The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, March 30, 1977, Image 5

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Ah; Spring has fin
ally arrived in Hazleton and
the snow is beginning to fall,
I mean melt. It was a long
winter at Highacres but it is
behind us. Ahead of us is a
Spring term filled with many
The last dance held by
the Residence Hall Council was
held on Thursday, March 17 St.
Patricks Day. The dance was
open to everybody and that is
exactly who showed up. The
dance floor was always occu
pied with dancers who bumped,
hustled, or even moleculed the
night away. The dining hall
was gayly decorated with green
shamrocks and little leprechans
that added to the festive at
mosphere of the event.
Coming up soon are many
other activities. The first
major activity will be the R.H.C.
Gong Show. That's right folks,
that bizarre, hilarious show that
can be seen daily on national T.V.
can now be seen live and in per
son on Friday, night, April 1.
On that night, anybody and every-
body will be up on stage try
ing to win the beatiful en-
graved trophy and a check for
an undisclosed but seemingly
enormous amount. Why don't
you get into the act and try
for this wonderful prize?
Illustation by Fran Grencavich*
R.H.C. President
Come on down that night and
tell us!
On Tuesday, April 5, there
will be a Ukranian Easter Egg
Decorating demonstration held
in the lobby of the Residence
Hall. Mrs. Gondell will be
the artist on duty and R.H.C.
will provide enough eggs for
all those interested. Anybody
wishing to learn this strange
and beautiful art form, is ask
ed to come down to the Residence
Hall Lobby on Tuesday, April 5
at 8:oo P.M.
On Wednesday, April 6, the
R.H.C, will hold an Easter Egg
Lottert Hunt. Winners will be
given a colored egg which at the
dance to follow that night, will
lead to grand and exciting prizes.
Beginning at 9:00 P.M. and going
until midnight, any and all of
you can dance your hearts out at
the Easter Dance. Everybody is
encouraged to come.
On Saturday, April 16, the
R.H.C. will help kick-off the
festivities of Spring Week with
a fabulous outdoor concert-dance
to be co-sponsered by S.U.B.
The dance will feature a live
group straight from the big U-
Park in the sky. "The Intrigues"
will be available for all to
enjoy for a night of seemingly
unending pleasure! (Plan to attend.
munity Development) has won
first place in THE HIGHACRES
COLLEGIAN "Name the Fireplug"
contest. Drum's entry was "Ye
01' Watering Pole."
The fireplug he named is
the red and yellow one located
between the lower- staff parking
lot and The Library.
Drum won a week no-expense
paid trip to Drums, which inci
dently is his hometown.
The Highacres Collegian, March 30, 1977-
continued on page 10
S.U.B. Social Com
mittee Chairman
The Student Union Board
is sponsering a week of gala
activities, appropriately nam
ed Spring Week.
Spring Week has been set
for April 16-23 and will be
gin with a road rally coordin
ated by the Speleology Club,
5.U.8., and other campus groups.
This will be held Saturday,
April 16 and that same evening
S.U.B. and the Residence Hall
Council will co-sponser an out
door dance featuring a band cal
led "Intrigues." From then the
week will progress as follows:
Sunday, April 17- March of
Dimes Walk-a-thon.
Monday & Tuesday, April 18
& 19- A tentative carnival
coordinated by H.C.A.C.
Wednesday, April 20- Apathy-
Day. Suggested happenings
for this day are:
Pinochle Marathon
Underwarer Polo
Water Balloob Battle
Face Painting Contest
Ice Cream Eating Contest
Also, April 20 at 8 P.M. a
dance will be held in the Commons
with "Kicks."
April 21- Coffeehouse
Featuring Stan Shepherd. Artist
who performed at Highacres pre
Looking at the rest of
he calender:
April 13 - S.U.B. - elec
tions for president and vice
Also, the 13th is Lounge
Lizard Day. On this day stu
dents are encouraged to wear
their Sunday best.
The folowing hames were
incorrectly printed in the
last issue of THE COLLEGIAN:
Sue Ann Cervasio, Melissa Sch
nell. We regret our error.