The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, September 29, 1854, Image 4

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The wQder*iteed present then mo t -ineere thanks
tu their numerous patrons tor their very liberal pat
lonage since opening the NkW BIOKI*. on the 14th
of April, 15.14, which has mi< reeded lui beyond their
most saturnine expectations, and ha> in-pir-d them
with renewed effort- to replenish their spun" supply
with such styles for the coming season, a* cannot ,
fail to plea~e the most fastidious. Aral, a- our motto, j
Quick Sates and Small Pkoviis. hu- been lully car- j
ried out. and wilt continue the ruling teatnie. you I
may rest assured of puiebasiits your g<Kls. at the j Siok at the very lowest possible prices.
lU/Pl* k OSTF.R.
June IC, 18-.4.
The Pocket . Fsculapius; or
every one his own Physician.
\ The ,10th Edition, with one
hundred engravings, showing
Diseases and Mai format ions ol
the human system in every form
and -hape. To which is added
a Treatise on the It;seaP- ol
Females, being of the highest
importance to married people, or those contempla
ting mariiage. By WM. YOl N(i, M. 1). no father be ashamed to present a copy of the
ASSCL'LAPICS to his child; it may save litm fiom
an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter
into the secret obligation- of married life without
reading the POCKKT A.CT LAPII S. Let tio one
sufi'ering from a hacknied ('ough, Patn in the Side,
restless night-, nervous feelings, and Ihe whole train
of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their physi
cian, he another moment without consulting the
zRSCL'LAPIFS. Have the married, or tho-e about
to be married any impediment, read thi- truly u=e!ul
book, as it has been the means of saving thousand
of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death.
Cyjny person sending TVVKNT Y-il\ K GI.N i S
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of This
woik by mail, or live copies will be sent lor One
Address, (post paid,) Dr. MM. t Of NO,
No. 132 Spruce St., Philadelphia.
May 20, 18-14 ly.
One-third cheeper thou It htte Lend, rtnd free, front all
PoisoitOHS Qualities.
HAVING greatly enlarged their works, and
improved the quality of their products, are pre
pared to execute orders for their Scikuiou
Faints. DRY, and GROI NJ) IN OIL, in as
sorted packages of from 25 to 500 pounds; also
DRY, in barrels, of 200 pounds each. Their
WHITE ZINC, which is sold dry or ground in
oil. is warranted PURE and unsurpassed for
A method of preparation has recently been
discovered, which enables the Company to war
rant their paints to keep soft in the kegs (ni
nny reasonable time. In this respect their
paints will be superior to any other in the mar
Their BROWN ZINC PAINT, which is sold
nt a low price, and can only be made from the
Zinc ores from New Jersey, is now well known
for its protective qualities when applied to iron
or other metallic surfaces.
Their STONE COLOR PAINT possesses all
the properties of the Brown, and is of an agree
able color for painting Cottages, Depots, Out
building, Bridges, ike.
Dealers supplied on liberal terms by their
Wholesale Point Dealers and Importers, .V. R.
cor. of 1 Id It cV .Market Sts., Phildelphta.
May 2G, 1854.—6 m.
Wool, Rag, List and Hemp Carpeting, from
18c Up, for sale by
Cooking Stove*.
On hand and just receiving a lot of new pa
terns of Cooking Stoves, for wood and coal, at
In addition to his former stock, the subscri
ber has teceived a splendid assortment of Brass,
Bell Mettle, Iron and English Kettles, which
will please all in want of the article, —also a
variety of other articles useful for house keep
ers. He has also on hand a lot of pump chains
and fixtures, ai! of which will be sold low for
cash, or on a short credit.
May 19, 1854.
See Cream.
The subscriber has opened bis Ice Cream Sa
loon for the present Season, and is fully prepar
ed to serve up this delicacy in the best style.—
He has two Parlors, handsomely furnished—
one for Ladies, the other lor CenL'emen.—
Jle also keeps a constant supply of cakes and
Confectionary of every description, and (he
best of Mead and Small Beer.
June 16, 1854.
