The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, October 30, 1867, Image 1

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    Terms ol" l'liblicutiou.
- Tn Waymehiiitro Hki'Cblifas, omce In
Bayers HulldliiK, east of the Court Ilouss, in pub
lished every Wednesday morning, ' at 83 per
annum, in advasck, or 83 SO If not paid wlth
lii tlisyiar. AIIntMrrllln arronnt mHt
be settled annually. No tMprrtvlll be int
out of the .State utile paid for is advaxck, and
all sucdi subscriptions will Jnvurluhly be discon
tinued nt the expiration of the time for whteh
tley aro pnlil.
i iVnrtimmlMitlniimn uuhjcctsnf local or irenernl
lnterist me rfjppi't fully willilled. To unsure'
nttrntlun nivornorthlii kind must Invarluldv lie
ncciimpunied by the nnmu of tlu author, mil for
piiiiliiMtiuii, but un K'lnniuty mj.mut iinij.withm.
All li-iteri iMTliilnlmt to bnlncwof tliu oilleo
luuit be mldrewied t the Kdltor,
. . 11I.OW1.0 ninui.Ds.
by el-gene it. uraiiAT.
As i loitered tbmiigh the village,
'. '"' . I bw children at their play,
, ' Blowing bubbles in tho sunshine,
i. From a penny pipe of clay.
",. J hail paxsoj thom with a greeting,
B it their gladness chirmnj ui3 s.i.
That I turneil to watch their babbles
Siilmj turona the summer's glow.
Tiiouh tiny swnsd ant hilf so brilli mt
, , v As ia b jyliooj I InJ bl iwn,
tho sinillejt of ray bubble!
llul I it rainbow of ltu own.
Yet my littlo friends grew morry
A3 ditch tinted, air-blown toy
Floated upw.ird, and tho baby
Cla?pu.l Its chubby hinds fjr joy.
And tho girl her armt outstretching,
,. ' As If bogin thera to stay
'' . Pall, "I'm very sorry,
Taay so quickly fade away. "
, , ' Bat her brother looked riulit maaly
" Ahe sboate l with delight,
); "Itisciuy, very easy,
To blow others Just as bright,'"
... And ho blew with such good fortuno
That, b ;loro his ta-k was done,
, You might count a score of bubbles
Floating gaily la tliu sun.
Then her eyes with pleasure sparkled,
... As tho crystal phautoau played,
And she tjuito forgot her sorrow
That they each so quickly
j ," And sho pausrjd wh.TO I wis rejling
' In the shadow of o yew,
.. And in tones of laughing wonder cried,
"Can't yon blow bubbles, too?',
" " And I knew not lnw to ntmvcr;
So I '.oft them at their play,
Illowln; bubbles in the sun. liine,
From a penny pipe of clay.
Jto sound but the Irjecli-nuts falling
, ., i Through the green and yellow leavsj
i And tho rainy west wind calling
Tho swallows from the caves;
No fading trees are shedding
Tujit golden ,i!ciidiryi.'t;
But a sunset gleam is spreading,
Tint sue:ns like a regret,
And tho crlrns nbru mtcd birdio
Sings his sweet IVncral hymn
On tlio oak tree grin and Htui dy,
In tho twilight g itlmin ; dim,
A Ick Cavk. Nearly all the ice usud on
the P.ti'tlc co-wt is obtained from a never
failing Ino cavo in the Northern p irt of Oregon .
Tiiis remarkable subterranean c ivern, v ire
the lei remains in a perfect state the year
round, is situated on a stream known as the
White Sf.lmon, which empties into tlio Col
nmh'a river, on the Was'iington Toiritory
ido, aboil', thirty miles below thj Dalles.
Tho entrance to this icy chamber Is near th.t
base of Mnnt Adami wiiieh stands twenty
miles from the Columbi i, nud w'.ios.j m citing
now constitute tho waters of the White S.d-
mon. Too dimension of this cavo gruvas',
extending many miles under tho snowy monn
taln,and the scenery inside is supremely grand,
. The ico U found i:i columns formed by water
falling from above and congealing as it falls.
Jhcso columns are cut out in blocks and con
veyed ou pack animals to tlio Columbia river,
i ud from thence are shipped to all thj markets
on the coa
"" "7a Givo me t'ao money that has been
gpent In war, and I will purchase rvcy foot of
land upon tho globa; I will clotlu cvjry man,
' j woman and child In an ultire of which kings
..and queens would bo proud. I will build a
;8ehool house on every hillsido and in every
' - valley over tho earth; I will build an academy
ia every town, and endow it; a college in
every State, and till It with able professors; I
.'"Ji" crown every hill with a place of worship,
r oonsecralo 1 to tlio promulgation of the Gospel
.r of Peace; I will support in ovury pulpit an aide
' teacher of righteousness so that nn every S ib
bath morning tho chime on one hill should ans
wer to tho cblmo on another around the
earth's wide circumference; and the voico of
.jprT'i'ana the song oi praise should ascend
,ndika universal holocaust to heaven Rufut
Uq-tdt) -- - ' j m m
.- is regard to tho town of Jaekson, Oh
.wjicro alf.tho voters, D in number, voted
. Uie JmooraUc ticket, the New York Coi
ftrnneW remarkSi .
