Highacres Collegian, Feb. Throughout the year, many activities have occurred on campus and the success of these events was largely due to the hard work of the campus clubs. Now I think it is time our clubs took a bow. Too many times clubs have performed far beyond their call of duty to make High acres a better campus for stu dents and recieved no recog nition. The campus clubs this year have worked together to we il that our campus community has become one of ’the friend liest campus communities in recent years. The friendly atmosphere is du.e to efforts such as those of the Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity and the Theta Sigma Pi Sorority who have opened their doors to both men and wo men. Both organizations have done much through service to others and planning activities on their own to make cooperation a precedent to be followed by all clubs. But these two organizations are not the only ones. WHCB Broadcasting club has taken giant nough he stur Elliot Grossman Editor-in-Chief Brenda Caiazzo Advertising Manager James Dino Sports Editor Patricia Marsh...*.. .Layout Editor John Page. Business Manager Cathy Rusinko Club News Editor Joseph Sofranko Production Manager Dr. Mike Santulli...Advisor >r pro as of lents," sn they ; pool's r swim to switt le. Suzanne Dobel, Joe Fisher, Gandalf .Mark Gerhard Doug Heller, Milton Heft, David Kraft, James Roslevich, John Sengle, Paul Sullivan, Alfred Wolf :ations ien by The Hi, - - office is located in the ground iloor of the Highacres Commons. Office hours are 2-3 P.M. la^’^ ther hOUrS can be arran B ed by appointment. Telephone -454-6551. 17, 1977 - Page Three the desk of the SGA President Ron Drum From Clubs: Take a bow Board of Directors General Staff tacres Collegian EDITORIAL OPINION steps toward campus betterment. Holding three major dances so far this year is far beyond what I call their "call to duty." Belles Lettres club has or ganized reading theaters open to anyone who wished to recite favor iteepoems, prose, ect. A great service' to the campus community. Let us not forget the fine job the Residence Hall Council has done this year, or ganizing_many social activities for both residence hall and com mutor students. The effort by the RHC to allow for more contact with the Student Union Board and the Student Government Association by making the presidents of these clubs ex-officio members is a move that should be highly commended! Of course the SUB can not be overlooked. It was the SUB that was the driving force behind our two major campus events, Las Vegas Nite and the Mark Lane Lecture. SUB member are to be congratulated for a fine job. The Hi; Lacres Collegian must also be congratulated as to the fine job its' staff members have done so far. The Collegian's in- vitation to myself and other stu dent leaders, as well as admini stration personel to write open !columns is an advancement the Col legian can take pride, in. In fact ALL the campus clubs are to be congratulated for a fine job., Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity, Belles Lettres club, Biology/Outings Club, Hazleton Campus Broadcasting . club, Cheerleaders, Highacres Chess Club, Circle K Club, Highacres Cam- pus Chorus, Highacres COLLEGIAN, Chi Gamma lota Veterns' Fraternity, the Intramural Sports Board, Parnassus, Residence Hall Council, Ski Club, Haz leton Campus Skydiving club, Students for a Creative Society, Student Union Board, Theta Sigma Phi Soroity, Cross winds Karate Club, Fraternal Order of Lunatics, Hazleton Campus Drama Club, Politics Club, Hazleton Campus Bible Study, Speleology Club, History Club, and the Student Government Association all are to be commended for their in dividual and group efforts to make Highacres a better place for students to live. Clubs of Highacres, STAND UP AND TAKE A BOW!