The Highacres Collegian Another semester has past, freshmen look forward to another year at the Hazleton Campus, as sophomores look forward to attending State College. Everyone looks forward to U Park right? Wrong. Believe it or not, some people enjoy the atmosphere of this small campus because of the friendliness felt by fellow students, and the closeness which has developed between friends. When you go to a school for two years or even for one year, people become closer and closer. If for your first year here you felt out of place chances are the second year will be better. Last year the Collegian staff consisted of around seven members only four of whom came back to Hazleton and to the paper for the 1992-93 year. With the help of some dedicated freshman this year, the returning staff from last year was able to produce a better quality paper. This past year has proven to very interesting to everyone on staff (from what I can see). The Collegian this year was not just another club on campus, we were like a family. Everyone got along with one another so well that sometimes we would just sit up in the Commons until midnight just talking about anything and everything under the sun. No one put anyone one down, nor did any one person try to take control of the cqnversation. We just sat around in the office at night after our meetings talking about things which made us become very good friends. Granted things are not the same way as they were last semester, but there is still a small bond between most of the members. What do I mean by a small bond? Well, let me try to explain it to you. Some members of the staff go to the movies together (however this was more frequent last semester than this one), others go to the mall together just to walk around, while there are those few who make a weekly trip to the Everything I Needed to Know,,. By: Ben Turrano There is a book that says "everything I needed to know in life, I learned in Kindergarten", I used to believe that until that revolutionary day in my life when I realized that I never stop learning. Essentially, most of the important things in my life I did learn during my childhood and in Kindergarten, but what came later was astounding. And I would like to share those things with you. This is, in all likelihood, one of the last articles I will write for the Highacres Collegian as a member of it’s staff, and I do so with a heavy heart and mixed emotions. After this issue is printed, I will no longer have to worry about: inspiration, deadlines, student participation, deadlines, layout procedures, deadlines, work delegation, deadlines, news coverage, deadlines, distribution, and did I mention the deadlines. The experience will be one of lasting memories, a few heartaches, proud reminders and a Remembering By : Gina Hammond few disappointments. Few people have had the opportunity to become involved with the people and organizations that I have. All of whjch have added to the me that I am today. And the Collegian is certainly no exception. I first attended a newspaper meeting in January 1992, my God has it been that long!? I was younger and thought all I needed to do was write my article(s) and turn it/them in to the editor, and, whoala - a newspaper. I learned shortly thereafter that, there was much, much, more to it than that. In the process of learning how a newspaper is published, I also learned how people of very different backgrounds can work together for a common goal, and even achieve it! Imagine that. I’ve also learned, contrary to popular belief, that people are generally good. Oh, sure we all say how messed up the world is, but it’s only because WE let it get that way through our lackadasical attitudes. I have yet to meet a Disney store in Wilks-Barre. Other times, a small number of us just start talking in the office between classes catching up on the events of the past week. Since most of the members this semester have harder classes as well as more classes than last semester our late night talks are less frequent. Even with the busy schedules we all have everyone finds time to stop up in the office for at least a short while. Being Editor of the paper since last Spring has taught me many things. Watching each issue show a little more professionalism than the last, helping us look more and more like a real newspaper has shown me that with time and experience, everything can get better. Much of the credit for this goes to everyone in the staff though. Working together is the one of the keys in doing anything successful with a group of people. If the staff could not work well together I truly feel that the paper this semester would be back to the one page flyer which we had in the Fall 1991. Many of the staff members are leaving Penn State Hazleton in the fall, which some people many not think of as a big deal, but I do. For the first time on this campus I felt anything was possible. In this one small club I found that people do actually care about more than just themselves, and think that getting together as a group on weekends and holidays is cool. Many people on the staff have had the best times of their lives this past year. Most of them are leaving to go on with their lives whether it is taking a semester or two off making money to attend the following year or transferring to Harrisburg or U Park. No matter were we all end up, together or separate we will always say "These were the times to remember." Page 7 person with whom I could not see various "good" qualities. I’ve tried to pick up on those qualities, which I like in others and make them my own, and in the process made the people a part of me. When it comes down to it, none of us are completely a product of ourselves, in fact we cannot exist without one another. It is impossible. Which brings me to another aspect of life which I’ve come to understand during my tenure here at Highacres, and that is that all of us, everyone everywhere, are intertwined as strands of a spider web, weak and frail alone, but rather beautiful and strong together. One bright, clear, autumn, day as I was staring at the Conyngham Valley from the most incredible vantage point at the Study Court, I realized that in the whole scheme of things, my own problems and shortcomings are really nothing when seen from a different perspective. It was then that I realized that no matter what I’ve Plectrum By: Janel Murphy What is PLECTRUM? That is a question that many have been asking . Well, if you went to their free concert in the Commons on Monday, April fifth, you should have gotten the answer. Plectrum is a new band that has gotten together here at Penn State Hazleton. The group of young musicians consist of Chris George, on guitar and vocals; John Steinman, on drums; Matt Halden, vocals; Dave DePhillips, on bass, and Michael Byers, on guitar and vocals. The band has only been together for about a month and a half, however, the excellent quality of their music would not lead you to believe that they have only been together for such a short time. The band, with their originality and variety of musical selections gave their audience a treat they were not expecting. Each member of the band brings their talent into the group and helps make it the success it has become. If you missed your first chance to see the newest Penn State sensation, you could have another opportunity to see their next performance which is tentatively scheduled for April 21st at the RHC Luau. done, felt, thought about doing, wondered about, hoped of, dreamed of, worried about; I was not the only one to do so. In talking to people, friends mostly, I came to the realization that I could never be truly alone, even if I wanted to be. And that is a most comforting feeling, at least for me it is. Some of you may have picked up on the fact that I mentioned nothing about what I’ve learned in my classes, that’s not to say that I didn’t, because I surely did; but the more eye-opening things which happened about my way, did so very unintentionally... or did they? Which brings me to one of the most stunning, humbling things which I’ve learned. There is a higher order to the Universe, an entity, a continuum, which I cannot possibly understand or hope to understand at this point, but of which I am an integral part... and so is everyone! April 1993