Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 09, 1794, Image 2

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    will determine their ultimate
definition, which is for PolauJ, unlets
avail's change in tliat country.
The king's retinue is very small, and
confilts only of a iecrttary and a few oth
cers of rank. The roval equipage and
saddle horses have already left Berlin.
The workmen are buiy day and night
to prepare the fie'd equipage.
The Dutch army to the amount of
15,000 men, arrived here in three co
lumns, with the Prince of Orange at their
head, the 2d inlt. and encamp
ed ou the heights beyond the gate of An
derli height. It is impossible to conceive
any thing more diflnclined to the cause in
vhicb tiiry are engaged than tliefe troops.
Not merely the private soldiers, but the
officers complain of the service. The
privates fay that they are dcltined to Bou
theric, to the slaughter-house, for it is im
pofiible for them to meet the multitudes
that the Fiench pour forth for liber
ty. The officers are tindfured with the
fame spirit. They alcribe their misfor
tune in their late retreat entirely to the
o.nduCt of Gen. Bcaulieu, who did not
fupjjort them and to Inch a length have
they carried their accusation, that the
liiatrs General have taken it up, and de
manded that Gen. Beaulieu shall be tried
for h:s conduit on the occasion, adding
at the fame time, a figuificant hint, that
u;.lcf» he (hall be brought to trial, they
will not reinforce the army, which they
neverthcl* r .i, mi interim, agree to furnifli,
nor go ..tie Hep further in the concert un
leis their requiiitiun (hall be complied
Last night an officer of the regiment
of La Tour arrived here, with dispatches
from the P. ince of Saxe Cobourg, to the
Hereditary Prince of Orange, dircfting
h.;n to march forthwith towards Mons,
to'T-jth.. with lumc battalions of Aultri
an troops chat arrived iiue lalt uight from
Louva:n. Accordingly, this morning,
the 3d, the Dutch carr.p was raiftd, and
are now 011 their march.
The second attack has been made by
the P. incc of Saxe Cbburg on the en
trenched camp of tlie French at Mau
benge, and with as little ftrcccfs as his firft
attempt. He left nbout 180 men, and
killed, as we believe, about 300 of the
enemy, but without gaining any advan
tage worth the blood.
Gtn. Beaulieu is recalled from his com
mand, and is expected here this day. He
is to be tried by a council of war, before
which he is to account for his conduct on
the cccafion of the flight of the combi
ned armies in Flanders. Hard fate for a
veteran !
jourdan, who succeeds Houchard as Ge
neral of the North, arrived on the lit inft.
in the evening, at the Frencli army, with
a reinforcement of 4000 cavaliy, of which
the republicans were in great want.
LONDON, Oftobcr y.
War-Office, Oft. 2.
His majesty has been pleased to appoint
Colonel, his Royal Highness Prince Ed
ward, to be Major-Geocral in the army.
General Dournonville and the National
CommifiionerS are confined in the fortrefs
of Spielberg, near Brinn, in Moravia, to
which place the two irunilL'rs, Semonville
and Maret, have also been conducted.
BY the accounts just received from
Bnftol, we are informed, that the dread
ful riots which laged to so alarming a de
gree last week in that city, are now en
tirely fublidcd. At the fame time it is
much to be regretted, that so many indi
viduals have fuffered in an affair (refpeft
ingonly a few hundred pounds toll) which
appears trifling when compared with the
importance of the dissolution of one hu
man being. The accounts which have
been reported by various newspapers, and
letters, assert, that near twenty persons
have loft their lives, and about forty
wounded (some dangercufly ) in these me
lancholy commotions.
From the Go/ken Repository.
Mr. Westcott,
I HAVE observed in your lafl paper
our chairman hath publilhed an ac
coun and interesting
meeting lately held in this town ; which I
think was proper and judicious for him to
do ; and in order to induce the Republi
can Citizen* in the neighboring towns and
country, to ele& deputies to reprcfent
them at our next meeting, and give them
f«»me idea of the Uufinefs that will iugrofs
tlieir deliberations so that men of corrtf
ponding fentimeuts may be sent forward.
I tzfee the liberty of incloiing to yoii for
publication in your next paper, a fct of
refolutiong which I intend to bring for
ward at o'i.' next meeting, which are as
follows, viz.
Whereas, the President of the United
States, in his late speech to Congress, hath
intirely (for reafonsbeft known
to himfclf) to mention the long, (liameful,
and daring detention of the forts on our
western frontiers, by one of the combined
tyrants of Europe,
Therefore resolved, that proper mea
sures ought to be taken to humble the
pride of the Britilh nation, and teach them
a sense of their duty by immediately re
quiring those polls to be given up as well
as restitution to be made fur their illegal
depredations and captures of our vefielß
on the high seas, or else they may ex pec v
to feel the weight of our hottelt difplea.