T'tVe -had occasion to travel through that
poftiojof Dliioafew years" siuce, when a
colporteur Informod us, as tho result of his
observations and inquiries, that but one In
thirty 6rthb pooplo could, read, while on an
average only one inMy flve possessed Bible.',
I A Wi41aoA k roqoired Jtd enforce that text.
mtm ,
rn i'fl PhilddpbJV' Amirim Is glorying
f.,jMloorNlcolsori' pavement ou Broud
.tatritet ia that city, and exhorting the powers
that ber ticonnutf tho t;ood work tho wholo
Ie'ngiC.of Um streotl . If this woro done Broad
treat would be one of the finest promenades
Wlti.'?0'lJ-,Os cfrveu, luilos -Jong and
DUi lMayof the haudiiomest public -and private
Mtdtnti adorn Its sides. 1 At present It is dis
figured and ruined by a net wcrk of iron rolls,
WlWS'gaW oCcUt-bd on the Labrador Coast
at.M5"1 Vnstanl, and so. far a heard from
iraoaetliirty vessols have been totally wrecked.
9jral!!?!!!,?,iltno1 ,r .propoi ty and
a3rtl dive lost,. VharveV boats and fish oil
jr"am tlMMirr washed way- Bteameri are
lit Johns with relief for the snfferors,
",J.6jAf5ji'ovof ops thousand pooplo left des-
M-J&m.i,-Z- m - ;,. ;, ' :
jVVmouth Church,' Brbokjyn, Sunday,
RciIJenryJVaiil Batcher presented to the
mai to atuest a-Uoion lady
OhWi,'toith Oarnlm, Wbo'iimposes
'' FMBiwni three bandred sad eleven dead
Wf WIl,.Cemitoy.:ana iroet-a
tiwri wusttint vf thacui-A ceUetion of fltleon
'0aXhsB4dlT wt tnsde. " "' ii i w
,r-"T'i' : b ' "' '" k'
.v vTaav coal trade -of Pcnn ylvanhv incresaea
m SS1TSl2 iVv.1! H toA that five hcu.
4,44n4 ffll liousand tons more of anthracite
MMUwMoaaaYwal to market this year than
daring tbc corresponding period OfUst yew
Ily Jfohu tnlll.
Thin is a thrilling narrative of a
noblo Xorlh American Indian.
It is also tho fcimplo- 8tory ofa
woinan's love.
And it ijs .1 touching illustration of
the power of paternal affection.
As well 06 a tale of Litter and ter
rible revenge.
It is aha fu-st-chws in every respect,
and warranted to .keep one year in any
climate, and it ii a number of other
things, which I won't mention, Ixmiukc
I don't want to tell the anecdote before
I get to it. For I once knew a limn
who undertook to write a preface to.
hi.s book, and when be got through be
couldn't tell whether to make a book
of the preface, or a preface of tho book,
and be lcv-t hi.s . rctison, and became n
straw-haired lunatic trving to decide.
Out in the prairie dwelt an Indian
chief named Fiery Xose, and Fiery
Xose had a daughter, over whose head
sixteen Indian summers might have
X'ow it will bo necessary, you per
ceive, that this copper completed young
maidvn should have a lover, in order
to give this story the proper degree of
interest. f?o she bad one, and his
name was I'ulfalo Lull, and he was an
aged bravo, some years her senior, and
he woro knock-knees and goggles, and
was related to a red haired trilto of In
dians who ate the bread of idleness,
excepting when they were compelled
to work for a living. Kufl'alo Lull
was 11 fine old brave, and he always
hit directly from tho shoulder and
considered it no disgrace to drink nine
fingers of file water nt one time, and
wear crape on his hat when his first
wife died.
lie also had a cow-lick in his hair.
The old aborigine Fiery Xose.hadn't
the slightest idea in the world that
such a venerable old savage as L. L.
sprung in the knees and. spavined as he
was, ever thought to marry his daugh
ter. Lut, strange to say, that was the
very indent ienl thing upon which Buf
falo had set his heart.
So he called one evening at the
family mansion of Fiery Xose, with
tin; intention of murdering him in a
peaceable and friendly manner, ntid
then doping with his daughter, the
Fair Prairie Flower.
