The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, March 01, 1988, Image 4

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by Stuart J. Erwin
If you've been listen
ing to the news and read-
my the paper within the
past few weeks, you
should be aware of the
present situation at
Gallaudet University in The Board of Trustees
Washington, D.C. of Gallaudet University
Gallaudet is a unique has a wonderful opportun
institution of higher ity to show the world
learning not just bec- that the hearing-impaired
ause its students are are capable of function
hearing-impaired, but ing as intelligent, re
because its students sponsible individuals, a
have the courage to stand fact the hearing-impaired
up and make themselves have always known. As I
heard by the entire write, the Board of Trust
nation. The Board of ees is meeting to choose
4 1 4t 41 6 BIM
i propose that "Walk-
, an" radios be prohibit
-d in all library spaces
with the exception of
the private study rooms.
The library should be
used by people who wish
to study in peace. If
someone wishes to play
music, they may go some
where that is already
polluted with noise.
Here I sit, al-ter
brain-storming and free
writing, and still no
topic for this editorial.
My frustration level is
at peak. I'll just slap
in a disc and mabe some
thing will come to me.
That's it, what about
Recently I heard a
speech presenting Dr.
Allan Bloom's views and
one of those views invol-
ves rock music. Dr.
Bloom says that this
genre of music is the
epitome of everything
that is wrong in today's
society. It encompasses,
"sex, hate and a swamy
hypocritican version of
brotherly love."
There are two reas
ons why this insult
should be taken very
lightly. First, how can
Trustees of Gallaudet
appears to be truly
hearing-impaired. They
seem to be deaf to the
screams of those whose
needs are not being met,
those students whose
needs have been entrusted
to the Board.
They may go to the
Commons, sit in their
cars(most likely well
equipped,stereo wise),
or take advantage of
some of the great
sitting areas in the new
dorms. This may make
them feel discriminated
against, but they are
of the minority; in
other words, everyone
without a walkman would
not even be able to fit
in the suggested areas.
I'm having a hard time
coming up with possible
arguments they may use.
some play at an accept-
anyone stereotype this
generation into one type
of music. The truth is
that music has become so
diversified that it is
impossible to classify I wasn't upset
as music into one categ
ecause I'm a particular
ory. Secondly, although Michael Jackson fan, but
music is an art form
because of Andy's ignor -
that mirrors our society ant view. Just think,
the generality that music music is an art form and
makes the person is far all art is individually
off the beat, (no pun in-
opinionated. So does
tended). It's true that
Andy's view matter? And
most of us highly value whether the majority of
our music but we should us "kids" listen to
not be Tabled for what Michael Jackson's music
or not, we shouldn't
we listen to. Just the
same as we shouldn't be
labled for what we wear;
it's simply ignorant to
do so.
An example of this
is Andy Rooney of 60
minutes, who in past
weeks had criticized
Michael Jackson's music
a new president for
Gallaudet. The students
are demanding a deaf
president, one who can
not only be a role model,
but one who understands
their needs and can
fight to fullfill them,
one who can hear them.
Do you hear them? In
addition, the students
are demanding that the
majority of the Board
members be hearing-
Several organizations
such as the United States
Postal Service have air
voiced and "signed"
their support for the
students of Gallaudet.
If you hear these stu
dents and are interest-
able level, but we've
all had some nut get us
rather annoyed too.
Just remember: "It's
the rotten few million
that spoils it for the
other eleven guys."(l)
If they feel they may
get lost while walking
to the dorms, I'll
draw them a map. If the
walk for them is too
cold, they are a bunch
of MOANERS and deserve
to be executed(arranged
by appointment only).
(1) Quoted from a
Saturday Night Live
newscast referring to
the violence in some
middle eastern country.
and the majority of kids
that listen to it today.
I know what you're think
ing and I was also upset
be judged or stereotyped.
The only generality
which should be expressed
is that music taste lies
in the ears of the list
Just look in the
crazy world today, no
wonder the diversified
ed in helping them, make
yourself heard.
Gallaudet is supported
financially by the
United States Congress.
A letter to your Con
gressman supporting the
demands and needs for
Gallaudet's students
would be one of the
best ways to show your
support and tell your
fellow students at
Gallaudet that you hear
~:q 9.
King and Queen:
ling and Kelly Jansen.
music, from Peter.Tosh
to David Meece and back
again. From politically
oriented U 2 and Sting to
head bangers like Metal
Church and Slayer.
Each type carrying a
different message a
different way, and some
messages backward. The
point I'm trying to
clearify is that music
is a preferance, not a
cuality for judgment.
To bust on someone for
what they hear is ignor
ant and should be taken
very lightly.
I hope this spurred
some opinions in which
inquiring minds like
mine would want to hear.
Pat Grem-
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