From the desk of the S. JPI EDITORIAL OPINIONS JgHK President Ron Drum The end. The very end. The end of the term and the end of my admini stration. It seems a lifetime has passed since Joseph Melnick, 1975-76 S.G.A. President, swore me into office at the Awards Banquet. And what big ideas and changes we were go ing to enact. Why, we were going to , take on the whole University! And we almost did. Many of the bigger ideas we realized could not be accomplished and were set aside. Those that were within our grasp were enacted. One of the things I said would be a mahor con cern this year was stu dent apathy. I set to work immediately on in stituting programs to end or at least slow down apathy. During orientation I spoke on Apathy, call ing for students to be come involved and"help me kill the big green monster called Apathy." We passed amend ments to the S.G.A. con stitution to open up new positions within the ex ecutive board; filling in loopholes, and giving re presentatives new titles; "S.G.A. Student Senators." With the help of John Page, Vice-President, and Senator Brad McNab, the Or ganization of Town Indepen dent Students became ac tive. Car pools were start ed and an active housing list was posted weekly. The need to organize all clubs into one unit was realized early and Reflections the Highacres Club Advis ory Council of the Student Government Association, better known as H.C.A.C. was initiated. This Coun cil is made up of the pres ident of each club on campus. The idea is that the presidents could help each other out with prob lems and could work to gether to carry out on activities. The idea work ed ! We needed to commun icate with the campus clubs so we, with the help of Congressman Daniel Flood and the U.S. Postal Service, acquired mailboxes for the clubs. In regard to clubs, the Registering Committee, which later became known as the S.G.A. Department of Club Registration, registered six new clubs before Christmas; six new clubs could now open contijiued_on_l>age_J^ IHaia< . iaiaaaaßaa i_ ana .Bß,j| The Collegian, May 17, 1977 THE HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN Board Of Directors David Kraft. . . .Editor-in-Chief I Elliot Grossman. . Contributing Editori James Dino. . . .Sports Editor .} Joseph Fisher. . . Advertising Managej Patricia Marsh. . . Layput Editoi I John Page Business Manager | James Roslevich. . .Production Manager! Cathy Rusinko. . . News Editor I Dr. Michael Santulli. Advisor | General Staff ■ Michael Charnigo, Suzanne Dobel, a Doug Heller, David Kohuth, John Sengle, ■ Paul Sull'-n-. I The office of THE HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN isJ located on the ground floor of the High-! acres Commons. Office hours are 11-12 I A.M. Tuesday and Thursday and 2-3 P.M. | Monday through Friday. Other hours can J be arranged by appointment. Telephone# ! J Introducing... My name is Nancy Klotsko and this is the first of my columns in the COLLEGIAN. First of all, I would like to thank all the stu dents who ran for of fice and all those who took the initiative to vote in the April I st election. I hope they will continue their interest in S.G.A. I hopw, that next year this column will help to increase com munications between my self and you, the stu dents. Hopefully, next year, I can make, public the many services avail able to the students. The majority of which the students are unaware. The Student Govern ment Association is here to serve the student body Continued on page 13