in theit families.- Pr ice 2s.
Fehruarv 4.. dtl
War Department.
January 30th 1794*
INFORMATION is hereby given t«. il the
military invalids of the United States,that the
sums to which they are entitled fdr fix months
of their annual penlion, from the fourth day ol
September 1793, and which will become due
on the sth day of March 1794, will be paid on
the said day by the Commissioners of the Loans
Within the states relpe&ively, under the usual re
Applications of executors and administrators
mull be accompanied with legal evidence of
their refpc&ive offices, and also of the time the
invalids died, whose pen ft on thev may clann.
By command of ihe Prrfidtnt
of the United S»a'p.*,
Sect clary oj War.
The printer! in the relpe&ive Gale# are
requested to publish the above in iheirnewfpa
pcrs lor the space of two months.
January 30,
Parry and Mufgrave,
Goldsmiths Es° jewellers,
No. 42,
jin elegant jHTortment of
Wiich they will dif poie of on the inoft rea
sonable terms. Devices in hair, M matures
lett, and c'irery thing in the gold and silver
way, done as usual,
December 24,
LE habitans infortunls de la Colonie Franfaife
dc St. Domingue qui dans i'mrend e du
Cap font venus chcrcher un aftle dans les Ecats
Unit font informcs que la Rcpublique leur ac
cordt un paflage pour Fiance. Its font invi'es
en consequence a fc prcfrtiler a cct effet d'ici a
hu't jours chcz les Consuls ic agens de la Re
publique dans les difFennts Potts des Etats Urns.
A Phi lad il phi e, le 10 Ventos— I'an 2d de
la Republiqut une Sc indivisible.
(28 Fevrier, 1794. vieux Jliie)
Le Miniftre Piempotentiare de la Rcpublique
The editors of new/papers in the United States are
requcjlcd toiinse t tk- above notice in their paper. 8
One Hundred Dollars,
IS hereby offered by the Prefidem and Direc
tors of the Bank of the United Stares, to any
person who (hall, on or before the firft day of
May next, produce to them such a plan and e!e
vaiion of a Banking House, as (hall be approved
of by them.—A plain, yet handsome front is
dcfired : The whole building is to be substantial
and commodious with as much space around it,
at th<! (ire of the ground will admit.
The Lot on which the building is to be ere£U
ed, is fiiuated on the weft fid-of Third-street,
between Chefnut and Walnut-streets in Phila
delphia ; and its dimension'- are no feet en
Third-ftrerr, and about 100 fret westward.
, - , JuJt Imported,
From London,' Dublin, ahd Glasgow,
A»ul now opening for Tale,
No. 118, Marlct-Jlrcct,
A Lnrge ;ir d Valuable
Among which are the following
NEW Annual llegilter for 1792
European Magazine for the firft fix
months of 1793
Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Memoirs of the Manchester lociety, 3 vois>
Priestly on matter and spirit
on chrifttanity
Disney's life of I)r. Jortin
Kingville's ancient geography
D'Anoirs of Guy Joli
Memty,a colle&ion of e flays
Varieof works
Calm obferver->—by Mackintosh
Ruflell's ancient and modern Europe
Langhorne's Plutarch
Elegant superbly gilt
Elegant extracts of natural hiftor}
Saugnier and Briflon's voyage
Rochon's voyage to Madagascar
Townfend's travels in Spain
Taflo's Jerusalem delivered
Sinellie's translation of Buffon
Berwick's history of quadrupeds
Buffon abridged
History of birds
Philips';? history of inland navigatio®
Hooper's rational recreations
History of France, in 3 vols.
Curiosities of literature, 3 vols.
NVhitaker's defence of queen Mary
Sheridan's di&ionary, 2 vols,
Dow's history of Hindoftan
Sketches of the Hindoos
Key to polite literature.
Imlay's description of Kentucky
Present state of Nova-Scotia
Present state of Hudfori's Bay
Preston on masonry
Lavater on abridged
Zimmerman's survey
Murphy's life of Dr. Johnson
Necker on executive power
Kifies of Secundus
Gallery of portraits
Volney's mins of empires
Vaillaint's travels, with superb engraving!
