Scope’s Sports Hazleton Enjoys Excellent Bas In case you haven’t noticed, the Penn State Hazleton basketball team is having a superb season, the team is 9-7 overall and they have a magnificent 6-2 league record. The team’s overall record may not sound that impressive only because Coach Tom Caccese has stacked his non-conference schedule with powerful teams including two games against Bucknell. the team is in second place in the Commonwealth Campus Athletic Conference and is in serious contention for the Conference championship. The playoffs begin on February 28, and Hazleton has a strong chance of host ing a playoff game here on campus. Coach Caccese is very pleased with the progress the team has made and he says that the team is coming together and that they are Mar. 2 Page 4 Basketball Scheduli emamin AT Penn State York AT Penn State Schuylkill AT Penn State Ogontz AT Penn State Berks C.C.A.C. Eastern Regionals C.C.A.C. Conference Finals SPORTS PROFILE Kuhn Dunks Balls—Creatively by David Scopinich The purpose of this feature is to pro file a Penn State Hazleton athlete who shows excellence in both his or her sport and aca demics. The featured athlete for this issue is basketball star Chris Kuhn. Chris Kuhn is one of the more excit ing players on the basketball team. When Chris comes into the game there is not a fan in the gym who doesn’t anticipate one of his thunderous dunks. Chris’s favorite part of the game is when he is able to ignite the crowd with one of his trademark dunks. Chris loves this phase of the game to the point where he names his dunks. The most creative name so far this season is the “ supersexaphonic thunderkiss 65 dunk. ’ ’ Chris tries to emulate his game after another famous dunker, Charles Barkley. When asked about his feelings for the remainder of the season and the playoffs, Chris said that he feels that the team clearly has the most talent in theleague and if they focused on what they have to do. the team’s leading scorers are Tom Edwards and Jason Bodnar. Coach Caccese said that he is ex tremely pleased with the overall play of the team with guards Mich Marsilio and Joe Nemschik blending together extremely well, Paul Reilly rebounding and playing super de fense, and the overall excellence of Chris Kuhn. The team just recently added Nemshcik to the PITTSBURGH HARRISBURG •PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK CITY BUFFALO. NY MANSFIELD WILLIAMSPORT SUNBURY PITTSBURGH hARRISBI HAGERSTOWN. MOO WASHINGTON. , | TO AU. POINTS SOUTH play to their potential they should win the championship. He also points out that the losses that the team has suffered may help them in the long ru because they know now that they must truly focus on the task at hand which is winning the championship. Chris hails from York, PA, where he attended Central High School. He is an Envi ronmental Resource Management major. Chris plans to attend Veterinarian school after gradu ation. When he isn’t playing basketball, Chris is working to excel at another sport, skiing. He also likes to play with his iguanas. Chris does have a problem though, he needs a name for one of his iguanas. One is named Lucifer and Chris will take name suggestions for the other. Chris also said that he would like to thank the fans at Alter St. for their consistent support. He also said that the only regret he has about this season is that he can’t share it with his grand father who passed away. Chris is dedicating this season to his grandfather. etball Season squad and he has provided them with excellent play at the guard position. The team has suffered two tough losses on the road recently and Tom Edwards was injured in one of those games but the team feels that the losses will help them once again focus on the task ahead of them and tom Edwards should be back playing for the Ogontz game. TORONTO. CANADA ROCHESTER. NY O CQRTLANO. NY L TO O BINGHAMTON NY NEW T ENGLANO ft NEW YORK M CITY SCRANTON Jl HAZLETON / / CORNING. NY ELMIRA. NY, iTOWANOA WILKES SABRE I iSYRACUSE. NY )W GROVE ILAOELPHIA PRUSSIA -800-444-2877 [ rrai'/i^aysj