Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, November 24, 1953, Image 1

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    Vol. XVI No. 9
Thanksgiving at Highacres BY RALPH MHITMER
Mhat are you thankful for? This question is designed to arrest our attention
and motivate us to review some of the blessings that make up the spiritual patterns
of our lives* It is interesting to note that the word "thank" is derived from the
Anglo-Saxon word "think" ) and the relationship of the words is still evident today.
If we are forgetful ) we are unthankful; if we are inconsiderate, we are un grateful.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow ) would it not be a good idea to do some
thinking - thinking about our obligation to express our thankfulness to Almighty
God for the manifold mercies we expect and enjoy.
We are generally thankful for'life, health and strength; for food, clothing
and freedom. Specifically, however, as students of the Pennsylvania State Univer
city, we should be thankful for the opportunity to further our education and the
possibility of serving our church, community and humanity in general in the near
future. Truly, the Psalmist of old epitomized the essential characteristics of
personal thanksgiving when he exclaimed, Bless the Lord, omy soul, and forget not
all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases,
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and
tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is
renewed like the eagle'sq Psalm 103: 1 - 15.
Think and then thank.
You Should Have Been There
The Music Room Concert, a semi-monthly affair, was held on Monday evening
at 8:00 P. M. in the Music Room, Five instructors, five students and four res
idents of Hazleton attended the affair. Mr. Steel, our own talented musician and
composer came early. Those who came early had the privilege of hearing Kinder
totenlieder by Gustav Mahler. The first selection was a Septetby Hummel, a
contemporary of Hayden and Beethoven and the second sel&ction was the Resurrection
Symphony by Sustov Mahler. The music was very impressive and the listeners reg
istered a favorable response indeed, Mr. Steel was supremely happy,for Mahler is
his favorite composer.
Miss Garbrick is planning to play The Messiah by George Handel at the next
Music Room Concert. It is tentatively plged for Decemberll. It do hoped a cap—
acity crowd will gather to hear this great work of art.
Gourmet's Delight
There is one thing that I really enjoy about holidays: foods
INhert I sit down to Thanksgiving Dinner, be all prepared to stuffmy
self to r,4y ears, (Itm going to fast all day Wednesday so I can eat more On
First I'll spoon the warm "Minestrone" to my lips and let it trickle slow
ly down my throat so that all my taste buds get in on the treat, Next, The
"Raviolis? * One at a time ' I'll chew each morsel an many times as possible so
that the tempting tast of the cheese and t9mato sauce: reaches my brain's taste
detector, The tender ”Braggiolv will melt in ply overstuffed mouth s but the rich
mine will make it slide easily to its destination• The vinegar and garlic dressing
on the lettuce salad mill give the sausage and the chicken thet extra added del
ectable flavor,
Nope, I just can't wait for the big feast. Incidentally, I won't miss the
turkey------Do you blame me?
Special Thanksgiving Edition
The Pennsylvania State University Center
Highacres, Hazleton, Pennsylvania
November 24,1953