Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, March 14, 1947, Image 1

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    Give! Share! Prosper! For Greater Hazleton's New Industry
VOL. IX.—No. 7
Pottsville-Keystone Tapoff Tonight:
Engineers Sponsor March Dance;
Oz Werly's Orchestra Featured
The second round of the new social
set-up at HUC gets under way Satur
day evening, March 15 at the_ West
Hazleton High School Gym when the
HUC Engineers will sponsor the
dance of the month. The dance will
immediately follow the last game of
the Eastern Division Junior College
Basketball 'Tournament which is also
being held at the borough high gym.
Entertainment Committees
Completing Arrangements
The committee in charge of the ar
rangements is under the guidance of
faculty advisor, John O'Neill. The fol
lowing with Danny Bloss as chairman
have worked to make this social affair
a success: John Thomas ,
Bill Koval
ick, Lester Stein, Joe Rigotti, Art
Blew, and John Stein. The committee
has engaged Oz Werley, his ten piece
orchestra and a vocalist to entertain
with music of a high calibre. Re
freshments will be served with Miss
Margaret Campbell in charge of ar
Dance Begins Immediately
After Final Game
Letters and invitations to the party
have been sent to the schools who are
participating in the tournament.
Students are reminded that, though
the dance is free, the admission to the
game Saturday night is fifty cents, or
else the tournament ticket if you have
one. Try to be on h . and for the game
and the dance. Bring your date, or
or guest, for both affairs.
The Engineers have cooked up
something totally' different this
month. The locale is different, the or
chestra is different, and they promise
a bang-up time.
Lets get behind the Engineers and
make the dance a climax to what
promises to be a memorable week-end.
Internatlists Discuss
Greek Situation
Highlighting the International Re
lations Club's first meeting was a
discussion on the present day Greek
situation. Talks were given •both pro
and con on the subject, and the same
topic •will be continued for futher
discussion at next Wednesday's meet
ing. Joe Fisher was appointed chair
man to preside over the next gather
Students are again reminded that
they can bring their lunches, since
the meetings are conducted informal
ly. Here is an opportunity to ex
change and broaden your viewpoints
on foreign affairs. The faculty as
well as the students are urged to
participate in these informal discus
Everyone is talking about Hazle
ton's Industry Campaign Fund. It is
one of the most important events to
take place in the community in many
years, since its effect will be felt by
every citizen in the region. An indus
try like the Electric Auto-Lite Com
pany locating in the Greater Hazleton
Area will add prestige and progress
to our community. The employment of
hundreds of our men will not only
help to solve our unemployment prob
lem, but it will also be the means of
retaining many families that would
otherwise leave the Hazleton area.
The spirit with which the campaign
was started and the response it has
received thus far is an encouraging
sign. Outsiders who have been keenly
observing the city's endeavor to
stride forward have been deeply im
pressed by the advance. Still there
are many within the city who are
skeptical of this new venture. There
Timely Topic
On Forum Saturday
The weekly radio forum presented
by students of HUC will present a
timely topic this Saturday, when they
will discuss, "Juvenile Delinquency--
Its Causes and Prevention."
Students who will take part in this
week's round-table discussion are as
follows: Irene Kochera, Robert Kauf
man, Marvin Yanoski and John Stine.
The students have exhibited a lively
interest in the subject and are pre
pared to present it in an objective
Two Guest Speakers Invited
In addition to the above named
spaekers two guest speakers have
been invited to participate. They are
Dr. Ernest Hischbach, Ph.D., execu
tive director of the United Charities,
and Rev. Father Andrew Maloney.
Dr. , Hirschbach will speak on the
family and the home in the preven
tion of juvenile delinquency.
Saturday, March 22, the topic for
the panel will be: How To Select the
Right Mate When Contemplating
Club Offers Variety
Of Instructions
The newly organized Art Club of
HUIC held its first meeting Thursday
evening, March 6, 1947 at the Broad
St. Building. The total enrollment to
date is twelve students and there are
openings for several more.
The following officers were elected
by a majority of votes:
Frank Lucia—Representative in the
Student Council for the Club.
Siegmund Knies—Secretary.
