The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, May 01, 1982, Image 7

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Work in Commons
By Jerry Trently
The atmosphe . re - of the
campus and rapport with
students have kept finny
Mulreaney __ an active
part of campus. Now in
her sixth year of employ
ment with the Food and
Housing Department of
the University, she feels
that the students are a
very important part of
her life. "I try to treat
students as I treat my
own children," says
Mulreaney. "When they
come to me and ask me
to make them
something, I try to
prepare the food as I
would want my own
children to have it.
That's just the way I
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enjoyable for Ginny Mulreaney
She feels also that
students have changed
over the last few years.
"I've only been here six
years," sine says, "yet I
-have noticed changes in
the type of students that
come here. When I first
started, the students
were not as self
conscious. They were
dressed sloppier and just
didn't seem to care. To
day's students care
about their appearance.
They dress nicer, - wear
their hair shorter, are
better groomed, and are
just friendlier than
students of the past."
Prior to her marriage,
Muireaney worked as a
Bell Telephone operator.
When I got married,!'
she said, "my husband
told me not to work
anymore because he was
/ ..4
making enough money to
support us. He was mak
ing $3,000 a year then,
but that was 36 years
ago, and at that time it
Was enough money for
the two of us. Our wed
ding day was interesting
too, because' we were
married on a Friday,"
she chuckles, "Friday,
December 13!"
She has four children,
three daughters and a
son, and three grand
children. Her son attend
ed Penn State. "I started
work on the first day of
my son's school," she
says, "that was in
September of 1976."
Changes made in the
renovation of the Corn-.
mons have made her job
more pleasant. "This is
so much nicer," she
says, "before it used to
To make
have the
be so hot back there, and
so much more crowded.
Now we have more room
to move around, and the
cafeteria is also easier to
The new layout of the
cafeteria has also im
proved her ability to
come in contact with the
students. She explains
that "the way the
cafeteria is now, I can
see all the students dur
ing lunch time, and talk
to them easier. Before
the only time we could
see them from back here
was when they came up
to that small window
where the food was serv-
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Page 7
ed from. And everything
was so crowded too."
Since the Commons'
renovation, the small
window for food service
has been removed, mak
ing way for the cafeteria
counter now in use. "The
improvements have also
given business a boost,"
tells Mulreaney, "we
never used to have this
many students in here
during the lunch time. At
least not students that
bought their lunch."
She also works with
some of the students on
campus who are
employed by the Food
and Housing Depart
ment. "They're the
greatest," -she says,
"just fantastic. That's
probably one of the
reasons I like it here so
much. I could never
work for McDonald's or
Burger King, the whole
thing there is too rushed.
I like to be busy, but not
Ginny Mulreaney looks
foreward to her future.
"I'll be happy as long as
I'm working in the Com
mons, and talking with
the students."