Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 06, 1794, Image 1

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    d thr lltuMt
[No. 2 i of Vol. ,V.]
Excellent CLARET,
In hogsheads and tn cases of 50 bottles each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
In pipca, hotheads and quarter casks,
No. 111, South Front-llreet
Jan. 2, 1794
BEI N T G desirous of closing various commer
cial concerns, and that all powers hereto
fore granted relative to the fame should be re
voked,'and public notice of it given, to prevent
any polfible miftakc ; I, the fubferiber, do here
by make known to all whom it may concern,
that all powers and letters of attorney, ot every
nature and extent, granted by ine to any person
or persons, prior to the ift day of July lad, to
a£l tor me or in my name ia America, aie re
voked and made void.
d i w
New-York, Jan. 1, 1794
Back of the New Librarv, between Chefnut
and Walnut-Street-
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public in general, that he continues
carrying on the hufmefs of
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or window-mutters, done in the mod
elegant manner, and with diipatch.
Orders from the country will be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December 30, dtf
Just published,
Aod to be fold by Stewart & Cochran,
No. 34, South Second-street,
United States Register,
For the Year 1794;
Containing, betides accurate and complete
iirtfs of al) the Officers in the general, and the
principal Officers in the particular govern
ments', a variety of Information, ufelul for all
clafles. tf
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, South Second-Jlrce!,
Seconddoor below the corner of Chefnut-ftreet,
By the late arrivals from Britain and Ireland,
A large and general AJforlment of
New Books and Stationary,
Which will be disposed of on the lowed term?.
Dec. 23. mw&ftf
Parry and Mufgrave,
Goldsmiths & Jewellers,
No. 42,
An elegant AJfortment ef
Which they tr«H dispose of on the in oft rea
sonable terms. Deviccs in haiT, Miniatures
sett, and every thing in the gold and silver
v. ay, done as u'.nal,
December 24.
Now opening for Sale,
A large and valuable colle&ion of BOOKS,
imported from London in the Mohawk.
Dec. 19.
E. Oswald,
No. 156, Market-Street, South,
\ T the request of a number of friend*,
±\. proposes publvftring The Ikdependemt
Gazetteer, twice a week, viz. Wednefdavs
and Saturdays—tocommence in January next,
if fufiicient encoeragement offers
It will be publiflietl on Paper and Types
equal to its present appearance. The lub-
will be inlerted 4 times for i dollar—every
contir.uancc one filth of a dollar. Those ex
ceeding a square, in the fame proportion.
''PHE undernamed committee, appointed Lv
SUNDAY SCHOOLS in the city of Philadel
phia and the diitiift of Southwaik and the
Northern Libtrties," to solicit fuuher fubferip
tions lor the support of the schools which the
(aid society have cftabiithed, take the liberty to
rcprefent to their fellow citizen*—
That, although the fehool? were fufperided
during the period of the late avrlul calamity
with which our city and fubtiibs have been af
flifled, they aie now again opened ior the lice
admillion and education of poor children.
That, the necilfity and rcaTons for the eflab
lifhment of thefc schools arc htcre;ifed, from ibe
Circumftauce of the late distress having left a
number of Orphans deilitute of all the means
of education, favc what the hand of bcnevolencc
may adminiiler.
7'hat, former < xoerience has, mod pleafmglv,
verified the fondeft hopes ot the friends of this
inilitution, with regard to the piogrefs and ad
vancement of the children, who hav« heretofore
been under its care, in the ufeful branches of
education which it has afforded. Referring to
this fa£t, and to the address to the public, on
this fubjeft, publilhed in the newspapers of this
city in the third month lall, when about eight
hundred and twenty children of both sexes had
partaken of the benefits afforded by the society,
and about three hundred and twenty more were
th-n a&ually receiving inftiufliou in their
schools, it now onlv icmains to be observed,
that the funds of the society are greatly infufli
cient to carry on their benevolent drfigns, and
that the committee formerly appointed to solicit
fubferiptions, conceived it necelTary to decline
their applications to their fellow-citizens for
their assistance in favor of thefc fchdbls, in order
that thtic might be co inierrupiic/n from rhem
to the folicitatioDs then made in hehalf ol their
unfortunate brethren from Cape-Francois.
The public aid is now therefore earncflly fo
liated to support a charitable eftablilhment, cal
culated upon the principles of public and pri
vate good. The annual fubfeription for a mem
ber is but One Dollar ; and it is presumed that
so fnidll a sum per annum cannot be better dik
posed of, by those who can afloid it, than by
belfoWfng it as the price of the diffufion of ufctitl
knowledge among the pbor and lriendlcfs.
