4—Lancaster Farming, Friday, December 9, 1955 1 Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekly Newspaper Established November 4, 1955 Published every Friday by OCTORARO NEWSPAPERS > Quarryville, Pa. —HPhone 378 Alfred C. Alspach Ernest J. Neill C. Wallace Abel Robert G. Campbell Robert J. Wiggins Subscription Rates: $2.00 Per Year Three Years $5.00; 5c Per Copy Application for Second Class Mailing Privileges Pending Two headlines in recent weeks caught our eye; Meat Production Hits New Records, and Cost of Losing 4 5 Mil lion Lbs of Jat, $l2 Millions That’s plenty to beef about, one might remark. One refers to homo sapiens, the other to produce of the feedlot. In man’s case, reducing last year let’s start again, for we can’s admit reducing is a man’s world alone' Last year ¥. S. men and women took off four and one-half million pounds of avoirdupois at a cost of $l2 mil lion. Roughly, reducing thence cost somewhere under three founds for a dollar to be exact, 2.6666 plus lbs per dol lar, or it costs slightly more than 37 cents to lose a pound of fat When the masseur is done, there’s more hustle, less bustle One exercise is equivalent to a 10-mile horseback ride Ah well, .it’s almost Christmas Time. Those few pounds we picked up on the Thanksgiving turkey have been lost, but they’ll be regained on the Christmas turkey. Anyhow, who wants to be skinny? FARMING’S FUN, BUT DANGEROUS Who has more cause to gripe than the farmer 9 Here’s part of a midwestern letter that just came in: “111 fate has plagued me for a week, not that I’m getting awkward . . post hole digger crank slipped and almost broke.my arm, then Monday I stepped on a slab of ice and my feet went six feet above ray head and the result one cracked rib.” ‘ The cheery tone continues- “170 ..aide about ready to go and maybe we will ship to Chicago Tne market there looks' somewhat better than Omaha, also have plenty of swine ready but will hold till February and maybe they will be worth $5 00 then or higher.” Farming’s fun Often newspapers reprint a reprint of a reprint, and here’s one too good to pass by. It comes to us from Ruby Shelley, editor of The Flying Farmer of lowa. She says, “This is a reprint from a Missouri News Latter of several years ago, but, it might be a good idea for us all to read something like it once in awhile.” From- Joe Knucklehead, 1234 Any Place To: Saint Peter, Pearly Gates, Heaven Dear St. Peter After my recent airplane crash, I made application for entrance into Heaven. Your assistants refused to let me in on the basis that my accident showed a com plete lack of judgment, no consideration for the lives of cithers, and deprived three children of their father. I would like to tell you just what happened, and you will see that it was not my fault, just bad luck My friend wanted to go to South City, so I offered to take him in my airplane I didn’t check the gas be cause I remembered filling the gas tank the day before and only flew a few minutes that day, so I guess some one must have swiped some There is no weather sta tion at this field, so I didn’t check the weather I would have to call South City, but that take., too much time and besides it cost costs money Anyway, I wasn’t too worried I’ve flown in some' pretty rough weather before and got away with it. Besides, I had a good radio All that lightning and stuff, when we got in- this bad weather, kept the radio from working though. Even so, I wouldn't iiave gotten lost and run out of gas if someone hadn’t put the maps in the baggage compartment where I couldn’t get at them. It was ]ust bad luck that we ran out of gas and the visibility was so bad I couldn’t see the telephone pole until we hit it. Anyway, as you can see, the accident wasn’t my fault, so how about letting me in 9 Lancaster Phone 4-3047) STAFF HIGH COST OF FAT APPEAL DENIED Publisher . Business Manager Advertising Director Circulation Directoi Yours Truly, Joe Knucklehead Voice Of Lancaster Farms AND FARM FRIENDS (Readers arc invited to write comments on Lancaster Farm ing, about current events, or other topics. Letters should be brief, and must be signeo. Names will be withheld if re quested. Editor;. FROM WHEAT COUNTRY SALINA, Kan Dear Erme We have, received two of your 'papers, and enjoyed looking at ‘them Since I wouldn’t stand a cance of winning a year’s sub- I (have a couple of hints I’m in terested in'seeing a crossword ipuzzle in it and good recpes that are practical for plain cooks like us Cant and Mrs Ray S (Huffman, IhS Air