JAMES LEACH, Rh SPr CTH'LI Y infoims In* Im-ncs ■'"»! the [Mih't , T;>jj 'torn ■hr < nout c 1; t h« h3B »CiCiv>d, hoir tevrrAi rel|x ttahh (Jmtlc hum. he '> induced uncr more. »o ' >rb«irk sn ih»- PAPhK l.lNE—viid wcmldoil" ln« r. lie I'm* iWkni tW CharhHer, in Siatc-Slrect, over Mi. David f'owrtjeni, Watch Make.'i Shop. Where PUBLIC SI-XL'Rl "t*ihS, ol a!l kind 9, are and fold; and Whfre Coinmiilion Bt'finefs of ill kii-"!«, will he tranfaflcd on iralonahle tTms. 11 OL'Sh*» <;rtd VfcSSKLS will be constantly exposed lor lale, on com million. * # * Cacti paid for Salem, Providence, and Portfmouih UIL! S. N. B. If d''v Gtif'.tm ?n in Philj'dc'pf-i-t. or Ncu-A'oik, Ids u!.\ liu/ihff\ in t>,irl>i,i at Hr.jhn, in Puitrt ' ioo*n, he z*. til be It t; c»i- ployed on conmi/fion. Barton, Jan. 24, 179.4. To be Sold at Public Vendue, On Friday the nthday of April next, at the lioufe of John Tbomfon, in Pei'th- Amboy, The Proprietary House AND LOT OF LAND, IN THAT CITY, THE Lot contains el<;v.u «cus, on which is an oichara of Rafted apple t'ifis, a well of c*cfcll< si» vl-atcr, a largr ft'>ne c. stern, and a very commodious fiable an'd coach-houf<, and a great q.nnniy of thr- b«ft building ftoncs in the wal s of the houif) wiiich was formerly built lor re (fid tiidc of the Governors of N'ew-Jrrfty. The flotation of this Lot is f<» well known tof its liealtbmefs and beautiful profpefl of (he R-iri on river to the weft of the bav, and Sandy-Ho ;k to the east, that a furfher defc.iption isunn c. ffj'ry. Th(f conditions of fair will be, one third of the put chafe mortcy fti he paid on tlir fit ft day of May next, when il goOci and lufficiult Deed will be given to thv puichafer* by Walt** Ru- The Rfu R-D| Eul. Prrfjdent of the Board of PropnMovs ot tne taifern DiviGin of Ncw- Jersey, sod the remaining two rhi-ds fatikfd£lo iily secured m « qua I annual pat mints. B\ order of the iioaul. JAMF.S PARKER, Rcgifler. Perth-Amboy, rWt'uiry 5,1794. 2aw2ni War Department. L January 30th 1794. INFORMATION is. heu -\ given to all the military invalids of the United States,that the funis' to vJhirh ihey aree*ttiiled for fix months of their annua') pention, frofn the fotjnh day of Seoinnbet i ind which w ill become due 011 nc 5 b d•% of 17041 will be paid on the said day by the Cowmtfumitif of rhe Loans wr.bin theftates refpefctivrly, ander the usual re- filiations. A ;»T>licaiions of cxccu ors an>J adminiftraiors mult be »cc6mp*n'fd with evidence of t!u it rcfp< o?ve offi. es, and alio n thry nuy-claim. By com ma no of th Prcfid nt of the United S 9'rs, H. KNOX, Sea clary oj IVar. The*prin'fT* in the ielf> cubiilh (he abjvc *ti their p*rs 'or tt»r spice ot iwo mnn lis. jjiunry 30 JUST PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE" BY M. Carey,No. 11 K^High-Jlreet, The PROMPTER; Comment art on Common Sayings and Subjects, which are full of Common Sense, the lejl sense in the world. r T" , HIS little book is written in a stile altogether JL novel, and is adapted to all capacities, a* well as to ail claflTes ol peopl< , merchant, mc thaui s ?nd■ farmers. Sfcf'h a reputation this work acquired, that it h-s paifrd ih o th'iec im pTeflions in the earteriv Hates, and many houlc holdersdeem it so ufeful as to p'uT chafe a copy lor every adult in theii families. Pk i c k 2s. Fel'tinrv 4. dtt Notice is hereby given, r pHAT the fjib'fcriber lus been duly ap- X painted Ad'miniftratrix on the eftafe of M'.< Excelleury John Hancock, Esq. late bf Bottom, in the county of Suffolk, Jeceafed, and has taken upon hertejf that trust, by giving J bonds"os the law dirc&s—and all persons ir terefttd, are defirtd to take notice accord, i i.igly. DOROTHY HANCOCK Boston, Nov. 13, 1793. Take Noticc. ALL perfotrs who have arty demand* airainft ihe Eftatc of his l.,te Excellency JOHN HANCO'-IK, E f "q. deccnfcd, are requested to exhibit the finite to the Subscriber, Attorney to the Adminiftirntrix of said Elhrte : And all persons who (land indebted to fald Estate, are r--Qiteded to fettle with him immediately; as the A# of Limitation of Actions, which is to take place on the firft ii