Subfcnptiptfs and donations will be gratefully
received by the undernamed com mil toe ou be
half of the society:
Peter Tbompfcn,
Thoa>ai'&«P. Cope,
]«fcph' Pi ice,
Edward Pols,
James Hard-c,
V/illia#) lii'ii >s,
Benjamin Say,
Nathaniel Falconer,
Francis Bailey,
Jcfl<i Sh'arpkfs,
Samuel Scottcn,
Peter B^iker,
Philadelphia, Nov. 21, 1793.
The Stockholdersof the
BANK of the UNITED STATES, are hereby
informed, that according to the ftaiuteof incor
poration, a General Elc&ion for Twenty-five
Direflors, will be held at the Bank of the Uni
ted States, in the City of Philadelphia, on Mon
day the 6th of January next/ at ten o'clock in
the forenoon.
And puifnant to the eleventh fcftinn of the
bye-laws, the Stockholders of the said Bank, are
hereby notified,to affcmble in general meeting,
at the fame place, on Tucfday the 7th day of
January next, at five o'clock in the evening.
B) Order,
JOHN KEAN, Cafiiier.
SECOND Fundamental Article—Not more
than three.fourths ol the Diiettors in office, ex
clusive of the picfident, {hall be eligible lor the
next succeeding year : But the Dire&or, who
fhali be Prcfident at the time ol an cle&ion, may
alw ays be rc-cle£led.
Ai a meeting ot the Direfctors ot the lufurancc
Company of North America, Nov. 25, 1793,
THAT no transfer of stock be made 011 the
books ot this office between the 15th day
ot June and the firft Monday in July, and be
tween the 15'h day of December and the firft
Monday ®f January followiug, in cach year.
Extaft from the minutes, Hazard, Secrciary
Cj" Terms of Subscription for this
Gazette, are Six Dollars per annum—to le
paid half-yearly. Subscriptions of perfoni
■who refde at a distance from the city, to be
twelve months in advance, or payment to be
guaranteed at the place of publication.
Advertisements of onefquare, or left, in
fertedfour timet for One Dollar—oner, for
Fist v Cents—and continuations at Twenty
Cents each—those of greater length in pro
portion. Favors in this line, and Subscrip
tions, mill be gratefully received at the Office
in South Yourth-Jlreet, five doors north of the
Indian Sh'Cfn.
Monday, January 6, i 794.
Fbcmzei l arge,
JjCoh CaufTman,
Janu s Todd,'
Jofcph James,
Jonathan Fcnrofc,
Gtorge Meade,
John Perot,
John M'Crcc,
Rohci t Kiilllon,
Thomas Armat,
George William?,
J-"- -
mw&f »o 6 Jan.
From the Conflituted Authorities of France,
Minijler of the French Republic ,to the United
States of North-America,
Extract from a supplement to the infli
given to citizen Genet, minijlcr plenipoten
tiary of the French republic to the United
States of America.
THE Executive Council wilh that a
new treaty, founded upon a baiis more li
beral and more fraternal than that of 1778,
may be concluded as soon as poliib'e. As,
however, they cannot conceal that iu the
actual state of Europe a negociation of
this kind may be subject to many impedi
ments, whether brought about by secret
manoeuvres of the English minister and hii
partizans at Philadelphia, by the timidity
cf certain members of the federal govern
ment, who notwithstanding their own pa
triotism have always (hewn the Itrongeft
aversion to every measure which might be
uilpleafing to England, they think it right,
for the present, that citizen Genet (hould
draw every advantage which the provilions
of the fubhlling treaty fepure to the re
public, until a new compact has more clear
ly and fully defined and enlarged them.
In this view, which exiiling circum
stances render particularly important, Ci
tizen Genet is exprefslv enjoined to make
himfelf thoroughly miifterof the sense cf
the treaty of 1778, and to be watchful
in the execution of the articles which are
favorable to the commerce and navigation
of the French republic, and he will en
deavor to fatisfy the Americans, that the
engagements which may appear burthen
fome to them are the just price of that In
dependence which the French nation con
tributed to acquire for them.
In the probable cafe of a maritime war
Citizen, Genet will employ all the means
in Ills power to procure a-itligious obfer—
vancc of the 17th, 21ft, and 22d aiti
des of the treaty of commerce, by which
the contra&ing parties engage Freely to ad
mit the prizes made by either oF the par-
ties from its enemies, and have renounced
the right of permitting their citizens to
serve under the flag of a foreigner against
theveflels of theirrefpeftivenations,or even
to admit into their ports the prizes of fo
reigners, or permit the arming or fapply
ing foreign privateers.