The subscriber offers at private saie three de
sirable FARMS—No. 1 containing 100 acres,
No. 2, 150 acres, and No. 3, 100 acres, all un
der a high state of cultivation and well im
proved, alio tit one-half of each firm cleared and
divided into small fields and meadow s, ail well
watered with running water—also, well tim
bered and the very best selection of choice
truils. These farms are adjoining, all have
good buildings erected upon them, and will be
sold sepcrate or together to suit purchasers, and
on easy payments. Said property is situated in
Bedford Township, Bedford County, within 5
miles of the Borough of Bedford, in the Den
nings'Creek \ alley. and within a half mile of
the new Lutheran Church of Pleasant Valley.
The subscriber deems it unnecessary tosav more
as persons wishing to purchase will please call
on the subscriber, living on the farm, and judge
lor themselves.
August 25, 1854.
The subscriber oilers, at Private Sale, the val
uable Farm on which he at present resides, sit
uate 4J miles west of Schellsbnrg, in Juniata
Township, Bedford County, on the Turnpike
Road leading front Bedford to Pittsburg, con
taining 246 acres of good land, 125 acres clear
ed, 15 acres of meadow and land sufficient for
making as much more. The buildings are u
good dwelling house, part log and part stone,
(the stone part rough-cast,) Bank Barn, Wagon
Shed, Granary. Dry-house, Ex.—a Well of ex
cellent water near the door, and a running
pump a short distance olf. Also, a fine or
chard of choice fruit, say 200 trees, consist
ing of Apples, Cherries, Plums, JYars, i\.c.
About filty acres of the land is well set in Clover.
SU? Any person wishing to purchase a fine
f arm with a small sum of money can do so by
calling on the subsetiber.
June 2, 1851.
I>rnsr ami Hooks.
t:gj Having purchased the DntgCs^lfe-V
nl Rook Store ol Dr. S. D. Scott, will
constantly keep on hand at his establishment
in .fulianua Street. a complete assortment of
Dnrs, Medicines, Dve Stuffs, Paints, Oils,
\\ indov Glass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds,
Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy
Snaps. &.r. tkc. together with an extensive col
lection of School and Miscellaneous Books,
Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery,
Sc. which he offers at greatly reduced prices
for cash. Bedford, Feb. 17, IS->4.
Latest Intelligence from Cuba.
A Btcvolntion Anticipated.
Wholesale &> Retail Tobacco, Snttjj and Vi
gor STORK.
Tnrt undersigned would respectfully announce
to the public that they have constanily on hand
a iarge and extensive assortment of choice Ci
gar., viz : Regalias, La' Norma*, Principees,
Casadoris, Havana.?, Ceroots. Plantation and Jen
ny Linds—together with half-Spanish and Com
mon of a sHjwrier quality. Also, a variety of
chewing Tobac-eos and Snuffs, all of which will
be disposed of upon the must reasonable terms.
J. S. k G. W. GROUSE.
N. B. All orders promptly attended to.
April If), 1853.
KmseU & Boyd,
Attorney at Lav/, Bedford, PennsMvama,
WILL practice in the several Courts of Bedford and
ttie adjoining counties.
Agencies, collections and all other business en
trusted to their care will be promptly.and faithfully
attended to.
07" (): ikk in Juliana Street, south of the Court
House, and opposite the residence of William Lyon,
April 22, 18-11 ly.
Km&r & Moorfcead*
And Commission MERCHANTS,
Prrimrc {Jittsbnrg fllamifactnrcg,
,\o. '-27, Weed St. Pittsburg.
May lb, 1851.
The subscriber, thankful lor past favors,
would respectfully beg leave to announce to the
public in general that he has just received from
the Eastern Cities, in addition to his ibrmer
stock, a large and well selected assortment
; of Hardware, embracing every article usually
found in Stores of this description. His stuck
ol .Nails, Steel, Shovels, Edge Tools, building
Hardware, Cutlery, Saws, Chains 1 , Locks, Hin
ges, Screws, Chis-els, Planes, Stair Rods, Cof
fee Mills, Augurs, &c., fxc., is very large and
of the best quality, and will be sold at a small
profit. H- also keeps a general assortment of
Groceries, Spices, 8.C., Yc., to which he invites
the attention of the people. He has removed
his Store to the Room occupied as the Post Of
fice. Call, examine, and judge lor yourselves.