On that very night Fiery Xose sat
in his library with his war paint on,
trving to balance his scab) account.
which was one sc.i'p short, and the
Prairie Flower also wow paint, and
sat reading Tapper's inspiring poems,
under the chandelier in the front par
lor. When Lufl'.tlo Lull came in, he
went back into the library, mid enter
ed into conversation with the old man,
fir he had rare conversational powers,
and spoke his native tongue with a
facility that was nt once admirable and
"Will you tttko a pipe?" asked the
hospitable Fiery Xose; "do, take one,"
handing him a coil of gas-pipe. "I
have some tobacco that has a stamp on
it, and it consequently must be good.
It was grown in Paducha."
"Whv don't you use the Mud Tur
tle brand?" observed LuNiilo Lull.
"Every paper you buy has a million
dollar bill in it, and you can get it fir
five cents. It is an exwllcnt invest
ment foryour surplus earnings. Let
1110 advise von to get some."
"Ah, I' will," said Fiery Xose.
"Prayhaire," said he to his child, "go
around and buy me two papers of Mud
Turtle tobacco. You'd better ride.
Get a quarter's worth of tickets, and
you mav buy "yellow jack" with the
change.1' . .
The fair Prairio Flower . kissed hot
aged parent until his colors began to
run, and then she went out 011 her er
rand with a small hat over her eves.
' "Xiee girl, ain't she?" said Fiery
Xosc ;'"IVc had a great deal of troublo
bringing her up, but I am amply re
paid, and I attribute all to the fact
that I raised her with yeast powders.
I got tho best, and they did tho busi
ness." "She is a fmo girl, and no mistake,
and she seems good, too. Ly the wav,
how arc vou getting along over at voiir
Sunday School ?" ' '
"Tolerably, thank you," said Fiery
Xose; "tolerably. . I make .them an
address, and play a lew tunes on the
melodcon.. every Sabbath afternoon;
but I can't attend to it properly, you
know." t
, "XTy? Why not?" '" '
, "Well, you sec, I am constantly in
terrupted. Here .last Sunday, while ,1
was right in tho . midst ofa touching
Lymn, a pale face came down the road,
and I was obliged to go out and mur
der him. He ran, but I told him thaf
he'd got to die, and if ho didn't want
to go out on the. fly, he'd .better siuv
cumb at once."- ; "
"Did he?" - ,
''Yes, lie come up and apologized
fot., running, on thej ground that h4
wanted ' to Bee a man. But I was
mad, for you know I am lymphatic,
with a' ' tendency' to '.apoplexy, . and I
don't likrr-rtrrrH' - ,
"Eight enough too." 1 .1)"
J'So I gripped onto this follow like
a doublo-headod terrier...', and -tfcen I
scalped him, and lot him go.', He ask-
ea me wbat I thought he ought to do,
and I told him I would advise him as
a friend to use hair. . restoratives warr
ranttJd not a dyi, and to shake tho ldoi'towt Pbm(raic IUcr could be'
wc, am run-H, wM in."1 1
i :.l
: !'Itdid .credit to your, head and
heart," observed LutlUlo Lull.
liiJile said go, and concluded by giv
ing me his hand, and asking mo if I
wouldn't bury the hatchet."
"Did you signify your willingness
to do go?" . ...
"I did, and tho ceromony came off
at the cemetery. Tho friends and re
latives of the litmily were invited, and
the Episcopal sendee was read at the
grave. Xo cards, however."
" What t ' Xo seven up in the car
riages going to the funeral ? Why, I
thought that was the regular thing "
"Qh, yes j we had that, of course.
Hut 1 cards of invitation."
"Ly the
'Jiytlie way, old boy, ejaculated
Halo Lull, "speakinir of your dauirh-
ter, eIio's a regular straight-out, gani-
uoge-sknnica, aboriginal nngei, no
discount on her. ' She's a nobby bit of
calico; anil, wlule I tliuik ot it, 1
understand young Grizzly Lear, the
festivc bravo of the Algonquins, has
viewcd her with a critics
passed her imperfections bv,
and con-
eluded to go for Iter, llow eavest
thou?". . .
"lie has, has he? Well, permit me
to remark that he has probably shinn
ed up tho incorrect tree. IIim?whv
I'd just as leave marry her to some
wooden-headed cigar store Indian, I
would, upon my sacred word of honor
as a gentleman."
"She's too good for him, peradven
ture," observed Lull'alo Lull senten
tiously. ,'
"Vcuturc your wholo pile on that,
me boy. She wears low-down bonnets,
and has her limn embroidered, she
does ; besides she chews nm, and has
a four-ounce ring through her nose.
Xo girl like that's a going to fling
herself away, is she? Well, I should
think not. Xot while her pa can dab
ble his hands in gore, at any rate, I
"Lut, my friend," observed Lull,
with a trembling voice, "how much
these ebulilions of youthful affection
rcmiud me of my childhood days.
