Page 4—The Highacres Collegian, October 10,1977 Residence Hall Council News Contrary to popular belief, the Residence Hall Council began working long before most students even thought about the academic year. The Council this year was no different in this respect. During late summer, R.H.D. was planning movies, dances, socials and welcoming programs for the incoming freshmen. The work of the club so far has proved to be very fruitful. Approximately 125 campus students enjoyed the en tertainment of “The Road Runner,” “The Pink Panther,” and other movies shown in the Residence Hall lobby. The movies were shown following an orientation dance held in the Commons with most students’ reactions being favorable. A disco dance was held the following week in the Residence Hall Recreation Room. Nearly 150 students danced to the sounds of funk, disco, and rock for three solid hours. The dance was another suc cess. R.H.C. continued to be active by holding committee elections on September 20. A spirited recruiting system brought 19 candidates to take the vow of office for a total of 11 positions. Do you like editing? Highacres Collegian By Greg James R.H.C. President Do you JOIN The The better than average voter turnout resulted with the following victors: Social Committee Food and Housing Donna Cartwright Susan Latovich Kevin Phillips Recreation Committee Donna Cooper Janet Harrington Public Relations Richard Price Mary McLaughlin Mary Ann Misura Celeste Tauber The Residence Hall Council holds meetings every Monday at 6:30 pm. The meetings are open to all Residence Hall students. The Council this year consists of the following Committee leaders: Tom Reed, Social Committee; Cindy Layton, Recreational Committee; Joe Zenittini, Food and Housing Com mittee; and Mike Shreffler, Fund Raising Committee. Officiating the organization are: Greg James, President; Blair Althouse, Vice President; Janice McNelis, Secretary, and Ed Coringrato, Treasurer. The advisor and new R.H.C. co-ordinator for the 1977-78 academic year is Mr. Mark Golanoski. Do you write? take pictures? As always, the Student Union Board is working hard to plan various forms of en tertainment for the year. The first event, besides the orientation entertainment, was an all out effort to display the various talents of the students at the Hazleton Campus. The next activity is tentatively scheduled for October 5. An excellent group will be performing in the Commons from 9 to 12 p.m. Also, on October 17, the Student Union board will present a Coffeehouse. A professional performer will be playing. Everyone is invited to sit in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy good music. Refreshments will be served. Julie Evarts Fund Raising Lou Renninger Did you miss the first dance? Perhaps you would like to have another? S.U.B. is on the move because on November 9 another live band concert will be held. Many more events are in the planning at this time. Further information on S.U.B. activities will be posted all over the campus for your convenience. Remember that S.U.B. is the activities people and if you want activities to happen, JOIN. Any one is welcome to stop in and listen in at an S.U.B. meeting which is held Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. in the Common’s Buil ding. The Alumni Club Sets Goals The Alumni Club of Greater Hazleton, an offshoot of the Alumni Association based in University Park, is relatively unknown to most Highacres students. Dr. Harold Aurand, Professor of History at Highacres, is the president of The Alumni Club. Membership consists of Penn State alumni and people interested in Penn State. “One does not have to be an alumni to be a member,” explains President Aurand. There are roughly 157 active members; an active member being one who pays dues. There is also a general membership which consists of all alumni whose last known address was Hazleton or its surrounding area. Some of the faculty and staff of Highacres belong to the Alumni. The purpose of The Alumni Club, as defined by President Aurand, is “we try to give quiet, steady support to the University and campus.” The Alumni achieves this by sponsoring outings to take large groups of members to as many of Penn States events as possible. These events include plays, football games, etc. The Alumni Club tries to have an ac tivity scheduled for each month. Also, a newsletter is published monthly which is distributed to the membership. Presently, The Alumni Club is working on several events. One proposed project is a bus trip to the Penn State-Syracuse football game which will be played in Syracuse. At date the trip is open only to members but if the quota for the bus is not met the trip may be opened to the public— which includes Highacres students. Another project the Alumni are promoting is an award entitled “The Outstanding Penn Stater of the Year,” which would acknowledge the outstanding actions of someone from Penn State. Hopefully, the award will be ready for the Club’s annual banquet, a gala affair held every Spring. Tempered by the motto “Once a Penn Stater, Always a Penn Stater” the Alumni Club is providing active support to the Student Union Board By Carmella Green Chairperson-Hospitality Committee By Patricia Marsh COLLEGIAN Staff Writer HighacresClub Advisory Council: Available to Every Club By Jim Ferry, S.G.A. Vice-President The Highacres Club Advisory Council is an organizational branch of the Student Government Association and is comprised of the Vice-President of the S.G.A. and all campus clubs and organization presidents. The purpose of the H.C.A.C. is to promote cooperation among clubs, and give the opportunity to pool our money and resources to sponsor events which are too costly for one club to sponsor alone. The H.C.A.C. is not an all encompassing organization which plans to eliminate or minimize the individual clubs which com prise it. On the contrary, the H.C.A.C. offers the chance for any given club to sponsor even more activities on campus and in the surrounding community. The Circle K club, for example, is super vising the taking of a survey, put out by the Hazleton Chamber of Commerce Action for the Eighties Committee. The survey is concerned with the reasons why businesses are decaying in downtown Hazleton. The Circle K approached the H.C.A.C. for help and they will be able to supply a portion of the manpower needed. When credit for the survey is due, the Circle K club in conjunction with H.C.A.C. will receive recognition. The Circle K identity is preserved. This will be the policy of the H.C.A.C. for the entire year. The H.C.A.C. can be a useful organi zation available to every club for any purpose. The H.C.A.C. wants to represent every club member via their president. Bible Club Schedules Activities By Desiree B. Ross, Bible Club President Many activities have been planned for the Inter-Varsity Bible Club. The club has now become affiliated with a National Christian organization called the Inter- Varsity Christian Fellowship, which has been organized throughout the United States at many colleges and universities. The I.V. Bible Club will have speakers and a Christian rock group as guests this year. Weekend conferences, Bible study sessions, and discussions will also be held. A book table for reading on how to be a Christian will be established for those individuals interested in more information concerning Jesus Christ, praying, faith, and other topics. The activities for the club will be sch eduled as follows: Monday—6:3o p.m. in the Library Highacres Room for Bible studies; Tuesday—6:3o p.m. in the Dorm project room for Bible Studies; Wednes day—6:3o p.m. in the Dorm for discussion or praying; Thursday—6:3o in the Confer ence Room of the Classroom Building for the I.V. Bible meeting; Friday—7:3o p.m. at George Holer’s home for fellowship; Sunday— 9:00 in the Dorm Lobby to obtain rides to Sunday Church services. These activities are open for students in the Dorm and “off-campus” students. The purpose of the club is to help Christians to grow and help students and faculty to discover God’s role for them as a person.