June 10, 1833.
I ILL attend faithfully to all legal business
y \ entrusted to lus care in Hie Counties of
Bedford and Fulton.
Bedford, Nov. 1, 184-7.
C. N. HICKCK, Dentist.
OFFICE on Pitt-street, nearly opposite the
Bedford II ,tr|, Bedf rd, Pa. Teeth plug
ged, Regulated, £2c. and artificial teeth inserted
lroru one to an entire set. C harges moderate,
and all operations warranted. Terms.—(\lS 11.
Bedford, May 3, 1850.
The undersigned having entered into part
nership in the above business, would anuounce
to the citizens of Bedford County that they are
now prepared, at their Shop at the East End of
this Borough, to furnish Cauuiagks and Bro
oms. of every style and price : also, Co.w m j : ,
Wagons, and Pi.oigiis. Blacksmith work of
every description executed to order, on the
shortest notice, at their shop adjoining the
Coach Factory.
Determined to keep none hut the best of
workmen in their employ, and to sell as cheap
as any other establishment in the State, they
hope to receive liberal encouragement.
tCr* Country Produce of all kinds taken in
exchange for work and the highest prices al
lowed. We respectfully invite tiie public to
give as a call.
Bedford, Feb. 3, 1854.
A €Alil>.
Hav n.. disposed of my Stock of Drills, Medicines,
Books, &c., to Dr. Francis C. Rk.\ ukr, I take tins
opportunity of recommending him to my friends and
former patrons as a Physician of much experience
and skill, in whom they can place entire confidence.
8. I). SCOTT.
Feb. 24, 18.41.
Sin. Vv'.Ts. ill Kill
Having permanently located in Pattonsville,
Bedford County, respectlullv tenders his servi
ces to the public in the line of his profession.
Pattonsville, March 3, 1853-1 v.
ALL persons in want of Stove Blacking will
find an article called the Victoria, superior to
anything of the kind now in use.
AV- flk CfcAttJKE,
Inum, Ixaigucl Sc lEo.,
British, French and American
i) R v a o o i> s,
No. <JI North. Third Street, PHILADELPHIA.
Tun undersigned would respectfully call the
attention of his old friends in the counties of
Bedford, Fulton, Somerset, Blair, and Cambria,
to the above Cakh. with the hope that, when
they visit the city to purchase Goons, th ey will
not toil to call at "No. ft 1 North Third Street,"
where, lie feels satisfied, they will find as choice
a selection of Goods (on as reasonable terms) as
are to be found in any other house in Philadel
phia. W. B. CLARKE.
March 24, 1851.—1 v.
This FSS EN< F. is a ,m-> p;iratioi>~H liieisiial rxoi
li'iio'. in nritiiiiiiy ttiafrhua, incipient rlmlera, in
-liort, in all ia-i-6 el prostration o! -tin- digestive
Innetion-,, so common, it is of inestimable value.—
During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and sum
mer complaints of children, it t< jwciiliaily effica
cious: no tamdy, individual or traveller should he
without it. as it enables the system to resist Ihe in
fluence of incipient disease, uUirb lurk in a changing
<\ii tio\ lie sure to get the gennine Essence,
which is prepared only by F. llrowu. at his ilutg and
Chemical Store, A. E. corner of Filth and Choiiut
streets, Philadelphia, and for sale liy all ihe respec
table AjKithecaries in the United State-, rind in Bed
lord, PSi. by SA M E It. SCO IT.
Sept. 1!0, 185.1—1 y.
11. K. W'iMlKlll.lCH, n. F. READ.
Wunderlicli &• A>a*2,
ionv.arLimt) ss" (Tcmmisiini fflerdiants,
Ain ///",S ro ( / rrrt 9 o/rptntfe tin■ 1 *msthtfhnitl Valla/
_ lint! lloafl iJcjoty
XJT" They are at all times prepared to carry all
kinds of Produce to, and Merchawiise, ike., Irom
Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the shortest notice.
* * They will also purchase Flour, (iraiu, &c,, at
market price.
PLASTER on hand uud lor .-ale low.