Look at inc. while I weep ; listen to
these bona file tears as they patter in
the spittoon. Oh where, where arc
tho friends of mo youth! O where are
the loved ones gone ?"
"I givo it up," said Fiery Xose,
after a few moments calm and patient
"Don't you recollect how we used to
go out 011 the trail and capture little
children and gouge their eyes out, and
chop 'em into bits, and "then come
homo and learn our catechisms and
knife our next door neighbor, and then
pray to the Great Mauitou before wo
went to bed. Ah, those were happy,
happy days and we were hilarious lit
tle lugins', weren't we? But now all
these things are mingled with the ir
revocable past, you can just bet they
"Why you're drunk ain't you?"
asked Fiery Xose, "you're talking first
class drivel. Where do you get you're
fire water? I'll have to get Senator
Yates to come and lecture you on
To this Luflalo Bull deigned no re
ply, but pretending to see something
on the top-not of Fiery Xose, be ask
ed him to Ktwip a minute while lie
picked it off. He then clandestinely
jerked out his scalping knife and lift
ed his hair, after which ho jabbed the
knife into his vitals, and threw him
on the grate to die. .
Just then Prario Flower returned
with the tobacco, and perceiving at a
glance that her parent was reduced to
a cinder, she observed to Luilitlo Lull
that it seemed to be pretty well up
with the old man.
"llm-n, yes," said lie;
thought strikes me will
"but a
you be
"Well, I don't know; let 111c see
what your income tax was last year."
"I paid fax on two horse blankets,
Larlow knife and thirty-seven .scalps. 1
l'csides, I love you to distraction.'
Come to this loving heart, rest on mv
bosom, rest. Say, will you ?"
"I am ever thine own," Raid Prairie
Flower, as she nestled against his hun
ting shirt. , -
And on her lover's arm she lrnnt,
And round her wnlt she felt It fold ;
lie mid. "I do not cure n pent,"
She Willi, "I'll net he flmU he's oM."
Thus were these two aboriginal
savages made happy in the fullness of
each other's love. She grew old and
ugly in time, and he, in the depth of
his unspeakable affection, used to sit
ii) day after day smoking on tho front
door steps, while she hoed corn and
wheeled home potatoes in a push cart,
until at hut she: was called home to
the happy huntingground, and he im
mediately put fresh crape otr bis hat
and began browsing around for an
other girl. t ' ; '
Lut does not this teach us all a les
son, ' that that teach iis,I say,, a
lesson that we that wc.Isav.mav iot
.that pass, ; however, doubtless -it does
teaeU us.a- lesson, but it s of no, conse
quence -,';!. r . ;v. . i
1 jultsmm'o, on the Pacific railroad,' mast be
lively, place. A letter from there my
"Whiskey here is or the 'jack-pinna' brand,
outllng-m nbavln off Uia stomach at every
draught Every pemon goes armed, carrying
one or ,rvvp navy rerohrcrs with ahrje bowle
kniftj, whioh they do nut tail to uso, often wittt
out provocation." ',.','.;:',';. ' , ' ,.
A Dxj.ooa .Tic caucus In eastern Pennsyl
vania, dunaadej. of tlid convention that it
should; . n.a 'fJWisf fni' a certain county
office. Tm proposition was favorably mcired
found In U11 county.
, t'OX OX l'AVI NUr. N. UOMISltf
During the campaign in Ohio,
which has just closed, Gov. Cox of that
State, mado a speech at Cleveland, in
tho course of which he referred to the
proposition recently started by the
Democracy to-pay off tho United
States bonds in greenbacks, presenting
a view of tho subject that we consider
well worthy the attention ofour readers,
and of no class moro than those who
work every dry . for tho support of
tl emselvcs a.Ki iamilies. He extract
from his spewh the: following pointed
remarks which every candid man
should carefully ponder. After a dis
cussion of general principle, tho Gov
ernor said:
"There is no possible way to avoid
the conclusion tliat if wo make our pa
per currency five times as great as it
now is, it cannot, at tho very best, lie
worth more lha:i one-fifth as much as
it is now. Thr.t is to say, each five
dollar bill is now. As a matter of
fact, the experience ot tho world shows
that it would be very much worse
than this. "When once it lias become
evident that a Government has turned
its back onsiiund principles of currency
Land committed itself to excessive issues
of irredeemable paper, the depreciation
of that currency is out of all propor
tion to its amount, and it soou gets to
bo almost entirely M'orthless.
"The present currency, treasury and
bank notes, were reported by the Sec
retary in the last oflieial report I have
at hand, nt a trifle under seven hun
dred millions. In round numbers we
may call it that. As the depreciation
which is ineviti.blo upon a new issue
of notes utleets all alike, this present
currency will have depreciated fotir
filihs, and will, under this Democratic
financiering, be worth at best only one
hundred and forty millions, the re
maining four-fillhs of its value having
disappeared. Swr, I think there is
no young mechanic! or farmer here
that would ?m troubled to answer the
question who has lost tho balance of
five hundred ami sixfy millions. This
iiart of the currency, you will remem
ber, goes into no bondholders' hands.