And whereas, (he important waters of
the river Walkill, run through this town,
which has communication with the At
lantic Ocean :
Therefore resolved, that where the said
river is navigable, suitable armed cutters
be built (as soon as our exports will admit)
for the preservation of our eel wares, (from
which are derived our principal exports
and ftap'.e produce) and where the river
is not navigable, that proper places of de
fence be built oil the shores for the pur
pose above-mentioned, and thus agreeably
to the Preiident's speech "be placing
oiirfelves in a condition of compleat de
fence." And in order to convince the
combined despots of Europe that we dis
approve of their tyrannical system, that
we are Rcvolutionifts, and avow the prin
ciples of Republicans and supporters of
the Rights of Man and the cause of France,
Therefore resolved, we have a deiire to
bccome the eighty fifth fe&ion of France,
at leail as much so as is consistent with the
alegiance we owe the Republican form
only, of the government we live under.
A Montgomery Sans Culottes,
Montgomery, Dec. 20th, 1793.
[Pubiiihvcl -it Stockoridjjc, MalTachufetts.J
A Correspondent wishes to inquire the
reason affigntd by the Lieutenant Gover
nor of this Commonwealth for his silence
on the late impudent Protest against the
proceedings of the Executive of the United
States, by Citizen Dannery. The com
munication of the C' J 'zen's performance,
to him, has been made public, not only in
this state, but throughout the Union.—
Silent contempt of Citizen Dannery's
conduct (continues our correspondent) is
not fufficient—the incited dignity of
Americans, at this period, when foreigners
are boldly attempting to controul the
measures of our Government, requires
something more. Can the Lieutenant
Governor poflibly be influenced by elec
tioneering motives, and, by remaining neu
ter, promise himfelf a general support ?—
Surely no ! this cannot be the influencing
principle, with fucli an object in view.
The great majority of the people of this
commonwealth are fedeialiils and they
look forfederalifm in their public servants ;
their attention, it is hoped, will ever be
directed towards those who have wisdom
to plan, and firmnefs to execute. In the
flickered situations of life, an equivocal
conduct may sometimes be available in the
promotion of an hoped for object—but on
that theatre where the public eye can ful
ly survey the actions and the dearest inter
ests of society impel men to ken the mo
tives of those acting under their authori
ty. open integrity, and a decided conduct,
are the surest means to obtain the confi
dence, and rivet the attachment, of a free
and enlightened people.
From the American Minerva,
7'o the honorable Legislature of the United
States, ,
The Petition of the antient Partici-
Mojl humify Jheiueth,
THAT your petitioner was formerly
a [errant of the Englirti nation, during a
long course of time, apd in his (lalion de
meaned himfelf with fobrietv, and great
fidelity. For several hundred years your
petitioner was never accused with having
Jlriehtn a fellow servant or of any crime
winterer. But your petitioner, growing
61J and well Jirkktn in years, was dlfcard
ed as an inurm, worn-cut domestic, whose
ugly afpeet disgusted all good company ;
and for tlie many good services rendered
the nation, your petitioner had a place as
signed him by common consent of the na
tion, in one corner of a majejiic building
which was new covered andjhingled with
Engli/b wood, in the reign of James I.*.
In this venerable place, your petitioner
has ever since spent his time, afibciating
and convening with a few old friends,who
oecajionally visit this antiquated jlruilure.—
Your petitioner, happy in his retirement,
is very unwilling to be summoned from hii
tranquil abode, and again called into ser
vice ; especially as his place is well suppli
ed with a more convenient fen-ant, the
participle Jlrucl, who is better acquainted
with the modern fafhions and mhnners,and
can much better wait upon company than
your old, grey haired petitioner. Your
petitioner therefore humbly prays, that he
may no more be called upon to wait upon
gentlemen, but that he may be Jlruci off
the lift of your honors' domestics, and fuf
fered to reft in peace in his venerable man
* The Bible traijlatcdinto En«lijb,
The following is the report of the Select
Committee oh the Petition of Andrew
The committee of the House of Repre
sentatives of the United States, confiding
of Messrs. S. Smith, Giles, Findley, Cof
fin, and Dayton, presented the following
to the House, on the 29th ult.
The committee, to whom was referred
the memorial of Andrew G. Frauncis,
with the accompanying papers, have pro
ceeded to take the fame into considerati
on, and to examine the late Treasurer, and
several officers and clerks of the present
department, refpe&ing thef ame; and, as
the result of their inquiries, make the sol.
lowing report:
That about the month of May last, the
Memorialist became pofleffed of two war
rants, drawn by the late Board of Trea
fnry; the one for 3.500 dollars, the other
for 2,000 dollars : That in copfequence
of an estimate for appropriations for the
year 1789, certified by the Register of
the Treafurv, an appropriation of 190,000
dollars was made for paying Warrants of
the description of those in pofleffion of the
memorialilt: That these warrants were
not, however, particularized in the esti
mate : That payments of fur.dry warrants,
of the fame description, were made, pur
suant to the appropriation, from Nov.