June 10, 1851.
.ISJLSSieS til
Respectfully Lews leave to announce to the
inhabitants of Bedford and vicinity that he has
added to his former stuck of GRCC CRIES and
CONFECTIGNARIES, a well selected assort
ment of Dav* Goons, embracing Calicoes, Mus
lins, Summer Wear for "Men and Boys, Hats,
&.C., &c. Also Boots and Shoes in great vatie
ty lor men, women, and children—a very large
supply of SEGARS of a very superior quality,
also half-Spanish and Common—Tobacco and
Snuff—Raisins, Prunes, Nuts in variety, and
candies of every quality and flavor—Spices of
every description—Ready-Made Clothing—a
very superior article ol Shaving Cream, and
Perfumery of the richest and most approved
quality—Syrups of various flavors, a superior
article of Yeast Powders, to which he invites
especial attention—Young Hyson and Imperial
Teas, Toys. Envelopes, and Trimmings. His
stock o f J'-weir;/ is not only large, butoi a very
line quality. He has also on hand a supply of
most excellent CLOCKS. AS usual, he will con
stant!;- keep Flour, Bacon. Lard, Coffee, Sugar,
Salt, Molasses, <Nc., &c. He returns many
thanks for the generous patronage heretofore
conferred upon him, and respectfully asks for a
continuance of former favors, satisfied that lie
can render satisfaction to all who give him a
Bedford, May 20, 1553.
Toe subscriber is prepared to furnish, whole
sale and retail, Tin and Copper Ware in great
variety, on the most reasonable terms.
RrsPECTsri.i.Y tenders his prnfe-sional services to
the < itiicens oi SchelLburg and vicinity. Office iri
the room formerly occupied by Or- Rraswcm., op
posite Mr. Frnzer's Tavern. Alt night calls
promptly attended to.
April 8, 1853.
Watches as&d Jewelry.
The subscriber would respectfully announce
to his customers and the public generally, that
he has just received from the East, and is now
opening at his old stand in the Borough of Bed
lord, nearly opposite the Bedford Hold, a well
selected assortment of Watches and Jewelry,
consisting, in {'art, of Fine Gold la-vers, Lepine
N. Silver Watches—also a variety of Gold
Chains. Keys, Gold Pencils, fx. Pens—Rings,
Ear Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, Gulf Pins,
fxc. Alhatta Spoons and Porks, and 8 day and
30 hour Clocks. Persons will find it to their
•interest to call and examine .my stock. My
motto is quick sales and small profits. Watch
es ft- Clocks repaired as usual.
A ijlt- 2d, 1853.
All persons indebted to the subscriber are re
quested to make payment on or before the Ist
day of May next. All accounts unsettled at
that date will he coilcteu bv course of law.
March 31, 1854.
DR. F. f. lIE.IM
| } ESPECTFI 'LLY begs leave to tender his
I \j Professional Services to the Citizens of
Bedford and \ iriniiy.
Office in Julianna Street, at the Drug
and B(K>k Store. Feb. I?, 1854.
Would respectfully announce to the Ladies
of Bedford and vicinity that she is prepared to
make Diesses, of every description, in the neat
est style and on the most reasonable terms.
Having made arrangements to keep a general
assortment of Tim.m Mixes lor Dresses, Ladies will
find it to their advantage to give her a call.
She will also keep Bonnets, and a general va
riety of Fancy articles. She hopes to meet u itli
liberal encouragement.
April 21, 18:54.*
For N:tk'.
The subscriber, anxious to -to west, offers, at Pri
vate Sale, the valuable Town Property on which he
at present resides, iri Scbellst urg Borough.
There are two Lots, (one of which is a corner lot,)
<55 feet front by 210 feet deep, on which there is
erected a two story Brick Dwelling House, 10 feet
front and 20 feet back, with Crick back building, 20
by lli feet, with double back porch, all nearly new.
Also, a two story Frame Carriage Shop, 58 by 20
feet, with Smith Shop adjoining, 55 by 10 feet, and
Carriage and Lumber House, 16 by 10 feet, an excel
lent new or nearly new Stable, and other out build
ings thereon erected.