The purpose of the club is to help
any HUC students who have an inter
est in art, but who do not have art on
their curriculum, to advance in the
various phases of art in which they
are best suited. Mr. Arthur Carpen
ter, head of the Art Department at
the HUC is supervisor of the club and
will give instruction in tempera, char
coal studies, water color, oils and pen
cil sketching at all of the club meet
All future meetings will be held on
Thursday evenings commencing at 7
P.M. and concluding at 9 or 9:30 P.M.
The next meeting is scheduled for
Thursday, March 13, 1947. All stu
dents interested in art are cordially
invited to attend.
are many of those who criticize that
it will take almost a year before the
plant can start operation. A bit of
common sense is that if nothing is
started, nothing can 'be gained. Civic
pride is important and necessary be
fore progress can be realized.
It is indeed a challenge to every ci
tizen of the Greater , Hazleton area.
Much talk has been heard of the needs
of this region, but such words need
action. The success of this campaign
will instill confidence in the communi
ty from within as well as from outside
sources. This can be the beginning of
a progressive city. The challenge is
Hats off to the men and women
who are giving their time and effort
without any renumeration except a
deep feeling of civic pride and satis
faction that action speaks louder than
Dance To Climax Eastern Division Playoffs
On March 21 at 7:30 p.m. the new
ly-formed Le ,Cercle Francais will
present its first evening affair. This
program which will be held at the lo
cal YWCA is open to all students of
French, and to all who have an inter
est in the language.
Two Skits Scheduled
For The Evening
Two short French comedy skits are
to be offered as part of the evening's
entertainment. The , first, Chez le Den
tiste, has a cast of three: Angela
Puccino, Jack Riordan and Joe May
day. The second skit, Le Diplomat,
has for •its cast Donald Barnes, Dan
Alampi, and John Ritz.
To Plan Trip to New York
In addition to the entertainment,
which also includes the singing of
French songs, a regular business
meeting will be conducted. During
the meeting plans for the trip to New
York will be discussed and drawn up.
Anyone interested in the trip is in
vited to attend the meeting and to en
joy an evening of French entertain
Once again the month of March has
appeared on the calendar, and with i
,he promise of spring and the annual
Red Cross drive. The - Red Cross
knows no special season for their
ministrations to the needy, those
plagued by misfortune, or those ren
lered destitute by flood, fire or earth
quake. Their work continues month
after month, year after year. They
were instrumental in giving aid to de
serving G.l.'s, comforting families
that lost .their loved ones in the last
great conflict, and in general aiding
millions of young men and young wo
men away from home. They provided
a home away from home. In many
cases they were the connecting link
across the vast expanses of ocean and
continent for fomilies torn assunder.
Today, they are aiding the wretched
masses of the Far East and Europe,
providing much needed food and
zlothing. Their humanitarian work is
known from one end of the globe to
the other; and it is your dimes and
dollars that makes this great work
possible. They need your money now
more than ever before, so when you
are asked, give, and give generously.
It is for a cause that we know is good;
many of us have benefitted by it and
some of us may need the Red Cross
in the future. Don't wait, GIVE NOW
Tournament Schedule
Friday, March 14: 8:15 P.M.
Schuylkill Undergraduate Center vs.
Keystone J.C.
Saturday, March 15: 2:00 P.M.
CENTER vs. Bucknell J.C.
3:15 P.M.
'Hershey Junior College vs. Winner of
Friday night's game
7:00 P.M.
Consolation game between losers in
afternoon games to determine third
8:15 P.M
Finals to determine 'winner of Eastern
District title between winners in af
ternoon tilts.
But Only 25 Days Till
Stage Set For Junior College Matches
At West Hazleton High School Gym
Friday night at 8:15, Pottsville Undergraduate Center
and Keystone Jr. College clash in the first game c,f the
Eastern Jr. College Tournament at West Hazleton High
School Gymnasium.
Dramatic Club
Plans Activities
The HUC Dramatic Club, which
presents "Statistically Yours" a few
weeks ago, is laying plans for an ex
tensive spring program.
Friday, March 21, try-outs for two
plays will be held in Room 13. One
play will be "The Importance of Being
Earnest". This play has been pre
sented on Broadway with a maximum
of success, and it is a challenge to our
dramatically inclined students. The
play is in an English setting and full
of comedy and absurd situations. All
members of the Dramatic Club are re
quested to attend the try-outs.
