• . , i i i iimniiiinHdWiWttlyHi ll ii i ” h 1 ! i 1 " 11 l'i 1 * 1 i'ii M'lEl'llH 11 J|E l 'ij|ijE||' Prejudice in College Many colleges are prejudiced toward whites instead of blacks which brings down the educating system in the United States. The first indication of this occurs on college applications which request both race and ethnic background information. A person’s race could be Caucasian while his ethnic background might be Italian or French. On the application however, Caucasian is listed with a fairly long list of different types of black backgrounds such as Black Non- Hispanic, Hispanic, Cuban- American, Latin- American, Mexican- American, Puerto Rican, and African. Binghamton College, located in New York state recently held a special weekend for minority groups such as blacks and Hispanics; whereas, all white students where not invited to attend a special gathering. If the fact of having a weekend just for white students is against the law, ( an act made and put into effect after the civil rights movement) than why can a college have a black weekend and still be within the guidelines of the law? Colleges also discriminate against whites in the evaluation IJB N. BROAD ST. W. HAZLETON, PA 18201 (71?) 484*7865 &scy (Air All New and Exciting Menu Serving 441 PM Daily Specials Homemade Desserts of students by their grade point average and SAT scores. What happens if a white student and a black student have the same scores in both? In many case the college is influenced by minority group requirements. Since colleges do not want to appear prejudiced, they might accept black student over the white student to increase the necessary black percentage of students. When this happens, isn’t the college being prejudiced? The prejudice might not be toward blacks, but the prejudice is still evident. Many people argue blacks don’t receive a fair chance because of their color so amends should be made. Why aren’t amends made for whites or the slow learning students? Years ago people said blacks needed help because they were less educated. Now there is no reason for the differentiation when entering college because blacks can go to high school just like white students. Why should white students go out of their way to make things easier for blacks when some black students think all whites owe them something because of what happened before the civil war? At least that is the impression some white students receive from the actions of black students and college applications. Because of this I feel that education in the United States is falling down hill. - A College Student Letters Policy* The Hazleton Collegian enourages comments on news coverage, editorials policy, and University affairs. Letters should be written, double-spaced, signed by no more then two people and no longer than 30 lines. Letters from allimni should include yearr of graduation of the writer. All writers should provide their address and phone number for verification of letter. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters for length and to reject letters if they are libelous, slanderous or do not conform to standards of good taste. Delivier letters to the Collegian office in the lower commons. All letters recieved become the property of the Collegian. What I like (Satirical) By; Ben Turrano Let me tell you about some of the things that make my heart feel fuller and make my days a little brighter. I like drivers who don’t bother to signal when making a turn or when pulling out into traffic. These people have a special place in my heart and I usually try to let them know by "waving" to them in a gesture of friendship. I like Pennsylvania’s roadways, highways, inter-states and turnpikes. They put a special flare into my daily commute and break the monotony of driving... Why, I might just fell asleep at the wheel if I didn’t have to dodge potholes and small craters every day. I like the weather in North-Eastern Pennsylvania. It’s so predictable, almost to perfect for anyone’s taste. The seasons come and go like clockwork and seldom is there any noticeable variation in temperature from day to day. I like people who think that recycling is only a fad! These people remind me that fads are here only for a few brief moments, then they vanish into history, and should never be taken seriously. We should all try to be more wasteful, it’s more fun that way. Remember the saying: "Waste all you want, they’ll make more". I like the abundance of parking space in Parking Lot C on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I especially like seeing all the yellow on-campus parking stickers in the aforementioned parking lot. My heart goes out to all those students who make that lengthy commute from the dorms to the top of the hill. Fare thee well, oh fearless travelers. As a show of good will, I might ask all other off campus commuters to leave their vehicles on Route 93 just so you all have more space. Heck maybe we’ll all just walk the five, ten, or twenty miles. I like people who smoke and think it is not offensive to other people. Their wisdom, logic, and kindness astounds me and is a tribute to all mankind. These are only a few of the things that bring untold pleasure and satisfaction to my life. If you have any likes and dislikes, please feel free to drop us a line in The Hazleton Collegian mailbox in the lower commons. We always enjoy hearing from our readers... (no sarcasm intended)