Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, February 19, 1794, Image 2

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House of Reprtfcjiialrucs
January 27,
In of 1 hi' on tVIr,
(Mr. Ames's Speech conclnM.)
Thus we fee a total stoppage of the Weft-India
mde W9IIIII notlla:ye the ilianders. It would uf
fe it us deeply, we ihould lose t!ie laic ofour products
and of courfenol gain the carri i««* in our own vef
l*e!•». The object o'. the contelV would be ho nearer
0 rr*aeh than before. Inrteud, however ot a totd
itippi»e of the intercourse, it might happen that
e .ch nation prohrMting the vefTclbol the oilier, some
tinrd nation would carry on the traffic in its own
bottoms While this meafuie would disarm our iyf
tem, it would make it recoil upon oarffclve®. It
would in etfec^operate chiefly to o'bltru t the file
of ourpoJu-ts. Iftheyfhodd remain unfjld, it
would bi so much dead lot's ; or if the ertvft should
1 e to r .ii'e rhe prh© on she confumeis, it would ei
ther Icli'jfi the confur.iption or raise up rivals in the
foppiy. The coutift as it rcfpe&s tlx: Welt India
trade is inc.?;; icl'pedt agufnil us. To embairafs
thefupply from' the United States, supposing the
wr>rft as it regards rhe planters, can no no more than
enh ince the price 01 sugar and tortv e T( afi}l other pro*
dji.'ls. The French i(lands ate now in ruins, and
the Kn?.!i!h piantcf.; !;.iv;an increased price and do'u.
b'le demand n> coiifetfiieftce. While Great-Britain
confined the c<>loi>y trade' to frerl'elf, (he eave to the
cola litlvin return a monopoly in' her consumption
6f Weft-India articles. The extra expence arising
from the severest operation of our fyrtem, is already
provided againlttwo-i'old : Like other chaigcs on
tiie prod ni\s of labor and capital, the burden will
tall on the conlumer. The luxurious and opulent
co -.fumer in Europe will r.ot regard and perhaps
WiU not know the incre.i fe of price nor the caufc of
it. "IV ;>;\v fmler whv> clears iris land and fells
l!ic lumber, will feel anv cOnvuifion in the m?rket,
m i'enlihly without being able to fnfturn it at all.
Tr is a cbmctV of Wealfh against want; of felf-denial,
between l-ixury and daily subsistence, that we pro
voke with so much Confidence of fucctfs. A man of
experience in the Weft-India trade will fee thiscon
triit more llron*lv than poflible. to represent it.
One of the excellencies for which the
measure is recommended is, that it will
affect our imports. What is offered as
an argument is really an objection. Who
will mpply our wants ? Oar own manu
fa&iifes are growing, and it is a subject
of "/ a? fatisfaction that they are. But
it wo"ld he wrong to overrate their capa-
city t > cloAthe usl The fame number of
inhabitants require more and more, be;-
err.if? wealth incrtafes. Add to this the
vapid grown of our numbers, and per
haps it will be correct' to tlliihate the pro
gress of <nartufiicliirersi as only keeping
pace with that of our enereafing confump
t:on and population. It follows that we
Hi nil continue to demand in future to the
amount of our present importation. It is
not intended by the resolutions that we
fliall import from England. Holland, and
the. north of Europe do not furnifh a fuf
ticient varietv, or fufficient quantity for
our Coufuniption. It is in vain to look to
Spain, Portugal, and the Italian States.
We are expeeled to depend principally
upon France ;• it is impoflible to examine
the ground of this dependance without
adverting to the present lituation of that
country. It is a fubjeft upon which I
praftife no difgaifes. but I do not think it
proper to introduce the politics of France
into this discussion. If others can find in
the scenes that pas* there, or in the prin
ciples and agents that drreft them, proper
fubjefts for amiable names and fourccs of
joy and hope m the profpefl:, 1 have no
thing to fay to it. It is an amusement
which it is net in my intention either to
dilturb or to partake of. I turn from these
horrors to examine the condition of France
in refpeft to manufa&uringy capital, and
jnduftrv. In this point of view, whatever
political improvements may be hoped for,
it cannot escape observation, that it pre
sents only a wide field of wade and desola
tion. Capital, which nfed to be food for
mantifaftmes, is become ther fuel. What
once nourished industry, now lights the
fires of civil war, and quickens the pro
grefsof deftrudtion. France is like a fliip
with a fine caTgo burning to the water's
edge, (he may be built upon anew, and
freighted with another cargo, and it will
he time enough when that (hall be, to de
pend on a part of it for our fapplv : at
present, and for many years, (lie will be
not fe much a furnifiier as a confunier. It
is therefore obvious, that we (hall import
our supplies either diredtly or iirdireftly
from Great Britain. Any obftrudtion to
tlie importation, will ruin the price which
we, who consume must bear.