Force. Editor - (Editor’s Note - Plam cock ing in Kansas 9 With the ’ Huffmans, I’ve made serveral visit to The Central Hotol. out at the end of the Chis holm Trail in Brookvi le, Kan, 'where the food is old itime, good, served family style Might add that Betty' 'herself lacks nothing as a cook, internationally trained - as an Air Force wife and housekeeper in both the Unmted States and Germany. —EJN) EARLY GREETINGS OXFORD, Pa We enjoy vour paper very much Merry Christ mas L E. Teeter CAN’T MISS A COPY NEW HOLLAiND, Pa We have enjoyed your Lancaster Farming and we do„no't want to miss a copy, so lam enclosing $lOO as a chanter subscriber Will be looking Jorward to the next issue We want to be among the first to subscribe to Lancaster Farming; Mr and Mrs Lloyd Rosenherry FROM COVER TO COVER LITITZ,, Pa Please find .$l, enclosed for my year’s subscript ion to Lancaster Fanning. I sure do enjoy reading the paper from cover to cover It’s honest-to goodness, clean, worthwhile read ing, no foolish nonsensical trash like many publications are these days Wishing you success, I am Mrs Mary E Long VERY FINE EAST EARL Pa Enclosed you will find SI 00 for one year charter sober iption You have a very fine 'paper I enjoy reading it Paul II Shirk ENJOY VERY MUCH LITITZ, Pa"— Encloed find SI 03 for st>lbs j cnption to your Lancaster Farming which we en joy very much B- G Sheaffer. LIKES WOMEN’S PAGE ■HONEY BIROOK. Pa En closed find $lOO and a coupon for one year’s charter subscript ion to Lancaster Farming. We enjoy reading vour paper anl like (the bind of farm news you print. Also enjoy the Women’s Page Wish vou lots of success. P S We just live over the Chester and Lancaster County line. Hope this doesn’t make any difference Chester Wallace (No the charter subscription offer is open to all unt 1 'terminated, irrespective of where you live in the United States Your dollar arrived w'i'h one from Kansas EJN) ELIZABETHTOWN, Pa —En closed please fluid one dollar for subscription to Lancaster Farm ing for one year E- H Nolt. VERY INTERESTING BAR.EVILLE, Pa..- I was get ting Lancaster Farming as a box- Ihclder and find it very interest ing. so enclosed is my check for a (one wear’s subscription Titus W. Martin. FRIENDLY PAPER SALUNGA, Pa. We cmoy your friendly /paper coming into our house —* Mrs. Frank N. Baer WONDERFUL MOUNT JOY Enclosed find $lOO for Lancaster Farming. We (think your paper is 'wonderful E< H- Weidman. 50 Years Ago This Week on Lancaster Farms. (This Week In 1905) By JACK REICHARD . More than 2,000 members attended the opening session of the annual convention of the Pennsylvania Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, at the National Guard Armory in Sunbury, 50 years ago this week During the same week, in 1905, Secretary of Agriculture Cntchfield presented his annual report to Governor Pennypacker, showing that Pennsylvania farm ers had raised 21,857,961 hu. of wheat and 48 535,748 bu of corn that year Down in the lower end of Lancaster County, George W- Crowl, one of the largest buyers of potatoes in east, was shipping out spudby the trainload. Crowl finished' his 1905 season witl\ 110,000 bu of potatoes shipped in 176 freight cal's from receiv ing points at Oxord, Fairmount, Quarryville, Christiana and Not tingham. At Lancaster Stock Yards a steer, owned by Andt cw Frantz, a Lancaster drover, got out of the pens there and was killed by a freight tram while running along the Pennsylvania R R tracks Lancaster County farmers and sportsmen were interested in the doings of Frank J- Rieker, prominent > Lancaster brewer, Background Scripture Luke 10 25-37 Devotional Reading;. I John 2 1-11 My Neighbor Lesson for December 11, 1955 TWO cart-drivers in China weie trying to get up a muddy hill Each driver’s cart was stuck in the mud, almost side by side Each man was beating his own scrawny hoise, but_the wheels were stuck last. Along came an American “Why don’t you un hitch one horse,” he said “and hitch him to the other cart? Then the two horses might get the cart out of the mud.” The_carters were astonished They had rtever thought of that. But they did as the stran ger said, and sure enough they both got to the top' of the hill. That true Dr - Foreman story, told by a missionary, shows two things at once. One is that in countnes where Christianity has had a chance to get around, some simple Christian ideas get taken for granted, such as help ing your neighbor when he is in trouble The other is that where Christianity is unknown, even so simple a