It is already in the hands of tho people,
and it is in the people's hands that it
depreciates. You, my young work
man if you have been putting part of
your earnings in the savings bank,
will find when vou drew it out, that
you have been the loser of four-filths
of the whole amount, livery' man
and woman why holds tho currency
will have lost that portion of their
money. It will have gono from them
as absolutely and inevitably 11s if a
Dcuiocratia tax-gatherer had ijonc
around and collected from the people
the whole five hundred and sixty mil
lions. "Lut bow is it as to tho rest ; the
vast sum of more than twenty-two hun
dred million? It would depreciate to
the sama extent, and the loss to some
body would be seventeen hundred und
sixty millions. Who bears it? Jhe
bondholders, say the Democratic ora
tors, and curse tho bondholders. In
bringing the matter to this, we at least
pluck awav the mask from these gen
tlemen, and show that their pretense
that nobody is to lose, and that they
Ion t mean rcmuliation, is a deception
and a shame." 1
As fin- repudiating or paying in ir
redeemable cuncwv, which is the same
thing, tho bonds held by hundreds of
millions by foreign bondholders, the
Governor said:
"If it were some bagatelle often or
a down millions, a kind of Mississippi
repudiation, they might stand it, but
when it comes to a thousand millions
or thereabout, I ttrongly suspect that
the four great powers together might
persuade even ailaiidijilinm and
Thurman that it was chcaocr to pay.
Just try to imagine, you business men,
a war lor the suiio ot repudiation a
war to niaUe tjoveriimcnt creditors
take irredeemable Treasury notes for
their ootids, whoa you have just made
those Treasury notes nearly valueless,
and taken pains to destroy in advance
the only credit -by winch yoit could
posfiibly carry 00 a war. Tho coun
try swamped by this immeasurable in
flation and ruin of the currency, and a
far with tho whole civilized world on
your hands 1 Who would these gen
tlemen liorrow from to pay the cost of
such a war? What kind of faith
would they pledge for payment ? And
if they -tried to raise the means by
taxation", bow much easier would it be
for the people to pay the taxes and to
fight in the cause of knavery and
swindling, than in Mould be to pay the
debt itself like honest men ? Depre
ciation does not take place immediate
ly upon the issuo ot currency, hut it is
always a gradual process, tlio lowest
point not being reached till all the
channels of business, big and little, are
tilled by the new inflation.
"Suppose you force upon the country
this vast, amount of currency which
tlie Democrats propose, how much of
the loss by depreciation will come upon
tlie first receiver, 'and how much upon
the country at largo ? The man who
gets pay or a thousand dollar bond
starts the currency in circulation im
mediately, not waiting for it to depre
ciato. He pays Lis debts with it, and
shrewd capitalists will have sense
enough to make debts in advance when
they see the danger coming ; ' for we
must not' forget; that no- matter how
mnch th'ourrejicj' may go down it
will pay ftr 'the .machinery yon have
made and sold months before, for the
goods you hdVe slid and delivered, for
r f r-
tor., to
KIGIIT. Lincoln. ,
all th manufactures you busy shops
have turned out, and all the producu
and live stock the farmers have con
tracted to sell. Tho greater part, by
far the greater part, theu; of the loss
by tho depreciation would necessarily
como upon the community as a whole,
and not upon the bondholder who first
receives the bills.
"From whatever point of view ex
amined, fro still find ruin for the coun
try, and for the whole country, follow
ing from this insensate and dishonest
"But, it may bo said, if tho burden
come back after all upon tho people,
why object, since they will only have
paid off their own debt ?
"The objection would be that, in
stead of paying off tho debt gradually,
and as tho country is able to bear it,
it would be dono suddenly, which
could not bo lorno by any "people in
the case of a debt of such a size. "We
may pay the debt, wo will say, in
thirty or forty years, without extraor
dinary suffering, but to pay it in three
or four would bo beyond our power.
Tho same Democratic orators, when
they had other points to make, have
been accustomed to asseverate that the
debt was nearly or quite as great 08 the
whole value of property in the country,
and they will be the hist men to advo
cate payment when once tho people
see clearly that their attempt at repu
diation would not only be immediate
payment, but such paymeut as a kna
vish trader has to mako under the
slicriU's hammer ; a payment which is
infinitely worse than an honest settle
ment with his creditors.
