The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, February 01, 1982, Image 9

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By Terry McCarthy
While there are many pleasant
aspects to living off campus, one
of the great stumbling blocks for
many students seems to be cook
ing and the preparation of meals.
After a hard day of classes, labs,
lectures, and tests, the last thing
a student wants to do is slave
over a stove in order to eat. Some
avoid this chore by heating a can
of assorted processed "gar
bage," while others take the
hamburger and pizza route.
These methods of eating are not
only expensive, but high in
calories and low in nutrition.
Even when a student is willing to
take the time to cook, he must
overcome skyrocketing prices
and a tight college budget. In
order to stretch one's budget, it is
a wise idea to stick with the inex
pensive cuts of meat such as
chicken or ground beef. In order
to avoid the monotony of ham
burgers and meatballs that peo
ple make out of ground beef, here
are a few tasty recipes that can
be made with some effort and a
minimal expense. There may be
a few ingredients that you do not
have, but it will be worth the
money to buy them so that you
can spice up many other dishes.
Now that the Christmas season
is over and we are a month into
the new year, many big holiday
season films are continuing to be
Theatres are filled with big
name and big budget offerings
that Hollywood hopes will make
this winter season as profitable
as its summer season.
Here is a run-down of some of
the films that are showing
throughout area theatres. Many
will be worth looking into if you
can tear yourself away from all
of the studying you are doing.
The blockbuster of the season is
unquestionably "Reds." Warren
Beatty produced, helped write,
directed, and started in this
three-and-a-half hour (with an in
termission) epic which covers the
life of American Journalist John
Reed, the only American to be
buried within the Kremlin walls.
Beattrplays Reed as the
bread crumbs
2 lbs. ground beef
1 large onion
clove of garlic
1 T. salt
2 egos beaten
2 or 3 slices of bread.soaked in
YI cup milk
2 cups spinach (canned or
2 1 / 2 cups Parmesan cheese •
1 / 2 lbs. Swiss cheese
1 / 2 lbs. Mozzarella cheese _
1.) Grease a 13x9x2" pan and
coat with a layer of bread
2.) Combine onion, garlic,
spinach, Parmesan cheese, salt,
pepper, eggs, bread, and ground
beef. Divide the mixture into
three even parts;
3.) Spread 1/3 of mixture in pan
making sure that the meat mix
ture touches all sides and cor
4.) Layer mozzarella cheese on
top of the first layer of meat;
5.) Spread second 1/3 of meat
mixture ontop of the cheese;
6.) Layer the Swiss cheese on
top of the meat mixture;
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where he witnesses the Bolshevik
- Revolution. Diane Keaton plays
Louise Bryant, Reed's lover, who
accompanies him. Jack
Nicholson, Gene Hackman,
Maureen Stapleton and even
novelist Jerry Kosinski have
small but powerful roles.
Jane Fonda and Kris Kristof
ferson star in "Rollover," a sen
sual romance that takes place
against the backdrop of the world
of high-finance.
Jane Fonda is also stalling
with Katherine Hepburn and
Jane's father Henry Fonda in
"On Golden Pond." Hepburn and
Fonda play a couple trying to
face the isolation of old age.
Henry Fonda plays the role of his
life in what unfortunately may be
his last role for the silver screen.
E.L. Doctorow's best-selling
novel "Ragtime" also came to
the screen over the recent holi-
7.) Spread the final 1 / 3 of the
meat mixture on the Swiss
Cheese and 'sprinkle with bread
8.) Bake at 350 for one hour.
If you are looking for
something to do with hamburger
that does not require as much
work, there are other uses for it
that you may not have thought of.
If you enjoy stew, there is a pro
duct out on the market called
"Soup Starter" that is tasty and
easy to make. Just add a pound of
ground beef to the "Soup Starter"
and let it simmer for 90 minutes.
It's not as good as grandma
makes but it is very simple to
prepare and very inexpensive.
