The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, February 01, 1982, Image 6

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    Study skills program
By Lori A. Emerich
"If people would like to talk
about study problems, they
should come in," said Mr. Jim
Pino on the new study skills pro
The reading lab which is in
operation for its second year is
now expanding its services to of
fer study skills to any student
who may be experiencing dif
ficulty with his or her course
Although the reading lab has
primarily dealt with students
who are in need of reading im
provement, various instructors
have expressed a need for the
availability of study skill instruc
tion for students at the Hazleton
Campus. These services are
available to any student.
"It will be confidential if you at
tend these sessions," said Mr.
Pino, "the individual instructor
will not know that the student will
be coming in."
The reading lab will offer Short
one-hour sessions on specified
study skills.
The following skills will be
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discussed: marking the text,
note-taking technique, outlining,
budgeting time, methods of stu
dying for tests, taking tests, test
anxiety (nervousness), using
charts and graphics in the text,
pre-reading, and preparing for
These services will be available
to students on a voluntary basis.
It is advisable to students who
have received low grades last
term or who are presently ex
periencing difficulty with their
course work to participate in this
These problems may be related
to improper study habits. In
terested students can sign up in
Room 211 in the Administration
"It is advisable for students to
take advantage of this service as
soon as possible," stressed Mr.
Pino, "because at the end of the
term there isn't much you can
The first of four sessions on
study skills was held Tuesday
January 26 during fifth period
(2:10 - 3:25 p.m.). The first ses
sion was understanding text
books, including methods of ex
tracting information from them.
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Television chub outlines programming
\ The 'Hazleton Campus Video
television organization is
curi.ently reporting a very active
schedule of programming.
Joe'Krushinsky, HCV President,
said that the club iscurrently
producing three weekly shows
for the community in addition to
the daily news for the campus
and continOng coverage of the
Condors basketball season.
"We currektly are in the studio
taping about \ fifteen hours per
week. This of ourse, does not
include news w iting time and
in weigh room
Wall const uction scheduled
At the beginning of th s l9Bl- were now for general use, but the
1982 school year, the weights at weightlifting club purchased a lot
were on the first floor of the:lom- of its own equipment which was
nasium were moved. Th A e also in this same room. The club
weights, which were for the charges a $lO fee to its members.
general use of all Penn State What do the current club
students, were moved because \ members do now? At this time,
the floor of the room was collaps- ' e weightlifting club Is dormant
ing which posed a serious threat solely without a place for its
to the safety of the students. m hers to go. What is the
The room that the weights are rea n for trying to keep the club
now in is the weightlifting club's activ ?
room. The weights that were Alteinatives were offered, the
located in this room were for the main ofie being the construction
sole use of the weightlifting club's of a wall 'to divide the weightroom
members. This now posed a pro- in half, one side for general use,
blem: all the weights in this room and the other side for club
remote tapings," said
Krushinsky, "I suspect we are
talking about a total of 85 to 100
man hours per week for the
whole scope of HCV produc
HCV producs News View 13
with Jerry Trently, Jayne-Ann
Bugda, Bob Tier and Joe
Krushinsky with a team of four
correspondents. In addition Dr.
John Degenhart has begun
working with the club to produce
the weekly Health World show.
Throughout the basketball
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season, HCV has aired one
Condor game each week
followed by Sports View 13 with
Jim Dino.
"In two or three weeks, we will
begin to produce People, Places,
and Things, our feature show,
once again," added Barry Jais,
HCV advisor.
The program will feature hosts
Chris McNab and Tom Swarr with
a team of three- correspondents.
HCV airs each week on Service
Electric dial 13 each Tuesday
evening starting at Bp.m.
members only. This wall was a
salvation for the club, and plans
were made for construction to be
completo during this term.
Somehow, there was a
breakdown in communication;
the wall was never built and no
plans were definite or finalized.
It is now known that Imbriaco
Contractors have been awarded
the job. Currently, $2,160 has
been set aside from the campus
budget to construct this wall.
Construction and completion of
this wall is scheduled for some
time during the Spring Term.