• The location is in the most desirable part of the
Town, and one well -nited for the Carriage Manufac
turing Business, or the same may be changed to suit
the Foundry or any other Mechanical pursuit. The
shops are sufficiently large to work 10 or 12 hands to
Being near the Allegheny, the best of Lumber cat)
be had cheap—and coal can be got to great advan
Any person wishing to purchase property ami start
the Carriage Manufacturing Business, will do well to
call on the subscriber, as be is determined to sell if
he can.
For terms, &r., enquire either of the subscriber in
Sehellsburg, or Jno. I*. Ueed, Esq., Bedford. Pa.
<>. VV. HUNT.
June 23, 1851.
Cessna & Shannon,
n'AYE formed a Partnership in the Practice
of the Law. [I • 'Office nearly opposite
the Post Office, where one or the other may at
a!! times he found.
P (lford, (tel. 2'i, ! : 19.
\cn Hi'iig A: Booli More.
We wish it distinctly understood by this communi
ty and country, that we |iy particular attention to
tiic selection ol our Ibrugs and Medicines, purchasing
none but the ■<>?/ Acs/ ami ptirmt ariielrs. We have
lor sale cheap all the approved popular patent medi
cines, Aytr's Cherry J'relnra/, ./i/ywc.N Mntiriuex,
Pain K'-lier, and all the Sarsaparillas. Also Lnbin's
Extracts lor the Handkerchief, fancy soaps, colognes,
pomma.tes, ox marrow, Ute. We also keep constant
ly on hand a general assortment of SVAoo/ <V
/miMvjt 8001, Blank Books, Cap and Post Paper, he.,
he., he. In fact, if you want anything in the Drug,
Medicine, Book, Soap or Brush line, call at the New
lll'it" and Book Store and you shad be accommodated.
B. F. 11AKKY.
Jan. 13, 1851.
.sofa Particle of Mercury in it!
As Txpalliiilr Remedy for Scrofula, King's
Evil. Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Erup
tions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches,
Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or fet
ter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the
Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic
Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and ail
Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mer
cury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the
This valuable Medicine, which has become
celebrated fir the number of extraordinary cures
effected through its agency, has induced tin
proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends,
to offer it to the public, which they do with the
utmost confidence in its virtues and wonderful
curative properties. The following certificates,
selected from a large number, are, however,
stronger testimony than the mere word of tin
proprietors ; and are all from gentlemen well
known in their localities, and of the highest re
spectability, many of them residing in the city
of Richmond, Va.
F. BOY'DEN, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel,
Richmond, known every where, says he has
seen the Medicine called Carter's Seani-ii
Mixture administered in over a hundred cases,
in nearly all the diseases for which it is recom
mended. with the most astonishingly good re
sults. He savs it is the most extraordinary
medicine he has ever seen.
C. B. LIT K, Esq., now in the city of Rich
mond, and for many years in the Post Cfrice,
lias such confidence in tie- astonishing efficacy
of Carter's Si-anisti Mixture, that he lias
bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he has <ri
ven away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck says he
has never known it to fail when taken accord
ing to directions.
Dr. MINCE, a practising Physician,and for
merly of the City Hotel, in tiie city of Rich
mond, says he has witnessed in a number ofin
stances the effects of Carter's Sbanisii Mix
ture which were most truly surprising. He
says in a case of Consumption, dependent on
the Liver, the good effects were wonderful in
Slifl another Cure for Scrofula. — I had a
very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by ('liter's
Spanish Mixture. I consider it truly a valua
ble medicine. JAMES M. 'FAY LCR, Conduc
tor on the R. F. P. R. R. Co., Richmond, Ya.
Suit Rheum of 20 years Sfand inn Cum/.
Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing in the ci
ty of Richmond, was cured by three Iwttles of
Carter's Spanish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which
he had m arly 20 years, and which all the phy
sicians of the citv could not cure. Mr. Thomp
son is a well known merchant in the citv of
Richmond, Va.. and his cure is most remarkable.
WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, had
a servant cured of Syphilis, in the worst form,
by Carter's Spanish Mixture. He savs lie cheer
fully recommends it, and considers it an inval
uable medicine.