New Members Wanted
Officials of the club stated that any
person wishing to join the club may
come to the try-outs. They will be
admitted to the club arid at the same
time can try out for the play. The
Dramatic Club is in its infancy at
HUC, and it is trying to become one
of our leading organizations. In ad
dition to future emoters, the club is
in dire need of men or women who
are interested in becoming stage
crew members. Property men, electri
cians. prompters, and make-up artists
are all welcome.
Keys To Be Presented
The club advisor announced that
keys, will be presented to the active
members of the club. The keys will
be awarded on the basis of service
and participation in activities.
Monday, March 17th, universally
known as St. Patrick's Day, the Glee
Club will don their green and sham
rocks as they give out with a reper
toire of Irish songs over Station
The Glee Club has been signally ho
nored by being invited to appear as
guests on the Women's Hour, a pro
gram aired over WAZL at 9:30 A.M.
each day. Radio is not new to these
warblers as they have successfully
presented a number of broadcasts
that have attracted wide and favor
able comment. The entire mixed cho
rus will participate in the forthcoming
Math Club Election
Held At First Meeting
At their first scheduled meeting the
members of the HUC Math Club e
lected the following officers:
President—Robert Kaufman
Vice-President--John Thomas
Secretary—lrene Kochera
Attendance At Meetings
Very Good
The average attendance at the three
meetings held thus far has been about
twenty-five. At the first meeting Mr.
Zenbe gave a lecture on "Probability";
at the second meeting Mr. Coburn
gave a talk on "Identities Made Ea
sy"; Miss Davey at a third meeting
lectured on "Celestial Mechanics". At
last evening's meeting the topic of
discussion was "Use of Mathematical
MARCH 14, 1947
The two teams are listed fourth
and fifth respectively in the tourna
ment and are evenly matched. It
should be a bang-up game, since both
teams are out to upset the dope and
cop the first •place trophy. An inter
esting pre-lim has been planned, with
the Liberal Artists' Loafers tackling
those hustling scholars from the
Broad Street School, the Engineers.
This is strictly a grudge battle and
should provide thrills, excitement, and
incidentally, a few laughs.
Saturday, the final day of the tour
nament, finds four games scheduled.
In the first game at 2:00 P.M. Hazle
ton tangles with Bucknell; these two
teams are favored to 'win out anti
should provide a hectic battle. Imme—
diately after this game, the winner•
of the Pottsville-Keystone fray takes.
on Hershey, the darkhorse of the:
playoffs. Saturday night at 7:00 P.M.
the two losers in the afternoon games
play a consolation game, and at 8:15,
the two finalists meet to decide who
is to represent the East in the state
title playoff. The Western Division
playoffs are being held at Altoona,
and the winners of both divisions will
tangle at the home of the Western Di
vision winner to decide the state
Kostos Chairman of Tournament
Mr. Frank Kostos, graduate mana
ger at HUC, is chairman of the tour
nament, and has announced that pre
parations are complete. The gym is
in readiness for the games, officials
have been secured and assigned
games, programs have been printed,
tickets are on sale, and the awards
are being polished up for the winners.
Trophies are to be Presented
Immediately following the final
game Saturday night the presentation
of trophies will take place. A trophy
will be presented to the first place
team, and a consolation trophy to the
runner-up. In addition, the sports
writers of the region, and officials,
will select an all-tournament team.
The five players selected as the most
outstanding performers will receive
special awards. The members of the
top two teams will also receive en
graved basketballs as a token of their
Sale of Tickets
Tickets have been on sale for the
past two weeks, and early returns for
tell a large crowd. Tournament tickets
are priced at $1.20. This ticket enti
tles the bearer to see all games
played; however, tickets will be on
sale at the door for each individual
bracket of games; these are priced at
Dance Follows Last Game
As a climax to the tournament the
Engineers of HUC have planned a
tournament dance. The presentation
of trophies will take place then, and
individual awards will be made. It is
an added incentive for all students to
grab their dates and get to West Ha
zleton High 'School Gym on 'Saturday
night for an evening of basketball
plus topflight entertainment. Full de
tails of the dance are published else
where in these columns.
Speech Classes Plan
New York Sojourn
The members of all speech classes
are planning a trip to New York City
to see the famous play by Oscar
Wilde, "The Importance of Being
Earnest." The trip is scheduled for
March 20; however, the trip is sub
ject to the final approval of Mr. A. A.
Goss, Administrative Head.