1789, to Nov. 1790, amounting, in the
whole, to 157,630 dollars 94. cc»ts ; after
which time, only two small warrants, a
mounting to 183 dollars 33 cents, have
been paid ; which warrants appeared to
the officers of the Treasury not to have
been of doubtful character: That no other
warrants of the fame description were pre
fentedfor payment, at the Treasury, un
til the autumn of 1792 ; about which time
several were presented : That some time
after November, 1790, in the course of
examining the proceedings of the late
Board of Treasury, and the modes of doing
business practised by them, together with
some other circumstances falling within
the knowledge of the accompting officers
of the Treasury, doubts were entertained
at the Treasury how far these warrants,
and pthers of the fame description, consti
tuted a good claim again ft the public ; and
in consequence of the information, thus
obtained, payments thereof were, from
that time, suspended. The committee
have thought it expedient not to detail the
particular circumftanccs attending this de
scription of warrants, which caused the
determination of the Treasury officer to
suspend payment, and refer the House to
certain documents attending this report,
for fall information relative thereto. It
appears, that the warrants presented br the
memorialists, for payment, had been pre
vioufiy presented for payment at the Trea
sury, by some other person, and that pay
ment had been refufed, but the presentation
acknowledged in the following words,
written in red ink, on one of the warrants,
" Presented to the Secretary of the Trea
sury, on the 26th of December, 1792, by
Jasper Mardock." It appeats that the
Secretary of the Treasury refufed to pay
the warrants to the memorialists, who
presented them for that purpofc, in the
month of May last ; and that he has been
uniform in his refufal from that time to
the present. The committee art of opinion
that the reasons afligned by the Secretary
of the Treasury, for refilling payment of
the warrants, are fully fnflicient to juftify
his condutt ; and that the Secretary of the
Treasury, and other officers of theTrca
fury, merit applaufr for their conduit in.
the whole courie of this tranfa&ion.
At the request of the Secretary of the
Treasury, the committee have likewjfe
proceeded to examine the charge made a
gainst him, relative to the purchase of the
pension of Baron de Glaubach, and are of
opinion that it is wholly illiberal & ground
NEW-YORK, January 6.
Arrived here yesterday, the biigantini
Sarah and Elizabeth, Edm. Luce, matter,
from Nantz, which place (he failed from
the 22d Ottobej Capt. Luce informs us,
that 011 the day after he failed, he was
brought too and boarded by an Algerine
cruizer from Guemfy, and altho' he had
no French goods, nor any French paflcn
gers 011 board, was detained seven hours,
wantonly insulted, and plundered of water,
cabin (tores and a number of valuable ar-
(The English, as a nation, particular
ly in their marine, pique themfetves much
on their honor ; and no doubt the officers
of King's (hips have every pretension to
it—but their fuffering part of the nation
to ast as a nest of pirates, mult be laid
to their charge, and taken into the ac
count. By this conduct they are laying
up a (lore of wrath in the minds of our
seamen, which should a rupture betwixt
us unhappily take place, may be produc
tive of bitter oonfequencee.)
On the 2jth Oft. he fa* a small squa
dron of French (hips of war cruizing oiT
Ufhant. One of them, the Semilliante,
boarded him, but did no more than exa
mine his papers. The French officer in
formed Capt. Luce, that they had taken
4 G.iernfey privateers, or rather pirates,
and one English frigate. Tiie lat.tei; had
hnd a severe engagement with a French
frigate, from which (he separated in rhe
night, and the day following fell in with
this squadron, and after firing a few shot
flruck her colours, being quite crippled
in her engagement with the other frigate.
On the sth Not. spoke the fhfp Anne
and Catherine of New York, in lat. 41,
long. 14, bound home from Bristol with
a number of pafTengers. She was 14 days
out all well.
On the 2 sth Dec. he spoke the Schr.
Nancy of New York, in lat. 35, long.
68, four days out, bound to St. Bartho
On Sunday the 30th, fpofee the (loop
Garland, Capt. Garland, from New Cat
tle, to Martinique, in lat. 33, long. 69,
3 days out. Capt. Garland generously
fparcd part of his provisions to Captain
Luce, of which he began to feel the
On Friday the 3d inft. spoke a (loop be
longing to Newport, bound from Point
Peter, to Alexandria in long. 74, lat. 36
30, thirty days out.
The Sarah and Elizabeth was bound to
Baltimore, but obliged by contrary winds
to put into this port.
Yesterday a sloop outward bound, with
a number of French paflenp-ers, men, wo.
men and children, wa3 overset in the East
River, opposite Gorernor's I (land, by run
ning against another veflitl, and a negro
boy drowned.
The committee from both house* of the
Icgiflatu'.-e appointed to make enquiry into
a report that, a contagious fever was ra
ging in this town, (as mentioned in our
extract t'om the journal of the house of
Commoni) have reported, that they have
made enquiry refpetting the health of the
place agreeable to the resolves of both
houses, and find there is no ground for the
report of such a fever, or any infej3iou»
disease prevailing in this town.
AUGUSTA, Nov. 23.
DIED] On Monday last, at her plan
tation in Burke county, Mrs. Mart
Hall, relist of the late Hon. Lvman
Hall, Esq.
On Thurfdty last, On), Jamis
Williams, attorney at law.