'he Highacres Collegian PennStam Hazleton Campus 97 Blood Donors Give to Blood Drive Ry: Michelle fake A blood drive was held by the American Red Cross, at the Penn State Hazleton campus on Monday, October 12. 1 had never given blood before, but it was a cause I wanted to participate in. There were 27 first time donors in all and most of us were a little scared. The first step was to register by giving your name, address, etc. Then you moved on to the hemoglobin test where they pricked your ear . This process did not hurt at all. They had you drink a glass of juice and move on to have your blood pressure and temperature taken. Then there were questions' that were designed to find individuals who engaged in high risk behavior. These individuals’ blood may not have been safe to give to another person. The questioning was done very privately and there were further confidential questions. You attatched a National Association of Campus Activities By: Gina Hammond and liaa flornticrgcr Bands, comedians, and one thousand college students: what do these things have in common? If you guessed the National Association of Campus Activities, otherwise known as NACA conference located in Lancaster Pa. then you are right. Erin Baursachs, Eric Bush, John Costa, Gina Hammond, Lisa Hornberger and Eric Sherman were the six representatives from the Penn State Hazleton Campus who attended the conference. Listening to the bands jam and watching the comedians perform were not all that these representatives did for the three ' sticker to your form which indicated "My blood is safe to use" or "My blood is not safe to Next, you were ready for the real event. You laid down on a table as the nurse cleaned your arm with lodine. The needle was put into place and a wooden, cylindrical object was placed in your hand. You were instructed to squeeze for five seconds, then relax for three. The bag was full in about eight to fifteen minutes, depending on the individual. Afterwards, you were escorted to a refeshment table. The escorts took your arm and made sure you were all right until you sat down. The Medical Lab Technition Students who escorted were: Chris Fox, Chris Dunn, Rob Faenza, Melissa De’Andrea, Mary Ward, Misty Flock, Hita Shaw, and Mike Crangle. At the refreshment table, the volunteers were very pleasant in offering the food and refreshments. There was pizza complements provided by Dominoes Pizza, as well as donouts, juice, and soda. The goal of the blood drive was to have 120 donors. The actual number was 97. Eighty-one percent of the target was reached. Hopefully this article will educate those who were afraid to donate because they were ignorant of the process. It just takes a little bit of your time for a very good cause. day stay. Between three to five educational sessions were attended to enlighten these students on various matters. At one session, learning how to focus on different cultures and nationalities was discussed, along with ways to inform the student body of these differences. After seeing a number of bands and comedians, the students broke up into small groups to talk with the agents as well as performers on the different routines and prices. The Edge and Touch were two bands that a majority of the students at the conference enjoyed the most. Hopefully with the help of a few different clubs, some of these interesting bands can come to Penn State Hazleton. Disk Jockeys are alright, but sometimes you just need the real thing. Page 7 Theme of Semi-Formal By: Erin Ann Keane The winter Semi-Formal will be held at Genetti’s Best Western on Friday, December fourth. The colors for this year’s winter-semi are royal blue, silver, and white. Those who plan on attending must bring their tickets to the dance. The schedule for the evening begins with pictures at seven o’clock by Diana Photo Graphics. Dinner will be served at eight with a choice of a beef, chicken, or vegetarian meal. From nine until one, King Sound Productions will spin tunes to keep us dancing ’til we drop. If you are interested in requesting certain songs that the DJ may have to aquire prior to the dance, request lists are available in the S.G.A. office. Also on schedule for the evening will be the voting for King and Queen. Any sophmore who will be present at the dance may be voted for. S.G.A. has also extended an invitation to faculty and staff members so convince your favorite professeur to attend. Tickets are available at the S.G.A. office and are twenty dollars per person. You can call 454-5785 to order your tickets or purchase them from SGA members. The final day to purchase tickets is December 2, at five o’clock so be sure to get yours. Students Attend Annual Casino night in Commons By: Grin Ann Keane Casino Night was held on October fourteenth, with gambling beginning at seven thirty in the Commons. Gambling continued until nine o’clock when comedian Don Reeves took the stage. He is known for his appearance on the "Cosby Show" and for performing on numerous comedy club shows. Dan Reeves was met with a standing room only crowd who enjoyed his performance. Members of the audience participated in the act as well as being called upon for information that was later incorporated into the performance. Don Refevs performed until approximately ten o’clock when gambling re-commenced until midnight. Throughout the evening, members of BACCHUS served mocktails while the Lion Ambassadors served samples of 5Emi fcWML DEC. 4* continued from page 1 Pro-Life argue that the baby in the womb is a person. Killing is killing; whether it is thirty years after birth or 6 weeks after conception. Every child should have a chance at life. If a woman does not want to have a baby, she should be responsible enough to decide this before she gets pregnant. There are various forms of birth control available for those who choose to have sex. Women do have a choice-the choice not to get pregnant in the first place. If an open mind is kept, you can see that both sides have stable arguments. However, the debate will probably go on for as long as abortion exists. (p° v>/ \o/ \ n <\y Vo y Tombstone Pizza. Members of WHCB played music for a majority of the evening to benefit those gamblers who were looking to dance when they ran out of cash. Not many people took the opportunity to cut a rug, but those who did enjoyed themselves. Casino Night was a success due to the fact that many students participated in the events of the evening and illustrated their interest in club sponsored events by attending. November 1992