Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, December 01, 1937, Image 1

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Vol. I—No. 1
Hans Jonnsen
Two New Instructors
Join Center Faculty
Lester Kieft, our Chem instructor,
and Hans Janssen, German and eco
nomics specialist, are the youngest
members of our “faculty family.”
Both have begun this year their first
year of Center instructing. Mr. Kieft
has taken the place of Dr. Weidner,
who emigrated to the University of
Alaska; Mr. Janssen has taken over
Mr. Herpel’s German and Mr. Goas’
economics classes.
Mr. Kieft and Mr. Janssen took to
the Center as ducks do to water. The
chem prof has turned out to be an
energetic and capable faculty mana
ger of athletics; while Mr. Janssen
holds .more than his own in the Cos
mopolitan Club and on the chess
Visit Bell Telephone Co.
Through the courtesy of the Bell
Telephone Company, Mr. Herpel,
physics instructor, and his physics
group were conducted on a tour
throughout the telephone building.
The entire group was shown the
administrative, communicative, and
power units of the entire telephone
system. The tour was helpful in clar
ifying the theoretical work of the
The first play, “There's Always
Tomorrow,” presented by the Drama
tic Club proved to be a tremendous
success. The playlet directed by Miss
Yotter had for its cast Miss Mary
Ann McClintock, Joan, one half of the
unsuccessful team of actors; Mr. Ker
mit Laßose was Bob Evans, the hus
band of Joan; the perfect landlady
was portrayed by Miss Marie Somers;
while the ever promising wealthy
friend of the Evans’ was Miss Anna
Greshko. On the staff of stage hands
were Misses Ruth Bachman, Alice
Marie McGrory, Josephine Zogby, Mr.
R. E. Warner and John Barnes.
Alumni Association
Seeks New Members
Since its organization last June,
the Hazleton Center Alumni Asso
ciation has enjoyed a steady increase
in membership. To the present time,
a goodly portion of Center students
are members of the association. How
ever, there are some who have not as
yet joined, and it is the intention of
the board to give them an opportun
ity to do so during the week preced
ing Christmas. There will be a meet
ing of the association Tuesday, De
cember 21, at 8:00 p. m. All present
and potential members are urged to
attend; activities for the coming sea
son will be discussed and the board of
directors will give a report of its
work so far.
The Alumni Association promises
to be one of the most active social
and educational organizations in the
community. It will offer an oppor
tunity for students to renew old ac
quaintances, provide social entertain
ment, and work for the advancement
of the Center.
The success of the organization
depends upon the support given it by
the alumni of the Center; therefore,
everyone who was enrolled as a stu
dent in the Hazleton Undergraduate
Center is asked to attend the meeting
and participate in this movement.
President, Alumni Assn.
Wins Tournament
Hail to the champ! Miss Mary Ann
McClintock proved her supremacy at
the ping-pong table iby triumphantly
surviving weeks of competition in the
girls’ ping-pong tournament. In the
finals she defeated Ruth Louise Bach
man and Betty Jane Newell. ,
iduate CentecG- /
Penn St;
This year there are a large number
of out-of-town students attending the
Hazleton Center. The reason for this
influx of out-of-town students is the
unusually crowded condition at the
Campus this year. Of the 75 pupils,
who are attending classes at the Cen
ter this year, seventeen live too far
from Hazleton to commute and are
making their homes with families in
town. John Mooty hails from the
town of Simpson, while at the other
extreme Stanley Glabick, Stephen
Zayach, Frederick MacDowell, and
Stanley Steciw of Chester. Emer
Flounders lives in Media which is on
the outskirts of Chester. Philadelphia
sends Harry Hein to our fair Campus,
and Pershing Jones and William
Savitz, two of the mainstays of the
Center’s basketball team, are from
Other out-of-town students are:
Ellis Warner of Halfield; Charles
Watkins of Kingston; Kenneth
Smiley and Harvey Fisher, both of
Phoenixville; Ross Blyler of Beverly,
N. J.; Claire Foley of Wilkes-Barre;
Marion Quick of Meshoppen; Joseph
Mattick of Larksville; and Arthur
Fogel of Aquashicola.
Improvements Made
In School Building
Since the beginning of the semester
the building occupied by the Penn
State Center at Hazleton has been
vastly improved. This is the result of
the untiring efforts of the faculty
with the aid of the student body.
Within the last three months both a
chemistry and a physics laboratory
have been installed and completely
equipped; lockers have been erected
in the halls for the convenience of
the students; and a room, that was
not needed for classes, has been con
verted into a game room, where both
students and faculty members may
play ping-pong, chess, and many
other games between classes. The
library has been installed in new
quarters oh the "second floor and is
well stocked with books, many of
which have been generously loaned
by the instructors.
Last September the rooms that are
now occupied by the physics and
chemistry laboratories were empty.
The rooms were first furnished with
laboratory work tables; those for the
[Continued on page 41
Mr. David B. Pugh, supervisor of
Undergraduate Centers, has made
frequent trips to the Hazleton Center
this semester. On his last two trips
he was accompanied by members of
the Campus faculty.
On October 13, Mr. Pugh and Dean
Stoddart, of the School of Liberal
Arts, visited the Center and spent
the day with Mr. Eiche. A few stu
dents made appointments to meet
Mr. Stoddard and asked his advice on
various questions concerning en
trance examinations on the Campus
and the courses they should study in
preparation for their future vocation.
Mr. Pugh visited the Center again
on Nov. 10 and was this time accom
panied by Prof. Gates, professor of
English Composition, and Dr. Kings
ley Davis, new Head of the Division
of Sociology. The visitors met the
members of the faculty, after which
they were taken to Coaldale to go
through the mine.
At the annual Penn-Penn State
football game, students and Mr.
Kieft from the Center attended to
cheer the Penn State team on to vic
tory. State’s victory through a fast,
accurate passing attack provided a
thrill for the Center delegation.