Page 4 The Highacres Collegian Tuesday, October 31,1978 SGA Marc Rovito By MARC ROVITO Fellow Students, I hope that after eight weeks of the fall term the SGA finds everyone happy and doing well at Highacres. Here are some of the things that your SGA has been doing *. . We received our allocation from University Park and the money has been distributed to all of the clubs who put in their budget requests. Good luck to all the clubs!!! Right now we are setting up a committee to make up a course evaluation booklet. The professors will be asked to work up an evaluation of the courses that they will be teaching during the Spring Term. Another committee has been set up to create a pamphlet of student “Rules and Rights.” SGA will be working in con junction with RHC on this project. The SGA Senate Elections were held on October 11th and the results of those elections are as follows: Freshmen Joseph Broschak Paul Huffman Thomas Hyland Regina Locher Lisa Ragazzi Sophomores Craig Warner Norman Zwolenik Once again I hope that everyone is having a good term and I wish everyone the best of luck on your finals! Respectfully yours, ,Marc Rovito, President It seems strange but a flying rumor nearly always makes a perfect landing. 1.,. Flying A new club is being formed on campus and it is the flying club. At the present time there are 35 people signed up and 4 of them are girls. The objective of the club is to have people learn to fly and hopefully get their pilot’s license. Flying is more than just lear ning to hop into a plane it is also learning to navigate, use a radio and learning FAA government regulations. University Park has an airport and has been in touch with them on setting up the club. If you are interested, you should get in touch with Tom Lilli the club’s President or their advisor Dr. Clark. Photography By 808 NAGLE The Photography Club is spon soring a photo contest for anybody who is interested in the field of photography. The rules are as follows: 1. Photos may be submitted by any Highacres student, faculty, or staff. 2. Photos may be entered in two categories and three subject areas. The categories are black and white prints or color prints and slides. The subject areas are Student Life, The Campus, and Student Activities. 3. All prints must be no larger than standard 3 2 /3”x5”, “drug store” size. 4 Winners will be selected by a panel of independent judges. The negative of winning prints must be available to receive prizes. All photos submitted become the property of the Photo graphy Club, none will be returned. Photos must be submitted to the Photography Club no later than Nov. 15. Judging will take place Nov. 22. Please submit the photos per sonally to the following people: Bob Nagle, Room 110 in the dorm; Valerie Bowes, Room 344 in the dorm: Steven Brubaker, anywhere. Feel free to participate in this activity as well as actively participating as a member of the photo club. Bob Nagle, President Circle K By JOHN POLLACK President A great many students on this campus do not know what Circle K is really all about. First of all, let me make it perfectly clear, we are not a ranch nor do we have any horses. Circle K is a national organization of college students sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. We are a service organization dedicated to ser ving the campus and the com munity. Some up coming events: By November we will have completed our first project, a hoagie sale. The proceeds of this sale will be used to fund general Circle K activities. At Las Vegas Night, November 3, we will set up a dime pitching stand in the basement of the Commons. Our first service project for the year is also getting under way. A great many people in this area are shut away in nur sing homes with few or no visitors, Circle K would like to bring a little sunshine into their lives. All it requires is a few minutes of your time once a week. One day each week we will visit a nursing home and try to make it a more pleasant place to live. To quote a wise old adage, “There is no greater gift that one can give then to give of thyself." Anyone interested should contact one of the project co-ordinators: Rosalie Scrabak or Patricia Busher. Serving with me this year as club officers are: Mary Pat Cowan, Vice President; Carol Becker, Secretary; Kevin Phillips, Treasurer. Membership in Circle K is still open. Anyone wishing to join should contact one of the officers or simply plan to attend the next meeting. College for K By STEVE KADAR “College for Kids” is a broad based, wide ranging, national program where children from twelve to fifteen years of age get to explore various areas of arts and sciences on a voluntary basis. - For ninety minutes on six con secutive Saturday mornings, these young people observe demonstrations, perform simple experiments, and take part in discussion sessions. While there are many “College for Kids” programs, one recently con- Kim Parsons By KIM PARSON Would you like to be a “Big Buddy?” The “Big Buddy” program consists of people being big brothers and big sisters to children in the Hazleton area. The children are from one parent families and just need an older friend who cares. When becoming a volunteer for this program a commitment must be made. Most of these “matches” last for a year and anything shorter might cause more harm to the situation than help. The time put into this rewar ding volunteer work is flexible. If you want to spend the day with your little buddy, that’s great. An example would be a Saturday picnic. But, if you only have two hours on a weeknight, that’s fine too. HCAC must reach out to this year’s freshmen, or sophmores who will be in the Hazleton area for approximately another year. A dormitory student may also participate but during the sum mer break the big buddy and lit tle buddy should keep in touch. This is HCAC’s first major project and we need everyone’s help to make it a success. If there are any questions in your mind or you feel you would make a good “Big Buddy,” but you don’t know how to work it out, get in touch with me per sonally or drop a note in my mailbox. My name is Kim Par sons, and I’m chairperson of the Highacres Club Advisory Coun cil. ducted here at Highacres was called “Physic and Philosophy.” It was run by Mr. Shaevel and Dr. Santulli. Both instructors felt the program was a “unique experience.” Mr. Shaevel com mented that the students were (Continued on Page 5)