"Xot only would such a scheme re
sult in taking tho whole amount out of
the people, but instead of discrimina
ting in favor of the poor, they would
suffer most in proportion to their
means. Ly the laws, State and na
tional, which tho Union party have
made, tho incomo and tho fixed jiro
perty of the poor man is exempt from
taxation. This principle of discrimi
nating in favor of those who aro tho
least able to bear tho public burdens,
runs through our statutes and is a
prominent and marked feature in
them. Lut I have already shown
that in a depreciation of currency tho
loss ii on him in whoso hands the
money is, and the poor man has no
favor. Thu banker or trader sees the
changes of tho money market first, and
it will bo tlio mechanic who is little
versed in premiums or discounts, the
farmer who lives out of reach of daily
press-current, w ho will bear the great
est proportion of loss, relatively to their
means. This Democratic plan, then,
among all other sins and mischiefs,
has this additional one, that it could
not be more cunningly devised to force
immediate payment of the whole public
debt, by first getting it into the hands
of our own peopleand then repudiating;
and this is the precise way of all others
which will be tho most ruinous and
bear tho hardest upon the poorer class
es." lour PILLOW.
Rebel fJeiiernl Forrest Disponed of.
A while ago the rebel General For
rest "broke silence" in his own defense
in connection with tho Fort Pillow
butchery. He put in the claim of in
jured innocence, asserting that there
was no such killling no such butch
ering as had lcen represented. Mack j
J. Learning writes to the .Now York
Times a communication, which dis
poses of these statement?-. We quote
as follows:
Not desiring in the least degrco to
be egotistic, or to subject myself to
that charge, I deem it proper hero to
state the rank and position I held at
the timo of the capture of Fort Pillow
in order the better to enable the pub
lic tojudge of tlie opportunities which I
had of knowing the filets as regards
tho Fort Pillow affair if I may be
allowed the expression aud for no
other cattle. I was the first Lieuten
ant and adjutant of the Thirteenth
West Tennessee Cavalry, commanded
by Major W. F. Bradford. Major
Bradford commanded the Garrison
most of the day, Major J. F. Booth,
who was tho ranking ofliccr, having
been killed aljout 9 A. 31.
As Post Adjutant I had charge of
the correspondence which took place
under the flag of truce sent in by For
rest, about 3 o'clock P. M., relative to
tho surrender of the garrison. That
eorresKnden, as published in the re
port of the Congressional Investigat .ng
Committee, is substantially correct,
with but one exception, viz., it omitted
to state tho threats which Forrest ac
tually made in both the communica
tions, in these words, to-wit: "If this
demand is not complied with, you mast
take the consequences." Having con
fidence in our ability to hold tho fort
until reinforcements arrived, we refus
ed to surrender, never dreaming that
pendiug negotiations under , tho flag
of truce, Forrest by violating all rules
of civil warfare, . had treacherously
gained positions from which he could
successfully assault our works. 1. x '
. This, however, proved only tho pre
lude to the chapter of horrid atrocities
which hcatiis friends had iu store fg;
the Federal garrison after its captur '
That the massacre of ourtroops ;hich
followed was dclilierately premeditated
and planed, I lelicve, as I believe in
the. existence of ajust God, who will
punish the pcrpctratore of this whole
sale murder of unarmed and many of
them ' wounded men' I was myself
deliberately shot down after 1 had sur
rendered, and while lying on the field
i0. 20,
where I fell saw a number of wounded
men deliberately shot. All tbisoccur
ed after the Ibi't was iu .entire posses
sion of tho Rebels, and when our men
had eutirely ceased to offer resistenco.
These atrocities were renewed early
tho fblloving morning morning, when
two uilarihed. lielnleSs wotindoil Fed
eral soldiers were shot within thirty
toct ot where I was lying at the the
time. I at the fcimo time heard shoot
imr (minor on all nrottml the fort, lint
71 o o - - -7
this occurred m my iramediato sinht
ami locality. -id
conclusion, I would say that I
have w no means n. ilcmro in immit
my personal wrongs and sufferings be
fore the Public, and but, for tlie fact
that I am tho only surviving ofTiecr of
mv regiment tlio only regiment of
wnito troop3 that participated 111 tho
defense of Fort Pillow I should have
remained silent upon this occasion,
Philadelphia is conceded to be tlie
medical metropolis of the Union 5 and
medical colleges most numerously
abound here, llence dissecting rooms,
and hence the "resurrection" business,
Tlie price paid resurrectionists for a sub-
led generally is from fifteen and twenty
dollars' : what price is paid at tho Coun
ty prison we cannot sav. 1 he coIIe:-
es aro largely supplied with the bodies
ot abandoned women, many ot whom
havo been known to sell themselves
for this purpose before death, for tho
sum of fifty dollars! A writer who
has been visiting one of the dissecting
...! il. r 11 r .