That part of the argument which rests
on the supposed diflrefs of the British ma
luifaifhirerß m consequence of the loss of
our market, is in every view unfounded.
They would not lofc tht market in fact,
and if they diu,. should we prodigiously
exaggarate the importance of our con.
sumption to the Briti(h workmen ? Im.
portant it doubtless is, but a little attenti
on will expose the extrenk folly of the o
pinion, that they would be brought to our
feet by a trial of our felf denying fpirk.
England now fujJphmfs France in the im
portant Levant trade, in the supply of
manufa£tured goods to the East and in a
great m> afure to the Well-Indies, to
Spain, Portugal, and their dependencies.
Iler trade with Rufifia has of late vastly
encreafed ; and (lie is treating for a trade
with China—lo that the new demands of
English manufactures, consequent upon
the deprefiion of France as a rival, has a
mounted to much more than the whole A
merican importation, which is not three
British manufactures exported Sterling.
ia 1773, amounted to
r 775>
1791, r6,tf 10,000
r7 $2, 18,310,000
The ill efFedt of a fyftein of reft ri£t ion
and prohibition in the Well Indies has
been noticed already. The privileges al
lowed to our exports to England may be
withdrawn, and prohibitory or high du
ties imposed. Mr. Ames observed that
not ore o? our articles is a monopoly,and
noticed the effe£t of counter regulations
on our produdls. He adverted particu
larly to pot and pearl ashes, and observed
on- the value of the ex ten five sale of that
article, aa it advances the clearing and
fettlcment of our new lands ; he said the
best encouragement for agriculture is a
good market.
The system before us is a ir.ifchief that
goes to the roct of our prosperity. The
merchants will fuffer by the schemes and
projects of a new theory'. Great nura
bers were deceived by the convulsions of
177 J. They are an order of citizens de
ferring better of government, than to be
involved in new coniufions. It is wrong
to make our trade wage war for our poli
tics. It is now scarcely said that it is a
thing to be fought for but a weapon to
fight with. To gain our approbation to
the fvllcm, we are told it is to be gradu
ally efiablilhed : in that cafe, it will be
unavailing. It fliould be begun with in
all its strength, if we think of l'larving
the iflamls. Drive them suddenly and by
surprize to extremity, if you would dic
tate terms, but they will prepare against a
long expected failure of our supplies.
Our nation tired of fuffering
loss and embarrsfsment for the French.
The rice growers and tobacco planters of
the south, will be, and ought to be, soon
weary of a contest which they are told is
to benefit the (hip ownerß of the east. The
struggle so painful to ourselves, so ineffec
tual against England, will be renounced,
and we (hall fit down with fame and loss
with disappointed passions and aggravated
complaints. War, which would then suit j
our feelings, would not suit our wesknefs.
We might peahrps find some European
power willing to make war on England,
and we might be permitted by a short alli
ance to partake the misery and the de
pendance of being a subaltern in the quar
rel. The happiness of this situation seems
to be in view when the system before us
is avowed to be the instrument of avenging
our political resentments. Thsfe who af
fect to-dread foreign irifluence will do well
to avoid a partnership in EHropeanjealou
cies and riralfhips. Courting the fritnd
fhip of the one, and provoking the hatred
cf the other, is dangerous to our real in
dependence ; for it would compel Ameri
ca to threw herfelf into the arms of the
one for prote&ion against the other. Then
foreign influence, pernicious as it is, would
be fought for, and though it (hould be
shunned, it could not be resisted. The
connections of trade form ties between in
dividuals and produce little controul over
government. They are the ties of peace,
and are neither corrupt nor corrupting.
In the course of his speech, Mr. Ames
adverted to the danger of cutting off a part
of the public revenue by the operation of
the proposed regulations.
He remarked upon the hostile tendency
of the resolutions ; we have happily es
caped from a state of the moll imminent
danger to odr peace. A falfe Hep would
lose all the security for its continuance
which we owe at this moment to the con
duit of the President. What is to save
us from war ; not our own power which
inspires terror ;,not the gentle and for
bearing spirit of the powers of Europe
at this crisis ; not the weakness of Eng
land; not her affection for this country ;
if we believe the aflurancej of gentlemen
on the other iide—What is it then ? It i»
the iutercft of Great Britain to have A
merica for a customer, rather than an e
nemy. And it is precisely that intej-eft
which gentlemen are so eager to take a
way, and to transfer to France. And
w hat is (Iranger flilF, they fay they rtly
on that operation, as a means of produc
ing peace with the Indians and Algerines
—The wounds inflicted on Great Britain
by our enmity, are cxpefted to excitc her
to supplicate our friendlhip and to appease
us by soothing the aniraolity of our ene-
What is to produce eficfts so myftieal,
so opposite to the nature so much exceed
ing the efficacy of their pretended causes?