Downman's infancy
Adair's history of American Indians
Behington on materia'.ifm and immaterialifm
Berchold'«; advice to patriotic traveller#
Builder's magazine
Complete farmer
ChaodonN life of Voltaire
De Kofi's travels
Franklin's life and works
G ozier's description ot China
Vlui Dhy's translation of Tacitus
Godvrin on po! tical justice
Gazetteer of France, 3 vols.
Helvetius on man
ICaimes's (ketches of the history of mnn
Liberal opinion*, or the hift«ry oFßenignut
Mawe's gardener's dictionary
Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family
Plavhoufe dictionary
Reveries of solitude
Smith's theory of moral sentiments
Stackhoule's hifto» y of the bible
Watfon*s life of Philip lid. Hid.
Wonders of nature ancl art, 6 vols.
Wan ley's wonders bf the little world, called
d 2m
ma ft
Walli# on the prevention of diseases
Moore's journal in France
Cox's travels into Denmark,Rnflla,Poland,See.
Cox's travels into Switzerland
Rabant's history of* the French revolution
Life of Lord Chatham
Mallet's northern antiquities
Motherby's medical dictionary
Grigj*'s advicfc to females
Hamilton's outlines of the pra&ice of mid-
Manning's pra&ice of physic
Cleghorn'f. diseases of Minorca
Innes on the '
Pott's works
Fourcroy's chemistry
Armstrong on diseases of children
Qnincy's d fpenfatory
Edinburgh dispensatory
Lewis's dispensatory
Ryan on the asthma
Robertfon's treatise on fevcn
Lee's botany,
Leake on the viscera
Leake on diseases of women
Nrcholfon's chemistry
Gardiner on the animal economy
Lewis's Materia Medica
Fordyce on digestion
Withering on the To* glove
Lind on the diseases of heat
Monro on diseases of arfnies
Haller's phyfi'ologv
Spalanzane's dfflertmtions
London pra<sVice of phyfrc
Bell's forgery
Chaptal's chemistry.
An EfTay on Slavery:
Dtfigned 10 exhibit in a new point of view,
its effras on mota/j t indvjlry, and ihe peace of
ocitty. Sonte ta£U and calculations an- ottered
ro prove the labor ofJreemen to be much mote
produdive than that ot Jflaves ; that counirirs are
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion a; the
laboring people er»ioy the fruit* of their own
labor ; and hence the nr£k(City concluGon, that
slavery is impolitic as well as unjvjl.
Pk ic* Cents.
February 15.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
chc public, That from the encouragement
he has received, ffrom several tefpcdfcablc Gentle
men, he is induced ohce more, to embark in the
PAPER LlNE—and would offer his feivices to
all those Gentlemen, who can place ennfidene*
in him ; and ht allures those who employ him,
fhat thrir confidence (V)a 11 not he milplaced;—
but it shall be his tonftant endeavor, to pay thle
ftnflelt attention to kheir best interest, in all ne
gociations whateVefr. He has taken the Chamber,
in State-Street, over Mr. David Ivtonfend, Watch
Make.'s Shop. Where PUBLIC SECURI
TIES, of all kinds, are bought and fold} and
where Commiflion Bulinefs of all kinds, will be
tranfafted on leafonable terms. HOUSES and
VESSELS will be conftamly exposed lor Lie, on
%• Calh paid for Salem, Providence, and
Portsmouth BILLS.
N. B. If any Gentleman in Philadelphia, o r
New-York, has any Bu/tne/i to tranjafl at Boflon*
in Paper Ncgociaiions, he will be happy to be em
ployed on commiflion.
Bolion, Jan. 24, 1794.
Fifty Dollars Reward.
ON the 31ft of lafl! month, the fubferib r ad
drtfL'd a letter to Miffrs. Thomas Pearjalt
S3 merchants in New-York, and inclokd
therein a bank note, No. 445, for twenty dol
lars ; one ditto, No. 151, lor thirty dollars ;
and one ditto, No. 3,866, for twenty dollars.