mum, iiiiiiisiies too ioiiowing account
of what he saw : "It is about sixty
feet in length, by twenty-fivo in
breadth, with tabics threo feet in
height, arranged on each side, some
thirty in number; 011 these arc placed
the (lead bodies. To get to tho room
you go tip several flights of winding stair
and knock at a little door in a dark
hall, which admits vou into tho ante
room where tho students put on their
long black dissecting gowns. You see
a long marble trough where theHtudents
wash after the work is done. You
raise a littlo trap-door in another part
of tho room, and looking down, all is
darkness below; you look down into
a vault which descends from tho fifth
story, sixty feet below tho level of the
ground. Into this tho debris of the
dissecting room is thrown consistim; of
muscles, hearts, lungs, etc., that have
been examined and are of no more use
to the students. It nuikes 0110 fairly
tremble to see them pitch human
brains and hearts down this deep, dark
vault, and how many have goie the
same wav? You onen another door
and the brilliancy of the gas light daz
zles your eyes for a second, merry peals
of laughfer resound through tho room
and four students are dissecting each
cadavcra. At ono table stands the
demonstrator, explaining tho anatomy
of the brain. Around him are crowded
eight or ten students. lie points out
cerebrum, cerebellum, and various
lobes.' He takes a scalpel, cuts the
brain horizontally through tho centre
with the utmost precision. You look aud
there sco many veins branching from a
main one like tiio branches from the
body of a tree. It resembles a minia
ture tree so closely that it is called the
trccoflife. Looking around, what a
variety of bodies you see that were once
asfullof lifo asyoiiorl now arc all
ages, all sexes; all colors, all sizes, are
represented old grey-headed men and
women, young girls and children. A
girl,who in the soft delicacy of her ala
basterHkin,in her block hairwhieh,por
haps not many months before, was
worn in graceful curls, in the beauti
ful symmetry of her fnra and well-de
veloped limbs, still retains marks of
beauty. Ayottiig man, in the spriug
ti'mc of manhood, lay not far olf; lie
was, indeed, a fine Bjiocimcn of tho ge
nus homo, iu his large ami Muscular
limbs. In contrast to this t, iant was
si! chilli, not two vcnrsnld thnurh
-7 - - - j ' 'J
she was thin, puny and bearing marks
n HI usage, yet m her innocent,
pale, waning appearance, she looked
pretty in the sleep of death.
THE .11.4 7S Of I'VIKl'KMr..VtT..
Tlio indopondont ' man is not the
man who never listens to advice who
is satisfied with his own wisdom, and
merely wishes "to be let alone." The
independent man is not the man who
considers it necessary to bo blunt and
sharp with every mau with whom he
deals, who prides himself on curt an
swer, and on caring littlo for other
people's feelings. The independent
man Is not neecssarally the man who
cares nothing for- the opinion of the
world. ' On the contrary ho may be
very courteous to the opinion of the
world, he may treat it with the grcat
csterespect and try to con from to the
world's wishes as long as ho can do so
without compromising his own opin
ions. He may be very careful to tem
per bifr-fomarka and answers to the
feelings of those around him. He
may not only treat his equals with cour
tesy, his superiors with respect. He
may listen toi advice respectfully, even
if he does not follow it.."' He may even
have a fair suspicion that his own
wisdom is liable to fail, and be glad to
listen to-the opinions of other men, or
even to that of the despised . "world."
Our ideas of the independent men are
often confused with those of the bluff
self-mifBnene,'onei(ed, men who wish
hdHhing frotrf Other men 1 except that
the stan 1 ou--oi-their-wiy modern Uiog
eneses who manage to tret a reputation
for independence,'' on what is really
rudeness, and frequently impertinence.
Terms ol A.Uvertllnff
j o n w e k K .
AnvERTOKMEN re inserted nt 6 pwsqasrs
for tltreu tnKcrtlniix, ami 54 eul per squars
for erh S(tclltlonnl Insertion (ten llnra or lew
coiiuL'tl UMjUHre. All truu&ltiUl advertisements
to ho puM itr liiHilvunce.
IU'sinekh Noticks set under the bend of local
news will iHtrlinntcd invariably 10 cents Un
for rm'h Insertion,
A li)ornt ditliiftlon mode to persons ad vertls
liiit by th qnnrtt ir, hnl!'-yenr or yeur. Special
notices t lmrsied one-hull mora tliuu regular ad
vcrtinuiucnis. Jo Printing of every kind In Plain and Fan
cy colon; llund-bllU, ltlnnks, Curds Pamphlets,
ix, of every variety and style, printed at the
shortest notice. . Tlie Kki'Uiimcan Orrti'K lias
lust been re-tltlod, and every tiling In the Prlut
ln line enn be executed In the most artlstle
luuinierand at tho lowest rates.
