The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, October 01, 1979, Image 2

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    —Highacres Collegian Oct. 1979
Dr. David comments
The daytime enrollment at the
Hazleton Campus this Fall is
1,030 students. Last year at this
time we had 950 students. This
increase of 80 students has
pushed the Campus to its upper
limit of accommodation and has
created certain problems. I don’t
have to tell you that parking is
extremely tight on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, and
you all know that seats in the
classrooms are at a premium.
The dining area in the Commons
is completely filled at noon three
days a week. And, of course, the
faculty and staff have their hands
At a time when many colleges
and universities are wondering
whether they will be able to stay
in business because of dwindling
enrollments, I* look upon our
problems of enrollment as happy
problems. First of aU, we are
happy that we didn’t have to
disappoint those 80 additional
students who wanted to come to
the Hazleton Campus. Secondly,
the record enrollment this Fall
indicated that the Hazleton
Campus will have a sound, safe,
S.U.B. runs
exciting year
Want to have fun? Join S.U.B.
S.U.B. stands for Student Union
Board. We’re called the Ac
tivities People because we run
many of the activities on campus.
Some of our activities from last
year include Las Vegas Night, a
rock concert, a Christmas party
for needy children, Coffeehouses,
and Lounge Lizard Days. So far
this year we have had a Lounge
lizard Day on Sept. 12, and an
Open Mike Coffeehouse on Sept.
24. Chi Oct. 15 there will be a
Coffeehouse with Bob Doyle and
Tad Marks, and Las Vegas Night
will be on Nov. 2nd.
The officers for S.U.B. this
year are Sue Novak—President,
Peggy Hazen—Vice President-
Treasurer and Joanne Kulp—
The meetings are every
Wednesday night at 6:00 in the
Commons—everyone is welcome.
So if you want to meet alot of
people or have any new ideas for
activities, come and join us at a
Highacres Collegian en
courages letters to the edi
tor —submit letters to Col
legian office in Sooth Build
and successful future in the
coming years of reduced high
school graduating classes. And
finally, we are encouraged and
gratified that so many of you
believe along with us that this is a
great place to get your education.
At the football games in Beaver
Stadium, it appears to me that
the seats. in the stands are
designed for 12-inch rear ends.
Since many of us exceed this
limit, there is always a problem
in accommodating the
latecomers to the game.
However, everyone moves over a
little bit down the line, exhales,
and makes room. I ask for
similar patience and cheerful
accommodation as we adjust at
the Hazleton Campus to handle
our capacity crowd. If we all
cooperate, our problems will
indeed be Happy Problems.
With S.U.B
... , *. *,IT a service organization. After a
Welcome to tb® successful project, a party adds
Campus from the somethin g to the acC omplish-
Council (R.H.C.). RHC s P r ™ y men t. There are many opportuni
function is to help create a better tQ meet fellow me^bers of
living environment in the Cirde R Interclu bbing is one
residence haU. Throug wa y to meet other members of
many committees, we. Circle K; two or more clubs
closely with both the lrnive s y some tim es ge t together for a
and residence hall students. social event or a project.
During October, we will be co- Mother way to meet other
sponsoring many „ . Circle K members is through
activities with the Student Union « INTER PA c K .” This confer-
B oard. Among these are 4wo encescheduledfor October 26-28,
activities which are open to a wiU he j p new and o j d members
students, faculty and sta more friends. The object of
campus. On October 24, the lo r- this event is se if aware ness and
of the residence bad will leadership. Hayrides and
hosting the American Red Halloween parties are planned
and its volunteers from 11a.m. to . . ~
® P? 1 „ f ? r ?“ ani * Ual What does “INTER PA. C.K.”
Mobile.” Last year we exceeded mean? INTER
means all the
our goal and we hope to have the Cirde K>ers Pennsylvania, PA
same success again dus year- means p lvania and c
Also, you are aU myitedto join means Cirde results are all
of 111 celebrating H®dowee . the Pennsylvania Circle K’ers at
the evening of Octobe , one con { er ence.
costume dance .wdl open he j one to u ßack the
festivities with prizes being given pA cR „ by joining the Cirde K
to the best costumes in many Qn campus f or signs in
categories, Later, the Commons and on the bulletin
Xuu ga en t® rtam “! jj l ® board in the Classroom building
lobby of Uie residence hall with a for time and place of the next
movie fuh of fun and thr« Circle K meeting.
Even though RHC is oriented
towards the dorm students, we
encourage you to join us in the
above activities and those
sponsored by all organizations on
Circle K
club activities
by Roberta Bronson
President Circle K
No, Circle K is not a dude ranch
located somewhere in Texas. It is
a service organization sponsored
by our local Kiwanis Club in
Hazleton. Membership in Circle
K is open to anyone on campus no
matter what your major is. Even
though you may have missed the
first several meetings, Circle K is
always accepting new members.
