The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, December 18, 1980, Image 11

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by Scott Hamm
Head Coach Mrs. Deidre Jago's
volleyball team finished its
season boasting of a 9-8 overall
record. Coach Jago stated that
she was very proud of her team's
effort and was pleased with their
winning record. The 1980 'team
consisted of the following
sophomores: Lynn Houck (cap
tain), Dee Margerum, Debbie
Williams, June Sydlosky, Ruby
Qurashi, Cheryl Hartley, and the
team'stnlY two returning letter
winners, Carol Onuschak and
Ruth McMullen.
Some excellent play came from
team captain Lynn Houck. Coach
Jago commented that Houck was
the team's overall leader in scor
ing, gaining most of her points by
her serving and setting abilities.
Lynn also showed her leadership
on and off the court.
Coach Jago stated that the girls
played well together despite the
limited amount of practice time
before playing their first game.
She felt that the girls were not
quite ready for league play and
hopes that next year there will be
more practice time before com
petition starts. Coach Jag* is con
fident on the upcoming 1981
season despite the fact that all
the team's members are
sophomores and will not be retur
ning. She stated that next year
will be a total rebuilding year.
The team did not advance to the
C.C.A.C..Tournament. The York,
P.S.U., and Ogontz, P.S.U., did
advance to the tournament.
However, the Highacres team
was the only one to set back the
Ogontz team. The best single ef
fort by the girls this year had to
be the match against Northamp
ton C.C. The girls went into the
game as underdogs, but they
upset the Northampton team by
match scores of: 13-15, 15-4, 9-15,
15-13, and 15-11. Coach Jago was
not hampered with injuries and is
looking for another successful
season next year.
Volleyball tryouts
Last year's volleyball . team
finished with a record of 11-3,
even though many of the players
had never played competitively
before. Tryouts for this year's
squad will be held January 6 and
8 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gym. Mr.
Young, the coach of the team, en
courages anyone who feels that
they would like to play to tryout.
He said, "Everyone has a
The team will begin its season
around the third week of
February, and will finish in mid
April. The exact schedule will be
announced later.
Sports Happenings glan
The 198041 Condors cheerleading squad includes (foreground) Judd Buskirk, mascot;
(kneeling) John Zitkus, Tina Markosky (captain), Bette Jo Paulk (assistant captain)
Marian Buchinski, Shelly Donegan, Melanie Garrett, Jim Polinchok; (standing) Liz
Hartman, Dianne, McKenzie, Missy Miller, Mary *udi Powell, Lisa Pecora, and Robin Stauffer.
Winter intramurals slated
by Tim Brown
The Winter Term Intiamural
Program recently began, under
the energetic guidance of Mr.-
Young. As he sees it, the aim of
the program, ". . Is to en
courage extracurricular ac
tivities which will allow students
to get some exercise while having
Along with Volleyball, Basket
ball, and Bowling leagues, the
program this term will include a
foul-shooting contest and a
"Superstars" competition. Fifty
five people, grouped into seven
teams, will participate in the
Volleyball league which will be
finished before Christmas break.
Beginning January 6, six teams
will compete for bragging rights
in Basketball. Every Tuesday
and Wednesday eight three-man
res cheerleaders 1980-81
`<;%4• S,
teams will battle for honors in
Bowling. The foul-shooting con
test will be held January 6, and
should take no more than an
hour. The "Superstars" competi
tion will take place January 12
and 13. Any interested students
are encouraged to join the eight
people who have already
Fall term winners of the
Volleyball league called
themselves the "Gashouse
Gorillas," they are: Mike Flores,
Phil Gentile, Matt Koch, Shari
Dietrich, Amanda Amshell, John
Demagone, Tony Curto, and Liz
Hartman. The Basketball League
first place team was called "The
Matarese," the team members
included: Pat Dougherty, Pete
O'Donnell, Ron Cann, Chuck Am
mon, Ken Tomalavage, Mark
Kolbush, Len Koh, Jim Hudock
and Jim Concannon. The
"Dynamos II" team of Bob
Owens, Glenn Noggle, and Bob
Sosar captured first place in the
Bowling League.
A slight fee of seventy-five
cents per person partially covers
the expense of the awards which
are given to first place finishers.
There is also a three dollar lane
use fee for bowlers.
Mr. Young encourages any stu
dent interested in some exercise
and fun to participate
by Alex Prodes
The co-captains for the team
were sophomores Ernie Valente
and Bob Berger. And the rest of
the sophomore lettermen, whose
talents are sure to be missed, are
Craig Coupon, David Otterbine,
John Harsford, and Richie
Katzenbach. Also, a special
salute is given to sophomore Pat
Kinney who made a tremendous
comeback after an early season
The leading scorer of this
year's team was standout
freshman Alex Prodes, who will
return to the Condors' 1981 lineup
next fall along with power
packed freshmen Chris Herr, Jeff
Carpenetti, Chris Kokinda, Mike
Brouse, and John Maholick.
Other members of this year's
squad are as follows: Kevin
Walters, Troy Marsh, George
Rodriguez, Larry Pentoney, Bob
Mueller, Don Heloerman, and
Kim Sweda. Also, a special thank
you was given to manager Mike
Mensel and the team's trainer,
Jean McTigue.
With a good percentage of the
team back for the 'Bl season,
Penn State-Hazleton will surely
be a top contender for the Com
monwealth (C.C.A.C.) champion
ship next year. Also, the team ex
pects more competitors to enroll
in the sport for the upcoming
year. One last note, the
_team is
also anxious to learn of its new
head coach so it can begin plan
ning the attack for a winning
season. With all the positive
power behind them, the 1981
P.S.H. soccer team is a sure bet
to "kick" its way to its goal, a