yof December next, wiJJ otherwise render if ffre/fary for him to com mence suits aga ntt them- JOSEPH MAY, Attorney to the Administratrix. Boston, Nor. 13, 1793. N- B The Prinre-s rhroufjbout this Com monwealth, are reqiirfteri to insert ehi confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE or SHOCKS on COMMISSION, bfgs ledve to of si r his fcrv ices to his friends and others* in the line o( a Stock Broker. Thole who may plcafe to faVor him with thrir hufinefs, may depend upon having it tranfa&cd with the uimoft fide lity and difpaich. Orders f row P 11 3 cf elpli *a | Bo fton j or ony other part of the United States, will he ftriflly auended to. LEONARD BI.EECKER. PHI L AH F L n-i i A . 1- l-mary 13, 1 794. PROPOSALS Foi piiutiitg by Subscription, A W-'»k,io he <• titlee 1 , THE FIRST VOLUME OF Pennsylvania State Trials. THE v\ant of fufficient information of the state trials of Gieai-Bri'ain in the early pi nods of that government is now lamented : Hi Herto there hath been but one trial in the state of Pennsylvania on impediment :—ar.d hcrealfo it is to be regretted, that, being nrg ledied at the time, the public arc now left with out fufftciefit information on the fukjc£t of that trial, it it however in this work drfigned toref cue'what can be colle&cd thereof from fouices of indifputaple authority, f„ ,hat the fame ftiall be preserved from obhvion. Another impeachment ard the second is now depending. An officer is charged by the late Hotifc of Reprcfentat.vcj, who ha'h for many years been largely confided in by this Kite, and hath long b< en at the head of the financial de partment of the fame, arid it imports the citi zens to know his conduß, and the circumstance* which ma\ be brought forward on his trial. In this work the Editor will be cartful to state the fails, as they may be brought forward, and to lay all the evidence and papers before the public.— With this view— The folio-wing Terms are rrfpeflfully fulmitted to the Public : I. The Work ihall be orintcd in .oflavo, with a good type, on fine paper, and delivered to fubferibers at the refpe&ive places where the subscriptions are taken in, as soon as the work fiiall be complrated. IT. As no conje£lure can well be made, as to the length ©f the prtfent trial, the size of the volume cannot be afcertaincd at this time Btrt the {jrice (hall not exceed that of feme of the latest publications in this city. 111. It will contain all the preliminaries and in cidental circiimftanccs that may occur during the trial of John Nicholfon, Efquite, Comp°- troller-GencraJ of this commonwealth, wuh thcarguments ofcounfc! on boih fides, together with the articles of impeachment, and thfr pleas and replications at large, the si veral re solutions of the two branches of the state Lr giflature, refpetfing this impeachment", and the final decision of the SENATE lefpe&ing that officer. To which will be prefixed, as much as can be collc&ed from authentic documents, of the im neachment, tiial. and aequital of «Ke late Francis Hopkinfon. Esquire, Judge of the Court ol Admiralty for the state of Pcnnfvlvariii, during the late war, never before pnbliftied. No money will be required before the deli very of the book. Subscriptions will be received by Francis Bailey, No. 116, High-street; Wriglev and Ber riman, No. 149, Chefnut-tired, and by the dif ferent booklellers in this city; Jacob Bailey, Lancaftcr ; Yundt and PaitonJ Baltimore, and by the Editor. EDMUND HOGAN T . N. B. The price will be enhanced to non (Vbfcnbers. Feb. 18. taw f City Commissioners Office, January 30, 1794. JN pursuance of a Refolvi ot the C'ommflrt Council, dated the 20th day of January, 1794, for dividing the City into five Diftrifta, by lines drawn East and Weft, whereof cach ol the City Commissioners is tn take the fuperin tendance of one of the said Ditth&s, and to be accountable for the cleansing, good older and regularity of (he fame. The Commiflioners have accordingly made the following arrang* ment for the prefect: Dijltift the \JI. N*ihan Boyi, to have the charge of that part of the ftrrcts, lanes and alleys from C