If you enjoy Chinese food, buy a
can of meatless chow mein, a can
of Chinese fancy vegetables, and
a can of chow mein noodles (La
Choy makes all three for about 60
cents a can) and add a pound of
ground beef that has been cooke
thoroughly. It's an excellent meal
for under $1 per serving.
follows his life over to Russia
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By Tim Swarr
day season. James Cagney
comes out of retirement to play a
police commissioner.
Richard Dreyfuss plays a
young sculptor paralyzed from
the neck down who wants to be
released from the hospital to die
in Brian Clark's "Whose Life Is It
Anyway," a film based on a
popular Broadway play.
Talent night highlights
campus students
By Kelly A. Yale
Talented Highacres students entertained their fellow Penn
Staters in a coffeehouse "Talent Night" sponsored by the Student
Union Board (SUB). The Commons housed the event which took
place on January 20.
The variety of acts ranged from comedian Bob Tier to rock and
Jazz bands.
Paul McKenna and Victor Piccone joined together for an electric
and acoustic guitar duet, performing an original jazz composition.
John Cox strummed the guitar while singing
original folk-style tunes as those of various artists, including the
Grateful Dead and the Moody Blues.
Jim Bagley, assisted by Pete "Otis" Gallagher and Kevin
Gaughin, presented a unique act billed as "Short Shit and the Doo-
Dahs." The "Doo-dahs" performed original arrangements to
"My Girlfriend's Back," "Kronies," and "Salamander
Several other acts were presented throughout the evening, and a
wide variety of talent was displayed.
Admission was free, and SUB provided refreshments for the au
Technical crew - small but hard working
By Tim Swarr
It happens once or twice a
month, maybe more. The Com
mons, during the daylight hours,
is a place where students gather
to grab a bite to eat, study, or just
to fraternize with their friends.
Later, as if magically transform
ed, it becomes an intimate
theatre, a petite auditorium, or a
small club for a band and dance
troupe. .
Walter Matthau and Jack Lem
mon are teamed together in the
black comedy "Buddy Buddy"
directed by Hollywood cynic Billy
Director Arthur Fenn (Bonn ie
and Clyde) and Screenwriter
Steve Tesich (Breaking Away)
team up to bring you "Four
Friends," the story of three guys
and a girl and their entangled
These are a few of the many
movies that are being shown
throughout the area. I strongly
recommend you see the movies of
your choice.
The wizards responsible for
these changes are simply refer
red to as the "technical crew."
Their leader is Sophomore Bob
Tier. Assisting Bob are Ron
Sawyer, who provides the mus
cle, and Bill Kistler, who, with a
major in electrical engineering,
is in charge of the lighting.
Freshman George Puhak and
Ron Emerich add their aid
wherever necessary. Bob and his
crew get help and cooperation
from Mr. Joseph Marchetti,
Assistant Dean of Student Af
fairs, - and their advisor Cy
Falatko, Residence Hall Coor
The technical crew first ap
peared this year when Mr. Mar
chetti asked Bob, as president of
the Drama Club, to help him out
with setting up for the cultural
events that are held at the
Highacres Campus throughout
the school year.
Most of the work the crew does
is connected to the cultural
events and any other function
that is held on campus. They put
together the stage and clear the
Commons for seating.
The lighting is also set up and
coordinated by the crew. During
the performance, they help to run
the lights.
There is a lot of hard work and
time involved with the job, but it
does not go without rewards.
Most important, there is the ex
perience the crew gets in the
technical areas of sound and
Bob Tier said that the aspect of
the job he enjoys most is when he
meets and talks with the per
formers he works with.
Members of the crew have
become acquainted with people
from all over the country from a
hypnotist to members of a Jazz
ensemble and dance troupe from
the Washington D.C. area. Bob
was quick to point out the
pleasure of meeting the female
members of the troupe!
Mr. Marchetti is quick to point
out too, that the crew is a small
but hard working group, but he
and Bob are always looking for
more people who are willing to
help them especially freshmen
who will be able to continut the
functions of this organization
through next year.