EDWIN BURTON, commissionerofthe rev
enue, say? he lias seen the good effects of Car
ter's Spanish Mixture m a number of Syphilit
ic cases, and says it is a perfect cure for that
horrible disease.
WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond, cured
of Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled him
from walking. Took a few bottles of Carter's
Spanisit Mixture, and was enabled to walk with
out a crutch, in a short time permanently cured*
BENNETT & BEERS, Pj-op'rs,
.\f). 125, .Main Street, Richmond, Va.
For sale by Dr. S. 1). Scott, Bedford—J. M.
Barudollar, Bloody Run—\. B. Bunn, Sehells
burg, and bv Dealers in Medicines every where.
Oct. 14," 1853.—1y.
The subscriber having rebuilt a mill for saw
ing, in Union Township, is prepared to furnish
any quantity of 'plastering Laths' at the short
est notice, at $1,50 per thousand for three feet
long—other lengths ill projection. Address
St. C'lairsville.
Feb. 17, 1,854.
AasL\fiS':r, csoiscl
THE subscriber having removed to the Men
gle HOUSE, in the Borough of Bedford, re
cently in the occupancy of Mr. Isaac Alengle,
respectfully announces to his old friends, and
the public generally, that he is fully prepared
to accommodate all who honor him with a call,
and hopes to merit and receive a liberal share
of custom. He will make it his study to render
comfortable all who stop with him—and he in
vites Travellers, Movers, Drovers, and persons
attending Court to give him a trial.
His stabling is of the best quality, and com
petent to accommodate a large number of horses,
and it will always be attended by an obliging
and attentive hostler.
Boarders will be taken by the day, week,
month, or year, on reasonable terms.
Determined to spare neither pains nor ex
pense to make his house what it should be, he
confidently relies upon the public for a gener
ous support.
March 31, 1854.
Joint A.
WILL attend punctually to all business en
trusted to his care, [f / Office nearly opposite
the office, of the Red ford Gazette.
March 3, 1851.
Chronic or . \ 'ervous Debility, Disease of Ihe
Kidneys, and nil Discuses arising from
a Disordered Liver or Stomach.
Such as Constipation, inward Piles, Dullness of blood
In the Herd, Aridity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
limn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the
Stomach, Sour l-'.iuitations, Sinking or Fluttering at
the Pit of lh' Stomach. Swimming ol the Heart. Hur
ried and It111• nlt Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,
Choking or Snflbcating Sensations when in a lying
posture, Dimness of \ is ion, Dots oi Webs before the
sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency
ot Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes,
Pain in the Side, I'arfc, l.imlis, tic., Sudden F!u-lips
of lleut, Burning ill the Flesh, Constant Imaginings
of Evil, and (Deal Depression of Spirits,
Prepared hy
J\o. IJO Arch Street, Phi!tidelphia.
Their power over the above diseases is not ex
celled, if equalled, hy any other preparation in
the I nited States, as the cures attest, in many
cases alter skilful physicians had failed.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of in
valids. Possessing great virtues in the rectifi
cation of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands,
exercising the most snatching powers in weak
ness and affections of the digestive organs, they
are, withal. safe, certain and pleasant.
Strong Testimony in favor of Dr. lloof
laniPs celebrated German Bitters, prepared
by Dr. JACKSON, No. 120 Arch Street, Phil
adelphia: the great remedy for Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia. Nervous Debility, tvc.
Hatch tS" Broom hall , W. Chester, Pa., 18:i0,
said: "The general sot ifart ion expressed hy those
who have used Hoot!ami's German Bitters, is,
perhaps unparalleled: some think it worth its
weight in gold."
, /bel Turret , Montrose, Pa. Feb. 7, 1552,
said: "Your German Bitters have gone off very
rapidly. .1 have sold about half a dozen to a
very respectable Baptist Clergyman of my ac
quaintance, who attributed his restoration to
health to the use of th- sc Bitters.
