Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 11, 1955, Image 1

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    Voi 1, No. 2
$43 Top Scored in
Feeder Calf Sale
At Lancaster
“Sold'! for $43 per hundred!
Abe Diffenbach’s hammer rang
down on the auctioneer’s diock at
the Lancaster Stock Yards Satur
day afternoon to set a new high
mark, to close the fust sate or
the day m the first annual all-
Pennsylvania Feeder Calt sale
Five hundred people crowded
the stands when the feeders were
brought in, individuals first, tnen
gioups When the final results
were toted up, 379 head totaled
$38,595 37, weighing a giand total
of 168,965 lbs, ranging trom
to $43, averaging $22.8b cwt.
Produced in Pennsylvania
Produced on Pennsylvania
farms, the consignment was
rounded up by the Pennsylvania
Livestock and Allied Association,
Inc, and the Lancaster Live stocK
Fancy calves that were on a
par with those shown in the Chi
cago Feeder Calf Show went on
the block, calves of championship
calibre. Leon Leighton, Jr,
Harrisburg, president of FCAIA,
said more than 20 consignors
were represented There were
Angus, Heretords, Shorthorns,
ranging between 300 and lbs,
fancy, choice, good, medium, sold
by pen, weight, breed and sex,
except for fancy calves Top ani
mals were sold as singles, in pairs,
in small groups, to make an ideal
project tor a 4-H or FT a youtn.
Fancy Singles Average $29.89
An average of $29 80 cwt was
scoxed for fancy singles, $24 A)
for feeder steers grading irom
fancy, good, choice and medium,
ranging from a's24 low to a $34
high In the heifer division, a/
head averaged $16.19.
Livestock association sale com
mittee members included L J. uy
son, New Bloomfield, B H Wil
son, Coatesville; Leon Leignton,
Jr, and Scott French, Harnsmirg;
Thomas B. King, Pennsylvania
State University, University Fane,
Dr, J H. Knisely, New Fans, in
A Baffin, Lititz Robert C. Brown,
Clearfield, and Joseph L. Duval,
Committee members represent
ing the Lancaster Union fc>tock
yard were James C. Dunlap, Walt
er M Dunlap, Jr, William Mc-
Coy, Charles Lyons, Jonn ivi.
Hoober Jr, William Bixier ana
Robert Heilbron Mr. Leignton
was sale secretary and Walter m.
Dunlap, Jr., treasurer.
, Mr King pointed out the three
purposes of the sale betore step
ping in to help as a nngman "It
piovides a closer tie between ot
friendship between the breeders
and market agencies, it provides
an outlet for choice stock, and it
localizes purchases, so the teeder
does not have to go far atieid to
buy feeder stock.
Livstock More Important
“Livestock is coming to De more
(Continued on. page two)
Later afternoon shadows - fall
aci oss the pale fence on the John
Stauffer farm, RS Elizabethtown,,
Hogs Slump to
13-Year Low
In Chicago
Hogs Wednesday slumped to
the lowest point since March 1942
on the Chicago market, the Unit
ed States Department of Agricul
ture reported, with a top of $13.50.
The market there was general
ly 25 to 50 cents lower on bar
rows and gilts, mostly around 25
lower on weignts under 220 lbs
suitable for shipping orders Simi
lar slumps were reported on oth
er markets, however Lancaster re
ported a $l5 50 extreme the same
Packers are reported buying
Chicago receipts were the larg
est for a Wednesday since Dec
1954. Average price of butcher
hogs hit a new low since 1944
and topped at $l3 50, lowest since
March 1942 Good shopping de
mand prevailed Most mixed No
2 and 3 220-280 lbs barrows and
gilts brought $l2 75-13 00 Bulk
mixed 180-220 lfc« $l3 00 to $l3 50,
mainly $l3 25 to $l3 50 on kinds
suitable for shipment carrying
No 1 and 2 end Around 300
head mixed 1 and 2 at $l3 50 and
14-head lot $l3 60 Most sows
weighing up to 600 lbs sold at
$llOO to $l2 2o
Quarryville, Pa., Friday November 11, 1955
Autumn in Lancaster Farming
I now tenanted by Eugene Ebersole.
i Scenes as these show why Lan
,j caster County is agriculturally
That’s the number of Lan
caster County rural box
holders and their families
plus many in boroughs-vil
lage cities receiving this issue
with .. full, complete tarm
For a limited time only,
charter subscriptions to LAN
ing accepted - $l.OO for one
j ear. Mail your dollar now to
Quarryville, Fa.
Fog and Chill
Mark Weather
In Past Week
Highlighting #us week’s Lan
caster County, weather was a
chi'll and fog that settled down
'Monday night, bringing 03 of an
inch of precipitation at Eptoata
Higher temperatures burned
away the fog but the mercury
■offered indecision on topcoats or
Shirtsleeves Numerous mishaps
■were reported on highways, and
(heavy frost greeted many an
early riser the past few days.
■But winter is due soon, and the
county can expect continued
lower temperature®.
