(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10) the 76er:a are to go anywhere in the playoffs, they are going to have to start receiving more scoring from the bench. That means Vranes has to get his --- into gear! David Wingate - B: As usual, especially when the 76ers are not performing well, rookies spend a tremendous - amount of their first year sitting on the However, in the bench. games that he has appeared in, Wingate has showed awesome power and scoring punch that made him such a force at Georgetcwn University under Coach John ThQTcson These qualities also give reason why he just might have been the "steal" of the Last. NBA Draft. Any combination Wingate and Cheeks or Tbney could be deadly cane the start of the playoffs. So far, he has proven that he is a scoring threat and has tremendous passing ability. Could he be the decisive factor in determining how far the 76ers go this season? Nobody in their right frame of mind would trade the Number #1 pick of the NBA draft! Everybody was talking about the 76ers drafting Brad Daughterty out of North Carolina. But there were many other quality players in the draft besides Daugherty - players Chuck Person, Kenny Walker, and the many others. Well, let's stop crying over spilled milk and evaluate Hinson's performance so far this season. performance has been far from spectacular. There have been instances where he has displayed some of the power and raw talent involving that caused the 76ers to seek him out. His defensive ability is not really in question as far as blocking shots and grabbing the rebounds is concerned. However, Roy does have his problems blocking out the - B- Roy Hinson So far, Hi.nson' s opposition at times. It is due to this flaw that causes Roy to get himself into early foul trouble (a frequent. occurence). despite this problem, he has proven worthy to the team as far as defense is concerned talthou4h he's still not worth a Number #1 draft pick!). Offensively, he has a powerful move to the basket which often results in a gorilla dunk - of the Darryl Dawkins days in Philadelphia. When it is working, he has a sweet turnaround However, with the loss of Ruland for the season, Hinson has become the primary postup man - when he was supposed to share the responsibility with Ruland. A pure fighter• off the boards, he has scored his share of points off of the offensive glass. Yet if the 76ers are to advance past the first round of the playoffs, they will need Hinson to open up his reminiscent jumpshot. scoring, keep out of foul trouble, and continue to play the sparkling defense that he has been doing for the entire season. Steve Colter and World F+ : Both of B. Free these guys get this grade because I feel that they are "scrub" players who will contribute as much to the 76ers advancement. in the playoffs as sugar will to a diabetic. Free is a ball hog and make Miss Piggy look like Miss Universe. He shoots such a "rainbow" shot that it makes the rainbow in "The Wizard of Oz" look like a piece of cardboard with Crayola markings all aver it. In short, it was a waste picking him, up. He's too old too keep up with the speed of teams such as Atlanta, Chicago, Boston etc. As far as Colter is concerned, he possesses some ball handling skills but that is the extent of (CONTINUED ON PAGE 1 111