WHO IS BENNY VELOUR??? This is an important question which may just very well affect the rest of your life. Four out of five doctors agree that not knowing the answer to this simple question can cause stress, headaches, insomnia, brain tumors, blindness, and, yes, even death. There is only one way to save your life. There is only one cure for the disease which ails you. For the sake of your parents, your family, your loved ones, and your pets - you must see... "THE BENNY VELOUR SHOW" STARRING A CAST OT THOUSANDS... ...INCLUDING GILLIGAN (THE SHIPPER, TDD), GERALDC, SADDAM HUSSEIN, EREDDY HREUGER, JASON VOGRHEES, ANDREW DICE, ELVIS, ANDY PCONEY, AND WILLIE AND JULIG. "THE BENNY VELCUR SHOW” will be playing exclusively in the Commons building November S - 10 at 8:00. Tickets are on sale now ($2 for stu dents/faculty, $4 for adults). Dial 450-3134 for details and reserva-