November 2d, 1753. * I consider it a mrtft fprtuiiaW circuto ftance, a particular favor us Frov'iifenee, that you have a WASHINGTON to preside in the councils t>f AmerrcA ; fWr,- J in the novelty Of yojr political fituatioi:, the influence of'his nafce is-a ftrqager c ce ment of union, tha'rt all tfe prfrcf.M'etiV checks and forms us government, which the wisdom of your aloleli patriots qoukl devise. Sutcefcful in the fiffld, and firm in the Cabinet, his character impreflis a fanftion of authority ; nor can the most malignant of his vsry few cite ones find any colorable pretext for dt baling his fteding Worth- It rce for this purpose has been raising in South-Carolina, under commissions from Mr. Genet. This plan was kept as secret us* podible, but being detested, its pro gress is happily checked. A febeme of this kind would have been attended with one of these confequirices. —Eithdr Spiin would have immediately declared vtar a i-[\ the' United States; or finding the scheme was not countenanced by govcrn ment, (lie would have demanded an in demnification for all the miichief and lois which thefs expatriated renegadoes might •have done to her territory. This, (he would have had a right to receive ; so that the scheme,. if it had not involved us in a war, would have colt us, perhaps millions of money-. It is with pleasure we learn, that foreign powers speak rffpedlfully of the firmiufs with which the American government has maintained its neutrality, during the pre sent war. The following is translated from an Affl fterdam paper, of the 4th of Nov. " This day ait cxprefa arrived at the Hague, with aeconnts-that the Count of de-laTonr, had Attacked the French near Marchietine ; killed 4000 and'took 1200 prisoners, with- the greatest part of their artillery and baggage." ~ The famous equestrian performer, Mr. Rickets, has lately commenced his feats in Charleftnn, South-Carolina, PHILADEL PHI A, JANUARY 27. The Charge again ft the Members of the Convention, executed at Paris,concludes with the following comparative Itate- tnent Mr. Pitt The Dsrurixs Wished to degrade Attempted to do and to difiolve the fame. Convention. He wifned to as- The Deputies faflir.ate the Members procured the affaf of the Convention. filiation of Marat & Le Pelletier. The deputies did all in their power to produce tliis cf feft. He \vi(hed to de stroy Paris. He wished to arm The deputies ob jjll nations against tained a declaration France. of war against all nations In the intended Carra and Briflbt partition of Franca, Altered into a pa- Mr. Pitt wished to negyric of the dukes procure a part for the of York aud Brunf duke of York, or wick, and even went some other branch of so fat as to propefe" h's mailer's family. them for kings. He endeavored to Thedcputiethave deitroy our colonies, produced the de ftrudUon of the co • lonies. Brit Tot, Petioo,' Guadet, Genfonne, Vcrgniaud, Ducos, and Fonfrede, di rected the measures relative to the colo nies, which measures. reduced them to the most lamentable si tuation. kotithonax and Poiverel, the guilty com rhiflioners who ravaged.the colonies witk lire and sword, are their accomplices. Proofs of their corruption exist in the cqf refpofldence of Raimond, their creature. Of the numerous facts of which the faction are accused, some relate only to particular individuals j the general conspi racy, however, is attached to all. , From this ast of accusation it refultcd» that, I. There exifled a conspiracy against the unity and indivisibility of the Repub lic, the liberty and fafcty of the French people. 11. That all the individuals denounced in the of the brigs Phcebe and Fair Lady, both of Philadel phia, were coedemned at Bermuda ai French property. London, Nov. 14. The Baltimore, ——, from Maryland to Bourdeaux, was taken by the Prince of Wales privateer of Liverpool, oil the Bth ult., and sent for Montferrat. The Rcbecca, Brown, from New- York to Havre de Grace, with sugar, coffee, &c. is taken by the Dolphin letter of marque, and carried into Guernsey. ,The Nabby, Kennedy, from Leith to Virginia, is loft on the north of Ireland. The crew and eight paffengcrs landed near Loughfwilly. , .. . Tbe George and Harriot, Prince frottS Havre de Grace to Philadelphia,' i» on ftiord near Barfleun November 16. Captain Haftie, of the Friends Good will, arrived in the river from Faro, fpnkfc off St. Vincents, the brig Sally, of Portf ffiOuth, New-England, theri in pofleflion of the Algerines; the commantkr said, that several other American veffeb were taken. ... (C/" The Adjourned Meeting of the Stockholders in the Insurance Com pany of North America, is to be held . at their Office To-Morrow Morning at Ten o'Clock. Extra& of a letter,- fe, and reported progress—and the house adjourned. United States Register, A CALENDAR, with thr necessary taKles xl fined for the latitude cf liie principal townj in the United Spates; utUation, extent; population and GOVERNMENT V. Si SuPKiHE Executive, LtCIJtL ATI/ A *, JtfbictAßY, Lift of Councilors admitted to pra£l»fe id the Sopi erne Coiirt. Do. of Atiornies, Do. £ tfrc ut 1V E Branches, Department of State, Miriiftera and Con'tils or. the Uriited State! Ip fotfeign nations. Do, of foreign fiatidni rctidcnt in the United State*. tjfePARTMifJT OF THE TftEA*U*Y, Piinfcipals and Clerks of ihc rcfptflivfe of fices; Commiftiohers of J.oans, Officers of the tuftoms, with their rfcfpec tive diftrifh and ports, Officers of the Excile, with thcif refpe&ivc diflri&s and fur«eys, Lift of dutiable Articles, See. Abftraft from the revenue laws; Statement of the public debt, —* . - bf Light-houses, —— of appropriations for the support of Gove*nn>eot. i)fcPARTMi.NT 6* Wa* 3 Secretary's office, Accountant's, Monthly pay, occ. of she army. MiNt Establuhmint, Officers, Abftraft from the laws relating (o cdinagt. Post Offici Es±ablisfiM*NT, Qfficers., Abftrafb ffom the law eftabllfhing tfle ofifrre Lift of p«ft tbwns, with ilieir rrfpc£frw xiiftancfcs as cftablifhed by the Poli-Maf® rer Hi-ncral. Oftend 90 days. Cork Cadiz Wilmington IxTitco* and of the prin cipal towns io the t'n.led Siatts and viciriiiy. Banks, United Stares, Jjorth Ameiica; State bahks with their capitals. LittßAß* Jristlf utiOKS. American Philosophical So.iely, Ac American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Nation/! M/KBfAcroii at Poierloi, N. J. Sessions of th* Courts of the United Stales ]Wisst m n Territory Stats Governments. ibflraft from the couttittftion of Hch Q.>te principal nfßccri, cxecitlive, kg.Gative 2nd judiciary. Wiling Officers of the Banks, capital;* dates tif in corporation; pciiods oi limiutioh, ex tent of property; &c. ijiiivertttiesj Colleges and Acadefhies, Societies, fciennficj huttiam , politic#!&c Exbibiii ng in as general and comprehrnfive » view as poltible ibe mtefnal police, the ftaic of literature, arts, commerce* and focuiyyu the federal ftatps, Price 5 <5 cents. Printed bySuwart and Cochran, No. South Sfrcond fticct, and John M'Ci»lL>ch, No. i, norrh Third (lien, and fold by them »•;