C. Luthrop , Timkhannock, Pa., May 25
1851, said: "Almost any number of certificates
can he obtained from some of the best men in
this section as to the efficacy of the German Bit
ter*. should it he deemed advisable. It is a
medicine that emphatically recommends itself,
and in every instance has produced a good re
.7. B. Kaufman, Lancaster, April 30, 1850,
said: "I have been for a series of years afflicted
with Dyspepsia, Inactivity of the Liver, and
.Nervous Debility. My mental powers have
been so reduced as to render me quite unfit for
the transaction ol any kind of business. After
consulting many eminent physicians, and using
their prescriptions, and after using the most
popular remedies of the day, sup|>osed to he ajr
plicabie to my case, I always failed to have a
permanent relief. A friend, with much pur
suasion, induced mo to try a bottle of your cel
ebrated Bitters. 1 have used one bottle, and
this day commmence the second. lean, with
cheerfulness, state that it has happily improved
me. My appetite and spirits have astonishing
ly improved, and I begin to feel as though i h.uj
grown (suddenly) ten years younger: and real
ly, I am almost prepared to say that I now con
sider mvseif calculated fnr any business, while,
ten days ago, I would have as soon undertaken
to square the circle as to have-attempted it."
For sale bv Da. 8. I). Scott, Bedford, and
respectable dealers in medicine everywhere.
Oct. 14-, 1853.—1 v.
The subscriber has on hand a large assortment
of LUMBER of the best quality, among which
is 100,000 Shingles, of different kinds; 75,000
feet of superior Boards, and a splendid lot of
IjOcust Posts. Builders, and others in want of
Lumber, will find it to their advantage to ex
amine his large assortment.
Jan. 14-, 1553.
DANIEL B. BORDER respectfully informs
the citizens of Bedford and vicinity that he has
removed his shop to the house in the east end
of Bedford, one door west of the residence of
Major VVushabafigh, where he is prepared to
manufactory Doable and Single barrel Bifles
and Double anil Single barret Shot Cans of the
best quality.
if r" AII repairing of guns, locks, Sec., done
with neatness and despatch.
May 2(i, 1851.
l.ifc f ikMiraiicc.
Key Stone .Matant Life insurance Company of
IJurrisburg, Pa., has a Ouariinlee Capital
of $75,000.
Piesident, Hon. Lcthkr Kkii.ey, M. D. Pam
phlets, Circulars anil alt neces-ary information can he
obtained by calling al the office of tire subscriber,
authorized agent lor Bedford County.
C. N. HICKOK, Agent.
Samcei. D. Scott, M. I). Medical Examiner.
October 10, ISdt.
Joiiia I*. ISewS,
Attorney at Law, Bedford, Pennsylvania,
Respectful!y lenders his services to the Public.
If /^OHice second door North of the Mengel
1 louse.
Bedford, Feb. 20, 1852.
I*r. Sl* l\ B Harry
Ru-rui tltt.t.y tenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the
building formerly occupied by Dr. John liofius.
June 24, 1853.
Having located at Summerhill, in Cambria Coun
ty, respectfully tenders his professional services to
the public.
Dr. Fish is in possession ot a certain preventive
for Flux, Scarlet Fever, and Fevers in general, which
he will warrant for both adults and children for the
space of one summer season.
May 0, IS-l.'t.
Came to the premises of the subscriber, living
in Bedford Township, Bedford County, about
the 19th day of August, a Black Heifer, suj>-
nosed to he two years old—no ear or other
marks. The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pay charges and take
her away.
Sept. 1, 1854.
IVest Pilt Street, Bedford, Pennsylvania.
April 7, 1851 —1 v.*
BUY SUM k Sill 111 A
Sept. 1, 1854.
15 c<!io r(I Acad ein v
W. W. CAMPBELL, A. 8,,
Associate Princ ipa 1.
