Highacres campus receives $18,511 for reading lab This fall 40 Associate Degree students are participating in a reading lab to improve their reading skills. The program is be ing offered at Highacres for the first time this fall under the direction of Mrs. Norma Moyer. The laboratory is designed to help improve a student's reading rate, vocabulary, understanding of content, and general reading and study efficiency. Mrs. Moyer stated, "Any college student can improve his reading skills through a reading development program." The program is self paced and self-instructional. Each student keeps his own record of progress by testing reading rate and comprehension and checking his work with keys found in the books used. There are a required textbook for the program and supplementary tex tbooks which help a student tailor the program to his own specific problems and needs. Each person participates in the lab one class period a week. The program was begun as the result of a general discussion by the Highacres faculty, who ex pressed their belief that many students have reading problems that prevent them from com prehending reading materials assigned by professors. This was particularly evident in the science and social studies courses. As a result, Mr. White, Dr. Staudenmeier, and the English faculty of Highacres wrote a proposal for a vocational grant to begin a reading laboratory at Highacres. A grant of $18,591 was approved. Mrs. Moyer is currently conducting the lab. Six work-study students are assisting her by reviewing the reading and study skills books used in the program and by work ing with individual students. The associate degree students Northeast water crisis affects campus The effects of the critical water shortage in the Hazleton area have now reached the Highacres Campus. The Campus received a request from the Hazleton City Authority Water Department (HCA) to restrict water usage in general and, also, curtail swimm ing pool operation. The Campus complied with the HCA request by closing the swimming pool in the Physical Education Building on October 21. The pool will re main closed until further notice. The pool closing has lead to the cancellation of winter term swimming and water safety courses. In normal pool operation, a considerable amount of makeup Bugsy's Hop 469 W. Broad St. Prices Lowest on Records & Tapes currently enrolled in the program are fulfilling a requirement of English 4 or English 10. During the final exam period this fall, ad ditional freshmen will be tested for reading skills. In the future a reading skills test may be in corporated as part of the place ment testing that all incoming freshmen take each year. Place ment testing, however, will not be the only way a student will become involved in the reading laboratory. Anyone interested in reading improvement will be able to enroll. In the middle of October, Penn State approved an additional grant of $6,967 for the conti nuance and expansion of the pro gram to include Baccalaureate degree students of the reading laboratory. This came about because of a proposal written by Mr. White, Dr. Staudenmeier, and Mrs. Moyer. This additional money will aid in the improve ment of the lab. Mrs. Moyer hopes to utilize filmstrips and cassettes to aid the readers. She also hopes to use a tachistoscope which flashes a phrase on a screen and helps to train readers for a faster reading rate. Highacres is also presently advertising for a part-time reading specialist to join the pro gram in the Winter term. Books on reading skills reviewed by the work-study students are being ordered for the Library so all students and faculty. will have ac cess to them. Colleges are now attempting to meet the needs of students who probably have not had a reading course beyond the elementary school level. The reading laboratory at Highacres is the beginning of a long-range, larger reading skills project similar to those offered by universities across the country. water is required to compensate for evaporative losses and losses involved in the backwashing of the filtering system. The critical water shorage has developed due to an extremely small amount of rainfall during the summer and early fall mon ths. Rainfall since May has been the lowest amount for a fiire month period in 11 years. Thus, water supplies in local reservoirs have dwindled to nearly Y 4 of Penn State Students 25 % off List Price of Any Watch in Stock at Downtown Hazleton Free Gift with each Purchase HEC caters to campus needs By George Yanoshik, Jr. Although students may be unaware of its function, the Hazleton Educational Council (HEC) is an independent organization which caters to the needs of higher education facilities in the Hazleton area. The HEC is not financially depen dent on the University and, therefore, its projects should not be confused with its University funded counterparts. Some students have been com plaining that Ilighacres needs another parking area on campus and they are irritated at the fact that a new front entrance instead of another parking lot is being put in by the University. In actuality, the HEC is the sponsor of the new entrance