Several of the activities for
Circle K are visiting nursing
homes; running a bowl-a-thon for
a needy, non-profit organization;
collecting and repairing toys for
children at Christmas; and
ringing a bell for the Salvation
Army also at Christmas time.
Circle K works with their
Kiwanis Club and attends their
luncheons in order to keep
communication lines open.
—However, Circle K is not only
Want to join
Parnassus is a chapter of the
Pennsylvania State University
Keystone Honor Society. It
recognizes students’ academic
excellence, participation in
extracurricular activities, char
acter, integrity, honor, service
and benevolence.
/ The requirements for
enrollment into this chapter is at
least a 2.5 cumulative average,
two or more campus activities,
and the completion of one full
Parnassus is in charge of ;ali,
University day activities, the
library book sale, Highacres
graduation, ushering for the
plays, and monitoring the
“Student of the Year Award,”..
If you would like to join Par
nassus, see Professor Con
cannon, Dr. Cote, or Grace
Hi, as I’m sure most of you
already know, I’m Lisa Ragazzi,
president of your ( Student
Government Association. We’re
only halfway through the first
term and already activities are in
full swing.
First on the agenda is the fact
that all clubs will have to make
an amendment to their
constitution regarding the
election of the club president. The
amendment will require all clubs
to elect their president at the end
of Spring Term in an effort to
avoid confusion in the upcoming
Also, OTIS, the Organization of
Town Independent Students, is
trying to get the Laurel Mall bus
run extended to Highacres. The
bus would help students who
don’t have any means of
transportation and live off
campus and it will also help those
students who do drive save gas.
The only problem is that we need
more cooperation from the
students. This project is to help
you. The only thing we require of
you is to sign up to ride the bus
consistently at least one day a
week. If we do not get enough
Classified ads bring results
The Highacres Collegian,
under the leadership of an almost
all freshmen staff, is toying with
the idea of a classified ad
vertising section in its
publication. To help get the idea
off the ground, the Collegian has
decided to place all the classified
ads in its second issue at no cost.
That’s right—free! So if you have
Donna Rohrbach Co-Editor
Charlene Scheib Co-Editor
Ken Skuba, Co-Editor
Nora Reichard News Editor
Ed Nyerick f. Sports Editor
Kim Mulligan Advertising Manager
Debbie William? Business Manager
Carol Meiser Production Manager
Riclt Eister Photographer
‘Marty Chicowic Photographer
Tom Fellin Photographer
Bill Sheman i.A.v ........ Featu|§ Editor
Mike Fenichta. ’. Cartoonist
Staff ... it ,-i; Jane Bolish, Lori Kunkel,
Lisa Ragazzi, Finn Petersen, Faith Petrovich, Jo Ann
Kulp,. Brenda Serind, SueSaboi, John Gormley
Dr. Michael Santulli
support the idea will never get off
the drawing board. So think about
it. If you’re interested contact
any Student Government
member or attend the next SGA
meeting which will be held
Tuesday, fourth period in the
SGA Office.
Another important project
which will benefit the students is
the Student Directory. SGA is in
the process of having one
published. When completed the
directory will list every student
along with their major, term,
home address, home phone, local
address and local phone. The
purpose of the directory is so
students can contact one-another
for rides to and from school or
home. The information for the
directory will be obtained by the
students filling out forms which
will be placed in their mailboxes.
The students will deposit these
forms in a box which will be
located next to the mailboxes.
The form will only take a minute
to complete and that’s how long it
will take you to help us put the
directory together. So please fill
out these forms as soon as
possible. If you didn’t receive a
form contact the SGA for one.
Also the SGA will be selling
buttons for ALL-U-DAY which
will read, “PSU-Hazleton
Campus.” Signs will be posted
when the buttons come in, so
don’t forget to purchase a button
to wear toALL-U-DAY. In case
you don’t know, ALL-U-DAY is
November 3, 1979 at University
Park. It is the day of the Miami
home game. Concerts and dances
will be going on in full swing so
don’t miss it!!
Well that’s about it for SGA
Office Talk. If anyone has any
questions regarding any of the
topics discussed feel free to come
to the SGA meeting or stop in the
office any day at lunch.
a book you want to sell, or need 'a
ride to main campus or want to
advertise a party, the Collegian is
at your disposal. The ad should
run no more than three lines. For
more information contact Donna
Rohrbach in room 345 in the dorm
(4549100) or place ad in mailbox
number 1-26 in the classroom