Tin: first session of the fourth school year of
this Institution wittopen on the first Monday of
September, 1554
The present school year opens aitspiciotish
The Principal looks forward with confidence
under God's favor, to its efficiency arul suc
cess. With enlarged experience and invjgo
-rated health, with the Teacher of Ins choice
who has already commended himself to the at
tachment and confidence of this coinrmmitv
and with a corps of students already drilled
and animated with some generous enthusiasm
!<>r knowledge, he hopes fully to sustain tin*
high estimation in which his fellow-citizen*
have been pleased to regard this school of learn
ing. The studies of the advanced class will
cover a good part of the Junior mul Senior
j Course in our best Colleges. No pins will
spared to develope the intellect and perfect
the scholarship of the Juvenile Class's. While
memory is cultivated, and accuracy of rerita
tion enfo/ced, where .set words are important
it is our guiding principle, that the great ob
ject ol' Education is to teach the young mind
how to think, and to express in suitable lan
guage what it thinks. We ever keep in view
that "(he repetition, parrot-like, of the word*
of the school book, by the pupil, evinces neither
his knowledge ol the subject nor his power h,
enunciate it : and much less do the monosylla
bic answers to a fixed set of questions."
If practice upon this principle gives the
Teacher more laimr, it will ensure him a higher
reward and the Pupil a thousand-fold more
During the past year an Jlsfronomimf jf.
paralus has been procured, at a cost of SGO.
Seperate entrances and seperate seats are .i|r
propriated to the Male and Female Departments.
it lias- long been a Desideratum with the
Principal to introduce a thorough and scitrdijir
simly of votul music as a part ol the Academic
Course. It will now take its place by the side
of Grammar and Arithmatic as a daily recita
tion. We hope to wipe off that reproach lor
Deficiency here which lies so justly against n <{
of the Schools and Academies of England and
No Pupil received for less than 1 quarter.
Terms per quarter, as usual, fo wit :
Cr.Assics, §li 25
Hiohkr English, 5 00
MinnEE " 4 50
El.kmkntart " 4- 00
Bedford, August 19, 1853.
EVERY ONE who has used Hummel 1 * Es
sence of Coffee, knows that one package will
go as far as 4- pounds of the b st Java Culler,
and coffee made by this Essence will preserve
perfectly the real taste of Java coffee, but will
have a more delicate and finer flavor, a finer
color, and will certainly be much wholesoiner
lor every person than pure Java Co flee.
sale at Dr. 15. F. HARRY'S new
Drug and Book Store. Oct. 7, 1853.
THE highest price, in cash or trade, allow-d
for old Tew ter and Copper.
Sept. 9, 1853.
JOHN 11. EDIE, Atrfirnt y at Ixt,
Will hereafter regularly attend the sittings
of the courts of this county. During the terns
of Court he may be consulted professionally at
the Hot<4 of Maj. Davis.
Bedford, Feb. 17, ]BS k
ISAAC HUGHS, Attorney af Law,
T\ r ILL hereafter regularly attend the sit
t T tings of the Courts of this county.—
During the terms of the Court lie may be con
sulted professionally at the Hotel of Maj. Davis.
Bedford, March 10, IS54*.
Dies altered, Envelopes stamped with busi
ness cards, Hommopathic Envelopes, self-sealed
and printed. Pajrer Bags for putting up (bir
den and Flower Seeds, with printed direction*,
N. B. Orders will he delivered by Lxpn v b
or as per agreement.
March 24-, ISs4.—Gin.
Chesnut St ret, between Third and Fourth-
Pm la unx.ruia, July 21st.
Or.ivnn H. P. PARKER, of Ohio, and J.vmi>
11. Laiud, of this city, having leased thr abo"'
well known arul popular house, Tor a term "I
years, are now prepared to accomodate guests in
a manner equal to any house in the City.
The location of this House is superior to any
other, being in immediate proximity to busine*--
also to most of the Banks, Public Others, T> l
Otfice and the Exchange, where omnibus---
start for all parts of the City.
The house having been put in thorough r '"
pair, and new furniture added, with nianv int
ern improvements, will add much to the
fin tof guests. The tables will at all tunes U
supplied with the best the market affords, a" l '
nothing shall be wanting, on our part, to rrw-e
the Fr.AXKt.ix truly the Travelers' Home.
Your patronage is most respectfully solicit"'-
July 21, 185 J..
Stufls, Spites, Patent Medicines
£umbt vI an i>, ill i).
CTT* Orders from Physicians and 2V[errha> ,f * ■■
tci/h pure and it ami idlf rated articles, at Had" 111
June 0, 1854—1y.
Iron, Nails, Spikes, and Grain and G" l '
Scythes for sale bv
' A. D. CRAMER & GO.