These men are not independent of them
selves and their own vanity. vt
, The truly independent man may be
the most agreablo of companions. Ho
listens to your advice, but assumes all
the responsibility himself if ho takes
it. He Is not forever agreeing with
you. Ho advances his own Ideas and
gives you a chance for discussion; He
treats you with courtesy, somotimcs
with abruptness, perhaps, but you'
have a confidence in what he does and
snys to you which is of itself agreeable.'
In business tho independent man coiir
fides in bis own judgement for every
final decision, and bis "final" decisions'
are usually his first decision. But this
by no means precludes his heareing oth
er men's ideas with courtesy and prof
iting by them. It is usually your in
dependent mau who is straight forward
and prompt in business transactions.
Wo do not want brusipieness, nor rude
ness, nor incivility, independence is
always aceptable,bo it in business or in
Tho Democracy aro squarely wheel
ing into rank, on a platform of repudi
ating the National debt, by passing an
act to pay tho Government Bonds in
paper instead of coin. Mr. Pendleton,
in a speech, which is endorsed by tho
Democratic press generally, in speak
ing of tho interest on our bonds, says 5
"Thcso forty-eight millions annually
should be saved. Tho five-twenties'
should bo paid in greenbacks as they
mature, or as fast as they can lie dono
without too great derangement of tho
Tho IJoston Pod has not yet been
brought to tho new party platform,'
and says: "A dollar is a metallic sub
stance of real value not a proniiso 6ii
a piece of paper ; therefore, when
Government promises to pay ono
thousand dollars, it engages to pay
adual dollars ; not yromhcit but dol
lars. These dollars aro mado of gold
and silver."
To' this tho Pittsburg Post answers'
thatthero is to bo ono kind of dollar
for the rich bondholders and another
for the poor soldier. If the bonds,
were all, or nearly nil, in tho hatids of
rich bondholders, tho argument would
amount to this : "Justice docs not re-,
quire you to pay your debts if your
creditor is already rich." Poverty
may be a very pretty thing iu poetryj
but arc we ready to assume that when
11 man becomes rich bo forfeits his
right to collect debts duo him? Ini
tliiseountry where men generally mako
their own fortunes, and where tlio poof
struggling boys of thirty years ago aro
the capitalists of to-day, 11 party must
have a slender mission that hopes to live,
by fostering a mean jealousy, in tho
poor, against tho rich. Wo urge our
boys to industry and economy, and tho
gurgeon Held out to tliem is wealth.
Shall wo toll them that in gaining it
tliey lose tlieir right to enforce con
tracts? This is the doctrinoof tho Post.
Tho Govorment contracts to pay a dol
lar, then says to its creditor, "If you
were a poor man I should pay you;
but you are rich and can afford to lose
the dollar, therefore, you have no right
to claim payment, so I shall pay that
promise with another." Would tho
Pod advise carrying this principle into
the transactions between individuals?
But its assumption that tho bonds
aro 111 tho hands of rich men is with
out foundation. There are few men,
or. women, who have a few hundred
dollars saved, and have not invested in
bonds. Our circulating medium of
tho national banks is founded on
bonds tho national faith pledged to
redeem them. When our currency
docs not stand on a metalic founda
tion, it is littlo better than Confederate
paper. Tho money in tho pocket of
the poor man, as well as in the vault
of tho rich, goes down to its .value as
waste jiajier, or, at least, is depreciated
to a ruinous degree. As money goes
down, tho price of everything goes up.
Wheat is always weighed against gold
and the price of labor. A bushel, or
a gold dollar, is tho average worth of
a day's work of an unskilled laborer.
No change in the money market makes
any material chango in these relative
values, in years of ordinary plenty;
and if you take away confidence by
annulling tho coin payment of interest
on our bonds, you take away tho valuo
of tho money already in circulation,
and only increase tho labor of paper
makers, engravers and printers in
manufacturing promises to represent
dollara mado of other promises.
Xut in a national point oi view, any
thing but tho honest payment of our
debt, in honest coin, is rum, present or
prospective. JNo ono believes we could
have borrowed tho money necessary to
carry on the war, if those loaning it
had not believed we would pay in
com. We kept up tho value ot green
backs by taking them in payment for
bonds, which we promised to pay in
coin. It we tail to keep that promise.
where should we go for the means to
carry us through any future war? The
iucstion answers itseli in the returnine
echo, "Where?" Pittt. Gazette.
Oh election duyafigfyt ocourea la'Xiltls
Lake, Mendocino county, IJako, between
two families named respectively Coast and
Frost. Five of the Coasts' were killed and
throe dangerously wounded. Two of t!i
Frestt Inst tbelr Uvea An old feud told to
have existed between the families was pretty
effectually wiped out by this vendetta.
Thb Supreme Court of Pennsylvania will
now stand Road, Agnow and Strong, who
have voted with the Republicans, and Thomp
son and Sharfweodt Democrats.