These articles are the more important
in the now situation, as the great dillauce
of the English privateers from their ports,
and the difficulty of supplying them, will
render their cruizers the more expensive,
and the return and sale of their prizes the
more precarious ; while our vefiels, avail
ing themselves of their right, will have at
their disposal all the ports of the United
States and the provisions with which they
abound. It would be moreover to be
feared that the fitting out in American
ports English armaments, or such as were
pretended to be so, would induce a num
ber of individuals of the northern states,
remarkable for theii boldness and activity,
to accept of English commissions and dis
tress and injure our commerce. Without
doubt neither the Congress or the Execu
tive powerof the United States would ap
prove a conduct so little conformable to
the ties of friendfhip and good understand
ing which fubfills between the two nati
ons ; but the great extent of the Englilh
commerce in America now become free,
the prodigious number of its factors and
of the emiflaries of George the 111. the
means of corruption, which their situation
and their local acquaintance give them,
would render these expeditions the more
j frequent as it would be so easy to deceive
the vigilance of government by concealed
equipments. Citizen Genet is therefore
particularly enjoined to watch, by the
consuls and commercial agents, the con
duct of the Englilh in the different ports,
to insist rigorously upon the execution of
the 17th, 21 ft, and 2id articles of the
treaty of 1778, and to prevent in the A-
[Whole No. 479.]
merican ports all equipments, unless upon
account of the French nation and the ad
mission of any prize except those which
Ml have been made by the veflels of the
republic. He will take to explain himfelf
npon this object with the dignity and e
nergy of the representative of a great peo
ple, who in faithfully fulfilling their en
gagements know how to make their rights
As focm as circumstances permit effica
cious negociations concerning a new trea
ty of commerce, Citizen Genet will not
lose fight of llipulating pofitivelv and
without refefve for a reciprocal exemption
from the duty on tonnage, avoided, under
different pretences, for many years pad by
the American government, tho' expressly
granted by the 6th article of the present
The mutual naturalization of French
and American citizens in commercial ref
pe£ts, proposed by Mr. Jefferfon and ap
proved of by the Executive Council, will
render this exemption from the duty on
tonnage less offenlive for the powers claim
ing a participation of the fame favor by
virtue of their treaties, for the cafus fe
deris will be entirely changed with refpeft
to them,
The reciprocal guarantee of the two na
tions stipulated in the i ith article of the
treaty of 1778. can be eftablilhed upon
generous principles which have been al
ready pointed out, and shall equally be an
elfential clause in the new treaty which
will be proposed. The Executive Coun
cil in confequcncc recommendefpecially to
citizenGenettofound early the disposition
of the American government&to make it a
condition, J; Hi qua nou, of their free com
merce with the Weft-Indies so elfential to
the United States. It nearly concerns
the peace and prosperity of the French na
tion, that a people, whose resources en
creafe beyond all calculation and whom
nature hath placed so near our rich colo
nies, should become interested, by their 4
own engagements, in the preservation of
these islands. Citizen Genet will find the
less difficulty in making this proposition
reiilhec in the United States, as the great
trade which will be the reward of it will
indemnify them ultimately for the facrifices
which they may iiiake at the cr.tfet, and
the Americans cannot be ignorant of the
great (iilproportion between their resour
ces andthofe of the French republic, and
that for S very long period the guaran
tee allied of them will be little else than
nominal for them, while that on our part
will be real and we (hall immediately put
ourlelves in a state to fulfil it, in fending to
the American ports a fufficicnt force to put
them beyond insult and to facilitate their
communication with the islands and with
France. Fully to insure the success of
these negotiations and to render nugatory
in the United States those scandalous inli
nuatior.s so clrj-.deftinely spread through
Europe by the enemies of the republic,
the Executive Council specially direct Ci
tizen Genet to adhere to the forms estab
lished for official communications with the
United States, between the government
and foreign agents, and not to permit
himfclf to take any step, or make any
overture, which can give umbrage to the
Americans in regard to the constitution
which they have chosen, and which differs
in many ponits from the principles eftab
lilhed in France.
The emissaries and partizans of George
111, the emigrants, and the Hilpaniola re
fugees, who are found in great numbers
in the principal cities of the United
States, ar.d who have already infe&ed
them with their falfehonds, will not fail to
watch the minister of the republic and to
give all his measures the molt malicious
conftruftion. An open and patriotic con
duct can alone put him beyond the reach
of calumny and mifconftru&ion. The
Executive Council relies in this respect
with an entire confidence upon the pru
dence and known ifioderatLn of Citizen