Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 25, 1959, Image 5

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    since January, loadlots prime
steer# 1100-1375 lbs. 28 50 -
eight loads in
c«V|ht 29i75. Load prime
at 29.00 late corn
par aofe to 23 50 cattle Mon
day Mixed-choice and prime
1100-1350 lbs. 27 25-28 25
late, load lugh-choice and
prime 1350 lb weights at
27 50 comparable to 27 00
cattle Monday.
High-choice and mixed
choice and prime steers be
low 1100 lbs 28.50-29 00,
several loads mostly prime
wth choice end 1050-1100
lbs. 29 25-29 50 late Load
high choice with a prime end
1040 lbs 28 75 late and load
prime 1275 lbs also 28 75
Bulk good to high choice
steers 1100 lbs up 25 00-27 -
50 lale, good" to choice below
1100 lbs. 26 00-28 25. Stand
ard and low good steers 23 -
00-25 50, load standard 1000
lb holstem steers 24.00 late,
O Yards
ffee overed
_ tioo lbs
n] mostly, 50
ii 00 ] bs
K Hei£ers
v thiough
’ nol 75 lower,
ill as carcass
ago at low-
Febuiaiy 58
fail'd feeders
r e1 !230 lb
5 30 00 lowest
EX 2 4963
Mato and Tomato Growers-
Du Pont MANZATf gives
verful disease protection...
Ips produce higher yields,
more No. I’s
POTATOES —“Manzate” gives outstanding control
•lights ... it’s the “new standard of excellence”
jxowei tests, “Manzate” has boosted yields of No. I’s an aver
of 21 4 hundredweights per acre over standard fungicide pro
ins Right m your own state, “Manzate” led all other fungicides
ed In fact, in these tests, “Manzate” stood out best because it
iislently resulted in high yields. Last year, potato fields treated
i“Manzate” stayed blight-free, although surrounded by infected
is in many instances
“Manzate” is the most nearly
feet fungicide yet developed
p'tusk the severe disease damage that so many tomato growers
ped duiing 1958. Use “Mamzate” for positive control of all
pi fungus diseases of tomatoes. “Manzate” controls defoliation
fiuil lots with maximum efficiency, yet is mild on plants. And
png-house records show that spraying “Manzate” increased
pto yields an average of 75 per cent over untreated fields.
nembei these advantages from "MANZATE”...
•standing Disease Control,
ifoughly Tested, Recommended
*'ble Spray Programs, “tailor- • Economical —The most disease con
di foi voui area and conditions trol for your money.
most effective-disease control, be sure you get Du Pont "Manzate”
(1) 'ungitide. Order a supply of "Manzate” from your dealer now!
{> " "ll ihtmitah, always j'olhn label instructions and namings carefully.
’ - S *ATOfr
Ter things for better living, through chemistry
aranteed 80% Active
i r Mctnzate and other DuPont Agricultural Chemicals
bstQ ut St., Lancaster
maneb fungicide
• Easy to Use —No mixing or han
dling problems.
maneb fungicide
several lots mixed utility
and standard holsteins 22 25-
Four loads prime 1125 lb
heifers 28 50, several loads
mixed choice and prime 950
- 1025 lb heifers 28 00-28 25
late, bulk good to high
choice heifers 24 75-27 75,
utility and Standard 19 50-
24 25.
Utility and commercial
cows 16 50-19 75 early, late
mostly 15 50-18 75
Few standard cows 19 00-
20 50, late bulk canners and
cutters 13 50-17 50, few
lightweight and shelly can
ners down to 12 00
U 1 ihty and commercial
bulls 21 00-23 00 few 23 25
and few heavy fac bulls 19 -
00-20 00 Few good and
choice vealers 33 00-34 00,
Standard and good 25 00-32 -
00 culls down to 15 00.
