The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, February 17, 1977, Image 2

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    'age Two - Highacres Collegian, Feb. 17, 1977
You Can’t Be Cool In College
Many of us at Highacres have
seen, at one time or another,
the effects of vandalism on
this campus. This year espec
ially, acts of vandalism have
increased. Ask a member of the
5.G.A.,5.U.8. or R.H.C. how
many additional dollars had to
be spent this year to replace
broken and destroyed equipment.
The air hockey machine in
the Commons has not operated
all year due to the fact that
someone kicked in the coin box
and totally demolished the in
terior of the system. The pin
ball machines have been kicked
in too, net once, but repeat
Chairs all over campus have
been written upon. In C-l es
pecially, there is writing on
both the seats and the backs
of the chairs. There are ob
scenities and kindergarten
scribblings on walls, floors,
doors, and anywhere someone
can find space to write.
By sitting on the pool
table, a table which was only
recently recovered, leveled
and had a leg fixed, it has
once again become broken and
abused. The ping-pong tables
are now in need of support
to even stand so as to be use
able. The S.U.B. and S.G.A.
have recently allocated an
additional $5O to replace
destroyed equipment.
In The Residence Hall,
chairs, tables, lamps and
recreational equipment have
also been destroyed. Rooms
have been robbed, personal
items destroyed, walls
written on, lights smashed
and objects ripped off walls.
In the Library,’ books have
been ripped off and magazines
and periodicals, not to men
tion reference books, have
Unsigned editorials represent the official views of
the Collegian as determined by The Board of Directors.
Views expressed in bylined articles are those of the indi
vidual contributors and do not reflect the official Views
of the Collegain. Responsible comment invited. Letters
to the Editor should be signed and mailed or delivered to
By John Page
Collegian Editorial Columnist
been destroyed and torn up. In
the past two years, 524 books
have been stolen from our cam
pus library alone. It costs
our University $l2 to process
the replacement of a stolen
book, plus an average of $l2
for the cost of a Liberal Arts
book and $24 for an average
Science or Technology book.
If you assume half the books
stolen were Science books and
half were L.A. books, a total
of nearly $16,000 has been
spent to replace stolen books.
If you are a piano player,
look around and ask yourself,
"Where is there a good piano,
in working order, that I can
use?" No piano on this campus
is in excellent condition. Most
are totally useless. Pieces
have benn removed and keys
banged up so bad that even if
they do work, an "A" would
probably sound more like an ,
"F sharp".
Although we are now all
college students, many act as
though they were still in high
school and trying to impress
their "friends". Put high
school out of your minds. It
is time to realize that you
cannot be "cool" in a college
by destroying it. Open your
eyes. It is your money you
are throwing away and mine too.
I don't want my higher tuition
dollars going to replace some
thing that some "nerd" has de
stroyed. I am in college to
learn, but this learning will
not include learning to live
on a destroyed, demolished
campus. This campus belongs to
all of us, and I am one person
who will put up one hell of a
fight before I will see it de
stroyed by vandals.
Tip Of The
Ol’ Hat
The Residence Hall Council
has instituted a series of
open forums with Highacres
administrators, staff members,
and students leaders. These
forums are set up as opporn
tunities for autorities in thed
respective fields at High
acres to speak and discuss
with Highacres students infor
mation and issues dealing
with their respective fields.
Forum speakers have includ
ed Dean Joseph McCallus, Dean
of Student Affairs, Bruce
Young, Athletic Coordinator,
James White, Career Development
and Placement Counselor, and
the members of the Student
Standards Board.
These forums
to be beneficial to the
students, with good size
crowds attending and excels
lent exchanges of questions
and ideas occuring,. These for
ums have provided open and can
did communication about
important and pressing issues
concerning Highacres. They
have provided students with
information about programs
and activities available to
them that they may otherwise
not have found out about.
We tip our hats to the
Residence Hall Council for
instituting this program and
hope that this program can
continue and programs similar
to it can be instituted in the
future not only by the R.H.C.
but also by other campus
The Highacres Collegian
has donated a copy of the book,
"Two Worlds of Andrew Wyeth:
Kuerners and Olsons" by K.S.
Gilbert and J.K. Holt to the
Highacres Library. The book
deals with an exhibit by.
Wyeth that is presently being
displayed at New York's
Museum of Metropolitan Art.