Candidates and issues DEFENSE: • Increased spending • MX missile program • Nuetron bomb • B-1 bomber • SALT II !Draft registration • Peacetime draft ECONOMY: • Wage-Price controls • Balanced budget Constitutional Amend. to balance budget • Minimum wage ENERGY: • Windfall profits tax • Increased ......conservation • Increased Aid to development of alternative energy G_asolin.P.ratiPninll • Oil, gas price deregulations • Increased Coal _Production • Nuclear Power ABORTION: • Personal feelings • Federal $ when mother's life in danger • Constitutional Amend. to outlaw abortions or to give states local option ERA: SOCIAL: • National Health Instwanee • Dept. of Education MIDDLE EAST: • PLO . rcsignition • i — sriel's right to exist TAX CUTS: • more to business sector • more to individual Carter: (1) Has postponed deployment of neutron bomb; (2) Has abandoned plans to balance budget in fiscal 1981; (3) Supports future increases in minimum wage; (4) Already has taken steps to accomplish this; (5) Believes Supreme Court decision allowing abortions under certain circumstances should be obeyed; (6) Would recognize PLO only if PLO accepts Israel's right to exist. Reagan: (1) Thinks Carter's spending plan is not enough; (2) Wants to abolish the minimum wage, allow ing employers to pay teenagers less than $3.10/hour ; (3) Believes it will help, but not solve the energy crisis; (4) Believes abortions are necessary when mother's life is in danger. Anderson: (1) Thinks conservation should get "highest priority"; (2) Proposed a 50-cent-a-gallon tax in crease on gasoline to cut consumption; (3) Favors nuclear power, but believes waste-storage problem should be solved before building any more reactors; (4) Feels, however, that the choice should be left to the individual "in conjunction with her God and her doctor"; (5) Agrees that PLO should not be recognized unless it accepts Israel's right to exist; (6) Wants future cuts to aid business investment and personal sav ings accounts. Scannell appointed vice Ares. of merged departments Dr. Robert J. Scannell was ap pointed vice-president and dean of the new University-wide System of Continuing Education and Commonwealth Campuses on July ist of this year. Dr. Scan nell will oversee the integration of these formerly separate units. This integration of Continuing Education and the Com monwealth Campuses was ' SciFi Club to sponsor 'Dark Star' recommended by the Steering .s. „ Committee of the University as On Wednesday, November sth part of its plans for advancing at 6:30 p.m. in room C-1, the Penn State in the 1980's. Science Fiction Club will sponsor Dr. Scannell will spend the first Dark Star, a science fiction six months of his appointment related film. This film, produced planning and organizing the join- shortly after 2001 Space Odyssey, ing of Continuing Education and is a take-off on the Kubrick opus. the Commonwealth Campuses. The film features such wonder- CARTER REAGAN PRO CON 1 PRO CON lie is presently consulting with the appropriate faculty members and administrators. This jointure is purely administrative and will not change the present depart mental responsibilities or authority. The goals of this integration, , ' I 1.-il 0... v'' po' I✓ (6) according to Dr. Scannell, are to reduce administrative overhead, maintain the excellence of in struction at the 17 Com monwealth Campuses, retain the present Continuing Education procedures, and coordinate all the educational activities at the campuses. ful inventions as intelligent beach balls and talking bombs. Ac cording to the Science Fiction Club film expert Frank Kehl, "This is the funniest science fic tion released film ever made, and is far more imaginative than the Muppets' Pigs In Space." ANDERSON PRO CON SGA news The Student Government Association is working on many functions for the remainder of the school year at Highacres. Since the beginning of this term the twelve original members of SGA have been working diligently,a nd now with the newly elected senators, a full senate of twenty one is hard at work for the stu dent body. This year, the SGA is again sponsoring the Christmas Semi- Forma Banquet. The tentative date is December 12, 1980. Other arrangements, such as the price, the place, and the band are not yet final. The evening will start with a delicious meal, and after dinner there will be dancing. The time is drawing near for Christmas, and again this year the SGA is holding its annual