Good to mostly choice 1,-
050 lb feeding steers 27 00,
several loads good & choice
725-865 lb feeding steers
27 00-29 75, load good and
choice 620 lb stock steers
30 75, part load medium 600
lb stock steers 26 00, several
loads good, 398-500 lb stock
steer calves 32 00-33 00 Load
good 625 lb. feeder heifers
27 00
Phone EX 7-3721
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 25, 1959 5
State's June
Milk Output
Hits Record
j June records with a 305 day
Milk production mPe c. atlon completion record
during tme h n esti- lbs o; mllk , with
mated at 623 million lbs o£ butt erfat from a
down eight per cent from
May, but two per cent above "
June, 1958 This is a record Second high Red Rose in
fer June and the fourth con- dividual record was complet
secutive record month for ed by a registered Guernsey
1959 owned by Raymond and Lou-
Production for the first six ise Winner, Willow Street R.
months of 1959 totals 3,521 D 1 “Dolly ’ produced 13,-
million lbs. or about one per 876 lbs of milk, 664 lbs of
cent above the 1959 yield butterfat with a 4 8^ ( test in
With the advance of warm 305 days
weather and reduced pas- The herd of C Richard
tures, production per cow Landis, Lancaster R D 5,
for the month, at 676 lbs , Imd the highest butterfat av
showed a nine per cent seas- orage This 23-cow herd av
onal decrease from the 746 eraged 1641 lbs of milk, 6-
lb May average lbs of butterfat with a 3 89c
However, June’s rate still test f° r the month
was a monthly record 39- The 19-cow herd of Hiram
above the per-cow avei- S Aungst, Elizabethtown R
age for last June The num- D L placed second with an
her of milk cows on Pa average of 1573 lbs o_ milk,
farms is holding steady at a- of butterfat, also wfth
bout 921,000 according to the a 3 890 mst
Crop Reporting Service _ . —:
Average price Pa farmers Patronize Lancaster Farm.’
received for milk m June in ® Advertisers
was $4 35 per cwt, unchang
ed from May and the same
as June, 1958 Feed prices
declined a little in June
making the milk-feed rano
a little more favorable than
last month and last year
The price of cows held at
$305, with fluid market milk
at $4 40 and manufacturing
milk, $3 65 , down from $3 -
70 for May and June, 1958
Feed prices were 169 c
protein - $3 70, 20 % protein
- $3 90: 29% protein and ov
er - $4 35, 44% soybean
meal - S 4 20 bran - $3 10
Alfalfa hay, baled - $3O 50,
and other baled hay - $24 40
The Milk-feed ratio was
1 29, up from May’s 1 28 and
June, 1958 1 25,"*as the num
ber of pounds of dairy ration
1 lb of whole mlk wiUbuy
STERLING BLUSALT —ProduUof Intel nationalSaltCompany, Inc
Buy Sterling Blusalt and all your sunu.-.-r salt needs
from the following authorized Blusalt dealers-
M S Graybill & Son
Mountville Feed Service
R D -2
Paul H Hurst & Sons
R D =1
Hcmpfield Mills, Inc
Henry B Hoover
Martin Feed Mill, R D ~3
C P Wenger & Sons
Wolgemuth Bros
J C Walker & Son
John J. Hoober
Elverson Cow
Tops Red Rose
“Anna”, registered Hoi-
stein cow owner by John
Stoltzfus, Elverson RD 2,
topped the Red Rose DHIA
SAFETY ma>:es sense
JULY 19-25,1959
are we cows glad:
's like Sterling
it to gi\o us full-time
;tion against trace-mm
(eficiencies. Blusilt con
nmgancoe, iron, sulfate
, copper, cobalt, iodine
me—-blended with Ingli
snlt, the ideal natu-
•ner '
Eastern States Farmeis
Farmers Supply Co
Ira B Landis
Eby’s Mill
Millport Roller Mills,
R D ~4
Cassel s Mill, Inc, R D #1
J H Reitz and Son
Earl Sander
Da\ id H Weaver
Eastern States Farmeis
Harold H Good