project, not the Univer sity. Projects such as the 1949 ac quisition of the property on which Highacres is now located, the 1959 funding for construction of the "Commons" building, and the 1966 drive for funds to construct the classroom building are all services the HEC has provided to the University through donations from private community sources. These funds were matched both on the state and federal levels, and the building was erected. "Although no funds were ac tually contributed towards the library and physical education building by the HEC, it encourag ed the state of Pennsylvania to in clude these buildings in its capital budget," said Paul Cerula, HEC secretary and cam pus business manager, "and through the state's Department of General Services, these buildings were constructed." The HEC, which has been func tioning since before World War 11, was actually organized in 1937. Today, 30 directors from the com munity continue the tradition of the HEC is originating, con tributing to, and carrying out many campus improvement pro jects. All facets of the communi ty, including representatives their capacity. Local com munities, such as Hazleton and West Hazleton, have adopted or dinances restricting any non essential use of water such as car washing and lawn watering. Highacres, along with all the schools in the Hazleton Area School District, was requested to close its swimming pool as part of a total community effort to con serve water. Repa Jewelers 19 N. Wyoming St. from labor, industry, business, education, professional, etc. careers, are represented and united to provide services to the campus. Members to the council are elected for three-year terms, with 10 members being rotated each year. This chartered, non-profit organization has a new project in the study stage at this time. In the future, the HEC may make the expansion of the Commons building a reality. The threat of decreasing enroll- . ment in both secondary and post secondary educational institu tions could hinder the HEC in ob taining as much community fun ding as it once had. But, faculty and staff members, students and the HEC advisory board in con junction with one another are still actively improving the campus and encouraging higher educa tion. The Frank C. Kostos award, which is presented to the highest ranking Baccalaureate and Remember our servicemen For almost a year, American diplomatic personnel, civilian as well as military, have been held hostage in a foreign land. Some of these military personnel are young people away from home for the first time. In 1979 we saw the American people respond to the plight of these hostages, with each receiving many thousands of pieces of Christmas mail. On the other hand, the U.S. had many thousands of young military people on duty in the U.S. and around the world who received little or no mail during the Christmas season. That's what Armed Forces Mail Call is all about. The sixth annual Christmas Mail Call is now being conducted for our young military personnel who will be away from home during the Holiday Season, many for the first time, thus unable to be with families and friends. Mail Call distributes the mail it receives through facilities of the Depart ment of Defense as well as various private organizations (hospitals, chaplains, Armed Ser vices, YMCAs, .USOs, ser- Carmen's Restaurant & Catering Service 44 E. Broad Street Hazleton, Pa. 4—The Highacres Collegian Associate depee students with a cash award each year, is one such example of the educational encouragement of the HEC. Although not all projects are funded in their entirety by the HEC, this organization strongly encourages and invites the state and federal governments to sub sidize funding for educational buildings, etc. on campus. The HEC and state and federal governments do not provide financial aid for projects that are of an income - producing nature at the Penn State campuses. This same situation prevails for dor mitories and dining halls. In the final analysis, a new parking lot will have to be built by the University with University funds, since parking lots are in come - producing projects. Students must pay a fee for park ing permits and these fees collec tively go towards construction and maintenance, of these park ing lots. vicemen's centers, etc.) across the U.S. and around the world, reminding our young service pea ple that the American public has not forgotten them. Whether or not one agrees with the Ad ministration's foreign and domestic policies, these young people do not make those policies. Rather, they go wherever they are sent, in the U.S. or overseas, serving our great country. This is an ideal project for families, school classes, and organizations, as well as in dividuals. For complete informa tion on how you or your group may have an active part in this very worthwhile program, please write to Armed Forced Mail Call, 2170 West Broadway #514, Anaheim, California 92804. Thank you! P.S. If you have a friend or relative in military service who would appreciate extra mail at Christmas, please send their name and address to Mail Call, and some mail will be sent to them.