Christmas candy sale. The chairmen of the candy sale are Marybeth Powell, Dee Hartman, Alita Rovito, and Richard (Fester) Prewitt. The delicious candy is from a famous local can dy company called Victoria's. If anyone would like some candy, get your order and money into any SGA member before November 5,1980. Seven SGA members have been selected to represent the student body on four faculty committees. The students and their respective committees are as follows: Stu dent and Faculty Relations Lori Owens and Karen Wertke; Community Relations Bill Warg; Academic Affairs M. Martha Beharry and Jon Weaver; and Library Relations and Information Dave Hubley and Finn Peterson. ROTC has busy month by Cadet Bob Kiefer Members of the ROTC class have had a busy month. Although the helicopters were grounded twice by bad weather, the in dividual clubs have been very busy. The drill team, taught by Kathy Stone and Sharon Miller, is in full swing. They now have enough members to complete the team and they can occasionally be seen practicing in the parking lot below the Memorial Building. Sgt. Bankus said, "Kathy and Sharon have completed their in dividual training, and they are now training the rest of the team. Their demonstration of marching ability is excellent, and the team is progressing well." The rifle team is now underway and has begun practicing. Sgt. Schermerhorn, who is coaching the team, says, "The cadets are constantly improving and will be ready." The team began shooting on Oct. 7, and has its first match scheduled for Nov. 19. There are presently 10-15 team members, but this number will be cut down to ten ( two groups of five shooters) for competition. The ROTC team will compete against other area schools, but because it is a new team, its record will not count in area standings. It will, however, compete regularly in the 1981-82 s4ason. The ranger club has been the most active of the three clubs. On The Highacres Collegian— The Student Government at U- Park, USG, is sponsoring a trip to Florida during the spring break. SGA elections The Studint Government Association election was held on Oct. 8 and Vice-Pres. Mario Rosato estimated this year's tur nout at about 30%. "That's a little higher than usual," said Mario. The newly elected S.G.A. Senators are sophomore Mary Beth Powell and freshmen Jim Bagley, Judd Buskirk, Dee Hart man, Joe La Monica, Jean Mur phy, Richard Prewitt, Alita Rovito, and Eric Riedinger. It will be their duty "to promote the welfare" of Highacres, and to "develop the ideas, wishes, and recommendations of the student body." WQEQ broadcasts Weekly Top 30 WQEQ 103 FM is the exclusive FM weekly top 30 radio station in Northeastern, Pa. The, Weekly Top 30 is a pop music countdown show featuring the nation's best selling songs. The Weekly Top 30 is a fast paced three hour show which will air Sundays at 1 to 4 pm on WQEQ. The weekly countdown show features candid conversations with the artists making the hit records, as well as the story behind each hit. The Weekly Top 30 is produced in Hollywood by Drake-Chenualt, the nation's largest distributor/producer of radio programs. Host of the show is Mark Elliott. the weekend of Oct. 10-11, 20 cadets were part of an overnight campout at Hell's Kitchen. The club trained in repelling, rope bridging, and survival techni ques. The survival methods which Sgt. Bankus taught proved useful. He had instructed how to build shelters using rain ponchos and, as luck would have it, 4 o'clock Saturday . morning, a thunderstorm came up out of nowhere. The shelters held all dry; that is, except for Sgt. Bankus. His shelter was reported to have a rip and he got soaked. On a more serious matter Sgt. Bankus explained how safety is always the first matter at hand. "We are constantly overem phasizing safety. No one has been hurt and as long as the cadets listen, nobody ever will be hurt." Sgt. Bankus went on to explain, "The club's activities are tremendous confidence builders. For this reason the club is outstanding." The club is super vised by Mjr. Hicks and Sgt. Bankus, but the overall training is done by Marty Kielbosa and Mary Solt. Mary Is in charge of instructing the girls in the club who are "doing an outstanding job of learning their ranger skills." The club's activities, so far, have been at the Hell's Kit chen sight in Upper Lehigh, but the club has tentative plans for a survival-type trip along the Ap palachian Trail in mid-winter.