The Highacres Collegian Bush: A man of Honor and Service After failing to be re-elected to the presidency on Tuesday, November 3, President Bush gave an eloquent address to the nation saying "Having know the sweet taste of popular favor, I can more readily accept the sour taste of defeat, because it is seasoned for me by my deep devotion to the political system under which this nation has thrived for two centuries." One of the essential factors that makes America’s democratic government great is demonstrated in President Bush’s radio address and his actions. There are few places in the world today where the abdication of power and responsibility of a country’s highest office is Dne of tiie firetrucks that responded promtly to xiggered by the mishap in the Kostos Building. TOP TEN REASONS FOR THE FIRE IN THE KOSTOS BUILDING 1) No, I said Bud Light. 2) No, not that button!!!! 3) I wanted to meet Bill Shatter by appearing on Resue 911. 4) Gee, what does THIS chemical do? 5) Dr. Singh, what happens when you mix this chemical with that one? 6) Wanted to test the reaction time of the local fire department. 7) I needed time to study for my Bio Exam. 8) I didn’t feel like having anymore classes that day. 9) You mean you’re not suppose to smoke in the Chem Labs? 10) I wanted to see how fast it would take the college to bum down. done so smoothly and tactfully. Throughout our history, this policy has always been upheld, and each one of our Presidents has been a man of honor for giving the proper respect to the office. In his radio address, Bush also said that there would be no more politics, but that he and Barbara would rededicate themselves to helping others. Certainly, one thing that Bush did well in his four years as president was to serve others. His foreign relations and foreign policy were top notch, not to mention that they brought about the end of the cold war. The efficient ways in which Desert Shield and Desert Storm were handled are commendable. In addition, the recent aid to Los Angles after the riots and the integral role of the government in the huge relief effort still being made for the hurricane victims in Florida and other affected states, was certainly noteworthy, despite criticisms of Bush’s domestic policy. Page 8 Dear Gloria, My boyfriend wants to have sex with me, which would normally would be no problem, if I didn’t care for him. We never really talked about our past sex lives, but I know he has only been with one girl. She said they used a condom each time. My ex-boyfriend and I never used condoms for one reason or another. I also know with his prior girlfriend, he didn’t use a condom. His ex-girlfriend might have AIDS, but she’s not sure. If she does, that means I might also. How do I tell the guy I am now seeing that I want to have sex with him but am afraid of giving him something I might have and not know it? Cautious Lover Dear Cautious Lover, First off, for your own piece of mind you should get tested. Now I don’t want to sound like a parent, but if you’re going to have intercourse with anyone you should use a condom so you don’t have to worry about things like this. You need to be honest with him if asks. To care about someone before intercourse is a good idea, but using a condom should be a number one concern. If you use a condom, even if you do end up getting AIDS, as least he will bee protected. Be smart and use the condom, it’s not going to kill you but it may kill both of you if you don’t. Dear Gloria, My parents are in the process of getting a divorce, which is no problem with me except I am 18 years old and my brother is 16. I know my brother will end up with one of our parents, but what about me since I’m still in school? Dear Feeling Split, The way the works in Pennsylvania is if you are under 21 and still in school one of your parents will get custody of you. This arrangement will stay in effect until your twenty- first birthday, so relax you’ll have somewhere to call home. JUST £% fe^ETWJENJfJ Gloria Feeling Split Gloria November 1992 Dear George, I am the best man at my best friend’s wedding. I know for a fact that his fiancee has cheated on him more than on one occasion this past week. The reason I know this is because she cheated on him with me. Should I let my best friend marry her even though she doesn’t fully love him or should I tell him about her and me? Confused at the alter.. Dear Confused at the alter, It’s possible that your best friend’s fiancee is trying to "get it all out of her system" now so she won’t cheat on him when they are married. This is, unfortunately, very common in today’s permissive society. Personally I vehemently disagree with this practice, but nonetheless for some it actually has worked. For others though, it has lead to bad marriages, disfunctional families, bitter divorce and emotionally disturbed children. might also try to find Out if he has been cheating on her, if so then yes definitely stop this marriage. Obviously neither of them would be ready to make this ultimate commitment and you might be doing both of them a favor. Trust your heart, do a little prodding into your friend’s life and use your best judgement to see to it that what ever the outcome, any disasters are illiminated. Call it preventive maintenance. Always listening George Dear Gloria, I’ve been going out with this guy for over a year. Some people around school say he’s gay. I don’t want to believe what they say, but since we never had sex, how can I be sure? Desperately Confused Dear Desperately Confused, The only way you will truly know is if you ask him. Rumors shouldn’t control your life or your relationship. Besides if he thought that about you, wouldn’t you want him to ask you about it instead of believing others? Gloria