This wonder working paper on the table,
is the weapon of terror and deftruftion-—
like the writing on Belfhazer's wall, it is
to strike parliaments and nations with dis
may. It is to be (Ironger than fleets a
gainll pirates, or than armies against In
dians. After the examination it has un
dergone, credulity itfclf will laugh at
these pretensions.
10,07 2;ooo
1 3>779> 0c0
1 f,921,000
We pretend to expect not by the force of
our reftri£tions, hot by the mere shew of our
spirit, to level all the fines that have guarded
for ages the monopoly of the colony trade.
The repeal of the navigation a<st of Eng
land, which is cherilhcd as the palladium of her
which time has /endered venerable
and prosperity endeared to her people, is to
be extorted from her fears of a weaker na
tion. Tr is not to be yielded f eely, but vio
lently torn from hor, and yet the idea of a
ftruggfe to prevent indignity and loft, is con»
fide red a* a chimera too ridiculous for so
ber refutation. She will not dare fay they y
to re fen t it, and gentlemen have pledged
themfclves for the certain success of the at
tempt j what is treated as a phantom is vouch
ed by ta<st. Her navigation act: is known to
have caused an immediate contest with the
Dutch, and four # defpei ate sea fights ensued,
in conference the very year of it's paflage.
How far it is an ast of aggreflion for a
neutral nation to aflift the supplies of one
neighbor, and to annoy and difttefs another,
at the crisis of a contest between the two,
which strains their strength to the utmost, is
a queftlon which we might not agree in de
ciding. But, the tendency of fueh unreafon
ab!e partiality, to cxafperare the spirit of
hoftilitv against the intruder, cannot 6e doubt
ed. The language of the French government
would not soothe this spirit.
It propofei on the sole condition of a politi
cal connexion to extend to us a part'of their
Well-India commerce. The coincidence of
our measures with their invitations, however
lingular, need no comment. Of all'men, those
are'leafl confident, who believe in the effica
cy of the regulations, and yet afleft to ridi
cule their hoftrle tendency. In the commer
cial conflict fay they, we shall surely prevail
and etfe<ftually humble Great-Britain. In open
war we are the weaker, and shall be brought
into danger, if not to ruiu. It depends there
fore according to their own rfcafoning, on
Great Britain het felf, whether she will peifift
in a struggle, which will disgrace and weaken
her, or turn it into awwarr r which will throw
the shame and ruin upon her antagonist. The
topics which furnifh argument to Ihew the
danger to out peace from the resolutions, are
too fruitful to be exhausted. But without
pursuing them further, the experience of
mankind has shewn that commercial rival
fhips which spring from mutual efforts for
monopoly, have kindled more wars and wait
ed the earth more than the spirit of conquest.
He hoped, we Ihoujd ihcw by out vote, that
we d«em it better policy to feed nation-?, than
to starve them, and that we fhou'.d never be
lo unwise as to put our good customers into
a situation to be forced to make every exer
tion to do without us. By cherifliing the arts
ofpeace, we (hall acquire, and we are actual
ly acquiring the strength and refaurces for a
war. Inftend of seeking treaties, we ought
to ftiun them, for the later they (hall be so m •
ed, the better will be the terms, we fliall have
more to give, and more to withhold. We
have not yet taken our proper rank, nor ac
quired that con fide rat inn j which will not be
refufed us, if we persist in prudent and pacific
counsels, if we give time for ou» strength to
mature itfelf. Tho' America is rising with a
giant's strength, it's bones are yet but carti
lages : By delaying ihe beginning of a con
flict, we ensure the victory.
By voting out the refolutiotu r we (hall (hew
to our own citizens, and foreign nations, that
our prudence has prevailed over our prejudi
ces, that we prefer our interests to our re
fitments. Let us aflert a genuine indepen
dance of fpint, we (Rail be falfe to our duty
and feelings as Americans, if we bafelydet
cend to a fcrvile dependance on France or
( Delate to be continued.)
Lafl Tucfday being tlie anniverfay of
the Birth-Day of The President of the
United States* was commemorated by
the Citizens of this town, in a manner
highly demonllrative of that ardent and
uniform affection which they have, on all
proper occafious, manifefted for the per
son of their revered and illuilrious neigh
Sptk-T. by Mr. Wicnell, at ti.c
of the New Theatre in this City.