—He also addrcfled a letter to Mr. Gilbert
Sgltonflall, merchant in New-Yoikf inclofinga
bank bill, No. 148, for fifty dollars, indoifed
on the back thereof in 1 heft words— 44 Pa) the
within to Mr. Gilbert Hunting*
tin.''—He also addreflVd a letter to Mcffis. White
& Warde/l, meichants in New-Yoik, and inclo
sed a bank bill sot ten dollars, and a draft in fa
vor of said White & tVarde/l, which Utters were
put in the Poll-Office on said 31ft January, to
be forwarded to New-Yoik : But by letters re
ceived from the Gentlem«nto whom they were
severally addrefod, the money was robbed
from each letter before delivery.
The Public are requested to endeavor a dej
teftion of the V Mains who commiued the above
robbery. The bill indovfed, I think was a York
bank bill, and some others, one or more was
of the United Sta'es bank, remitted at Philadel
phia. Any person discovering the Thief, and
returning the Money, shall be entitled to fifty
dollais reward.
Norwich, 14th Feb. 1794. gwjttw
Phi l adi lphi a, F< binary 13, 1794.
To p iuiing b> i>uufcription,
AW ik|io he entitled,
Paitifylvaiiia State Trials.
THE want of (uffit-icnt information of the
state trials of Gteat-Britain in the earls
period* of that government is now lamented :
Hi herto there ha'h been but one trial in the
state of Pennsylvania on impeachment :—and
here also it is to be regretted, that, being negi
Itttid at the time, the public are now leU with
out fufficient intormation on the fubjtft of thaf
'rial, it is howevei in this vOrk defined to res
cue what can be collected thereof from fouicea
of indifputaple autfiority, so that the fame thai!
be pnferved from oblivion.
Another impeachment and the fccond is now
deprndmg. An officer is charged by the late
Honfe of Reprefentnnres, who ha h for many
years been largely cor.ftdrd in by th:s state, and
ha;h long b<cn at the head ot the financial de
partment of the sam , and it imports ih-t citi
zen!, 10 know his coi.oufl, and the circomftanccs
which may be broftght foiward on hu trial.
In this woik the Editor will be cartful to
(late the fatts, as they may be brought forward,
and to lay all the evidence and papers before
the public.—With this viaw—
The following Terms are refpeflfully
Jubmilted to the Public :
I. The Woik ihall be prated in nttavo, with a
good type, on fific p>p;r, and delivered to
fubfenbets at the nfprftive places where the
f-jb'ci iptions. arc taken in,as fooo as the woik
fhail be compleatrd.
11. As no eonjedure can well be made, as to
the lebgth of the prcfi nt trial, the G*e of the
volume cannot be ascertained at this lime
But the pi ice fhail not exreed that of fame of
the la:elj publications in thiacity.
111. It will contain all the preliminaries and in
cidental circumstances thai may occur denng
the trial of John Nitholfon, Efquiie, Comp
troller-General of this commonwealth, with
the arguments of counlel oa boih fidea, together
with the articles of impeachment, and the
pleas and replications at large, the fevaral re
foiutions of the two branches of the state Le
g flature, refpefting this impeachment, and
•he final decifien of the SENATE icfpeiling
that officor.
To which will be prefixed, as much as can be
colle&ed from authentic documents, of the im
peachment, trial, and aequital of the laie Francia
Hopkinfon, Esquire, Judge of the Court of
Adimralltv fbr ihe slate of P nnfylvania, during
the late war, never before pnblifhcd.
No money will be icquired before the deli,
very of the book.
Subscription* will be received by Francia
Bai.'ry, No. 116, High-street • Wrigley and Ber
riruan, No. 149, Chefnut-Ureet, and by the d»f
feient bockkners In this city; Jacob Bailey,
Lone after ; Yundtand Patton, Baltimore, and
by the Editor.
N, B. The pricc will be enhanced 10 non.
Übfcnben. f s b. 18. m&wtf
Printed by JOHN FENNO, No, 3,
South Fourtfe-Streew