Bernard N. White, who is open
ing a new Weather Bueau office
■in Lancaster, advises Lancaster
Farming that he expects to he m
operation within the next two
weeks, offering iboth reports of
past weather and forecasts for
Lancaster and vicinity, five-day
out-look, forecasts for Hams
burg and the lower Susquehanna
Mr White will correlate re
ports from several of the observ
er stations throughout the county.
great (Photo by Grant Heilman,
Mrs JMolt JNew
President of
Farm Women
Mrs E Robert Nolt, Lancas
ter Rl, has moVed up from vice
president to president of the Lan
caster County Society of Farm
Women, replac ng former presi
dent, Mrs. Milton Eberiy of Soci
ety 6 near Ehzabetntown.
Mrs Nolt is a member of
Farm Society 4 Around 300 wom
en attended the annual meeting
Saturday m Moose Hall at Lan-'
caster Others elected are Mrs’
Elam Buckwalter, Society 10,
first vice president, Mrs Abram
Weidman, Society 5, second vice
Officeis of the county in ad
dition to these newly elected are.
Mrs Kenneth Esheiman, secie
tary, and Mrs Paul'Em, treasurer.
Installing officu was Mrs Charles
Shnver, Waynesburg R 3, state
president, while the retiring pres
ident, presided.
Mrs Florence Moran, guidance
counselor from Harnsourg, spoxe,
and a memorial service for de
ceased members was offered by
Society 3.
The Farm Women’s Chorus, di
rected by Mrs William Hostetter,
Society 5, sang. A quartet from
Society 19 provided music A harp
solo was given by Miss Francis
Nissley, Lititz.
Honor guests included Mrs
Shnver, and the following county
presidents: Mrs. Myron Duble,
Berks Mrs. Theodore Mathias,
Chester; Mrs. Mark Shuman, Cum
berland, Mrs. James W. Rode,
Dauphin; Mrs. Henry Grove,
Franklin; Mrs. Kenneth Staver,
Lebanon; Mrs. Frances Liskey,
Montgomery and Mrs. Genet Sei
lers, York and Mrs George Ger
benck Sr., retuing York County
$2 Per Year
Girls Take 'Fop
Honors in Beef j
District Show 1
It was more than Ladies’ Day
Wednesday afternoon at Lancas
ter Stock Yaids, foi when the
champions of each breed in the
Southeast District 4-H Club Baby
Beef and Lamb Club Kounaup ana
sale lined up, tnete was a young
lady at every halter but one.
It was a Northampton county 17-
year-old that took top honors, Miss
Phyllis Buss of Easton RD2. Her
1,790-lb Angus was named But
chie, and was bred by Ber Kins
Farm, Millbrook, N Y
Tears Among Winners
There were tears among the
young ladies when the final pur
ples were awarded, for Mary Jane
Herr, 12-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Maurice G Herr of Ref
ton found her Hereford moved in
to reserve position
But soon her disappointment
was overcome, and she was one of
the first to congratulate the win
ner and the winning Angus.
Lined up in the final judging
were Misses Bu=s and Herr, plus
the reserve Angus winner, Helen
A Graybill of Manheim RD 3.
John H Hess, Jr.. Lancaster, was
in the final string with his re
serve champion Hereford, the
sole young man in the winner's
White Steer Wins
Shirley Longenccker, 15, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs S H. Long
enecker, Lititz RD 2, won the
Shorthorn division with a beauti
ful white steer. Mickey, the re
serve champion was shown by
Marian Hackman Elizabethtown
RD 3.
This was the 13th annual South
east District 4-H Baby Beef Show,
with 284 animals from 10 coun
ties judges. Judges were T. L. Mer
ritt, Ohio State University; Boyd
Whittle, University of Maryland;
and Thomas King, the Pennsyl
vania State UniverSity. John M.
Hoober, president of the Lancas
ter Live Stock Exchange, was in
charge of arrangements, with the
show managed by Henry T. Moon,
Mr King, Jay Nissley, Ralph
Kntz, Joseph Way, Mark Bucher
and County Agent M M Smith.
Number of baby beeves by
counties were. Adams, 15; Berks,
36; Chester, 4; Cumberland, 19;
Dauphin, 21; Lancaster, 99; Leb
anon, 18; Northampton, 26; Perry,
12; and York, 34
By breeds there were 139 Aber
deen-Angus, 130 Hereford, and 15
Long Weekends 1
Few Next Year ' 1
“Long Weekends” will be few
and far between in 1956, says
Baer’s Agricultural Almanac,
now being distributed for its 131st
year from Lancaster, Pa.
Memorial Day and July 1,
which this year fell on Monday,
will arrive smack dab in the mid
dle of the week, on Wednesday, m
195 6 Labor Day,'which is always
on a Monday will fall on Sept. 3,
bringing summer’s last big out
door holiday earlier than usual.
But there will be a tew com-,
pensations. Lincoln’s birthday is
on a Sunday, which will give a
legal holiday on Monday to some
lucky folks. And since Christmas
and New Year’s Day each are on
Tuesday, some employers may
see fit to allow a four-day vaca
tion periods starting the precede
ipg Saturdays.