The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, November 01, 1993, Image 4

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    Season of Potential About to Unfold
■ ' I
The basketball team has been get
ting ready for this season for almost two
months now. They have put a hardtime in the
gym and on the court. The team’s coach, Dr.
Tom Caccese, is ready to see the results,
whenever asked about the team’s chances this
season, Coach Caccese always replies by say
ing that if the team plays up to their capabili
ties they will have an excellent chance to go
all the wav.
The team is readv to start the season
and show everyone the result of then hard
work. They have a lot to prove this year to
their coach and to themselves. Everyone on
the team knows thay they cannot win unless
they play as a team. Not one player has said
one negative comment about this year’s team.
Whenever one of them is asked about the team
it is always the same answer: '‘l like the team
because everyone has enormous amounts of
talent and we seem to play well together.”
This team is truly ready for a good season.
The season is not without its bad
news. Freshman Scott Steinhart will not be
Sports Profile:
Edwards Takes Care of
Business On and Off Court
By David A. Scopinich
The purpose of this feature is to
focus on an athlete who sets and example to
his or her fellow students on and off the court.
When you watch the basketball
games this season, you will notice that
Hazleton has a very talented basketball team.
Even' successful basketball team needs a ver
satile center, a player who can score under
neath the basket, block shots, and function as
the centerpiece of the defense. Hazleton
basketball is lucky enough to have a player
such as this. Tom Edwards, a sophomore, fits
this profile. Tom played a prominent role in
last season’s team’s success. He is now ready
to help take his team to new heights.
When asked about the team’s
chances to win the championship this year,
Tomreplied, “If we play to our ability I think
that we will take the championship.” Tom
also said, ‘ ‘I believe that there is no one player
Page 4
By David A.
Standing (left to right) Assistant Coach John Ambruch, Scott Steinhart, Joe Bocherer,
Marty Snyder, Tom Edwards, Paul Reilly, Jason Bodnar, Head Coach Tom Caccese,
Sitting (left to right) Brendan Bums, Ed Opella, Jimmer Kane, Ricky Surmick, Joe
MarsiUo, Chris Kuhn
available for the opener and possibly other
games because of a sprained ankle.
The starting five for the team will be
Jimmer Kane, point guard, Ed Opella, shoot
ing guard, Jason Bodnar, small forward, Paul
Reilly, power forward, and Tom Edwards,
Good luck to Scott Steinhart to heal
that will cany the team this year but that it will
be a total team effort. I am confident that on
the games where I don’t have my best day, my
teammates will pick up the slack and that goes
for evervone on the team.
Tom has already had his ups and
downs this season. Two weeks before prac
tice started, Tom had caught a case of mono
and was not able to play for quite a while. Tom
said that getting back in shape and getting his
timing back were his greatest worries about
the start of the season.
Tom is from Tamaqua and is a busi
ness major. He is undecided about transfering
to University Park next year but he said he is
leaning towards it.
When asked how he would promote
the team this year, Tom simply said, “If you
want to see exciting basketball, come see us
because we have a high-caliber team.”
up quickly and get back to playing, and good
luck to the team for a successful season.
Hopefully, when the paper returns from the
press the team will be 1 -0.
The student body is encouraged to
come out and support the team throughout the
season. Admission is two dollars or free with
your Penn State I.D.
Joe Bocherer
Jason Bodnar
Brendan Burns
Tom €duuards
Jim Kane
Chris Kuhn
Joe Marsilio
6d Opeila
Pdul Reilly
Marty Snyder
Scott Steinhart
Ricky Surmick
Head Coach: Dr. Tom Caccese
Rsst. Coach: John flmbruch
6'2" Soph
6'4" fresh
6'o" fresh
67" Soph
5'10" Soph