PAST is my toil and fled each anxious pain
Since I behold my 'riendf, my home again ;
How oft, when far away my fancy fov'd,
Lur'd to this spot by every scene I lov'd,
Here on thrfe boards I trod in waking dream,
And i? J talk'd, this spot was A ill my theme.
I painted oft, in colors just and true,
Thik glorious scene, so grateful to my view ;
My pu!fe would quicken and my hofom glow ;
But the true joy T never felt 'till now.
Hard was out fate to be condemn'd to roam—
Tho' fwect our exile, fioiti our defhn'd home;
Warm are our thanks to you who dar'd to brave
Our focr'worft (bafts,the drooping mufetofave,
Before whose phalanx superstition fled,
And fell fauaticiftn bow'U her head.
But I forget-^—
I come to plead for others, to engage
Your gen'rous caie, to aid a rising ftagc ;•
I come to ask, and for a num'rous band
Whom I have brought from a far diltam land,
Who have to me their fttfuie fate confign'd —
Friends, patents, all they left behind :
Giant but this boon, no sigh of fad regret
Shall reach the distant fbore, no teat* (hall wet
This happy land of promise and incfejje,
Save the glad teaisof gratitude and peace.
I fee, I read in each approving finile,
A kind aifent—l have not [oit my toil i
For them acrept my thanks—Fane) alone,
In richest effortsycan conceive rny own.
Nor let the with failidions eye
And penetrating search, our faults dcfcry.
While yrt the muse aspires on infant wing—
" The Eagle fuffers little birds to sing
Tlic trembling novice, ere tnatui'd by time,
Must full far short of judg meat's happy prune ;
Dilpcll'd the doubu and dangers h«r has fra;'d,
Yon inav admire the penius you have reat*d ;
Grrat by your favor grown, the r;J»ng age
5. K II b'efs the r (Tort's of a moral ftagr :
T! - si»;
o pur ty, ihe stage refin'd,
s drois,may cha» m,inltru£t mankind,
F>ee» new loicc from fcenei heroic gains,
The ttagc impedes not, but its cause maimain*;
Virtue may bete ii» btighutt lesion leant,
And frouied vice its uglnxfs difccin ;
Our precepts, wcll.diic&cd, reach the heart,
And to a6t well shall be a gen'ial part.
Will be performed, a Tragedy, called
Count Baldwin, Mr. Whitlcck,
Mr. Fennel!,
Mr. MarlhaV,
Mr. Wignell,
Mr. Francis,
Mr. Cleveland,
Mr. Green,
Mr. Warrel,
Mrs. Whillcc v.,
. i.Roion.
Birort 9
Carlos >
Viliercy y
Ina& 3d. an Epithalamium : the vocal
parts by Mr. Barley, Mr. Uowfcn, Mrs
YVarrell, Miss Broadhurit,
To which (will be addedy
An Opera, in two a&s, callcd
R 0 S I N A.
Cap I. Belvillcy
i/l Ir 'i/hmarjy
id Irt/kman,
Mr. Marflull,
Jylr. Moreton,
Mr. Francis,
Mr. Warrel,
IVIt. Green,*
Mr. Bliflet,
Mrs. Warrel y
Mrs. Bates,
Miss Broadhurfh
With the original overture and accompa
niments, composed by Shieid.
Places in the Boxes to betaken at the B' x-
Oflice of the Theatre r at any hour from nine
in the morning till three o'clock in the after
noon, cn the day of performance. Tickets
to be had at the office near the Theatre, zt
the corner of Sixth-street, and at Carr & Co's
Musical Repository, No. 122, Market-fireet.
The Doors will be opened at 5 o'clock,
and the performances begin at 6 o'clock pre
BoxF.s y one dollar—Pitt, three quarter®
of a dollar—and Gallery, half a dollar.
No places can be let in the fide boxes for a
less number than eig-ht, nor any places re
tained after the firft a£.
Ladies and Gentlemen are rajnfcfteu to
fend their servants to keep placcs, at half an
hour pall 4 o'clock, and to order them to
withdraw, as loon as the company art featcd,
as they cannot on any account be permitted
to remain in the boxes, nor any places kept
after the firft a£h
N. B. No money or rel et- to be returned,
nor any person admitted on any account
whatever behind the fccncs.
The managers request, to prevent confti
fion, servants may be ordered to f. t c or\xr. r.r.d
take up with the hones' heads tewju'ds the
Schuylkill, and drive off by Sevent ; ,'.
Vrvat Rtjpkbtica*
6 per cents, 18/2
3 ditto, I of 1
Deferred, 11fx
U. S. Bank, 11 per cent. adv.
Pennsylvania do. 10 ditto d^tu.