thing as getting together to pull out of the mud, comes as a strange new idea. Who Is My Neighbor? Now if'those two Chinese car ters had been father and son, or brother and brother, they might have thought of helping each oth er, for in China nothing is too good for members of your family But we have no great right to make fun of the Chinese All of us are Inclined to draw pretty hard lines and to think, —Outside those lines I have no neighbors. Inside the Imes, yes, we under stand pretty well what neighbor liness is. “Love thy neighbor as thyself” is a commandment not too hard to understand, for we v know what it is to love ourselves, that comes all too naturally. We like to get ahead, to cushion our selves from danger and if possi ble from discomfort, we consult our own interests. Loving one’s neighbor as oneself just means who was granted a certificate by the Pennsylvania Game Commis sion permitting him to propa gate quail, the first permit of its kind to be granted to a Lancas ter Conntian The certificates were issued at a cost of $5 per year Holders of the certificates were also required to give bond, and only persons holding per mits were allowed to have quail hi their possession after April Ist- Rreker explained his - idea was to propagate local quail for distribution on Lancaster County farms, rather than see birds from, other states brought here as plan-) nqd bv the Game Commission in 1905. Farmers and sportsmen of-> fer to cooperate with Rieker in his experiments When John Ghck, residing on a farm near Spring Garden* Salisbury Township, went to clean out his hand-dug well in order to get a better flow of water from the pump, he found 14 dead rabbits at the bottom- How -they got there was not ex plained. A fire at the tallow rend ering establishment owned by* Hyman Ehrhart, near Lancaster, brought city fuemen lushing to the scene In addition to the two-; story frame building more than 100 barrels of tallow were con sumed in the blaze origin of the fire could not be determined, neither was there any insurance on the property looking out for him in the same careful ways, thinking ahead for him, promoting him. We under stand what neighborlmess is, ye*. We do not confuse it \vrth being meddlesome. If you want to know as much about your neigh bor as you do about yourself, youv aren’t being a neighbor but a nuisance. If you do ,for your neighbor what he can'very well do, ought to do and maybe wants to do for himself, then you are not treating him like a neighbor Neighbors Out of Sight Jesus’ famous parable of the Good Samaritan shows that hav ing neighbors is easy, in fact you can’t help it; but that the impor tant thing -is being a neighbor. It means moie than living In “peacefiH co-existence”, and not bothering each other. It means active co-operation and help, of those who need help. 'Wherever there is a person in trouble whom we can help, there is a neighbor. In our time the world has grown closer together than it was in Jesus’ time. If there had been a famine in India, the good Samar itan would never have known It, or if he had, he could have done nothing about it. Now if there is a famine in India we hear about it as soon as the Indians can; and we can do something; about it too. When farmers in a church in lowa, for instance, send a heifer to a farmer in some out-* of-the-way or devastated part of the world across a wide ocean, that is being a neighbor, modern style for a modern world. What We Haven’t Figure* Out There are many problems we haven’t worked out yet, in this* business for acting as good neigh bois. For example: What is the wisest way to be neighbor to people of different race from our own"’ How can a mill-worker be a neighbor to the stock-holders, or how can the stock-h Iders be neighborly to the workers? When a corporaUon, in the process of expansion, throws 500 persons out of work at one time, is there any way m which those who are em ployed by the corporation can be neighbors to those who have lost their positions? How can we be neighbors to people %.whe resent us? How far can we go in help ing people without turning them into “moochers” and beggars? How can Christians in one de nomination be neighbors to those in another? And one more ques tion: Is it possible for non-Chrls tians to be as good neighbors, in Jesus’ sense of the word, as Christians can be? (Basod on outline* copyrighted by (bo Division ot Christian Education, Na tional Connell of tho Church** of Christ In tho 11. S. A. Boltasod hr CommuotlT Fsess Service.) 1 I