Page Eight- Highacres Collegian, January 31, 1977 xns and. each day another poor soul is drawn to the machine's irresistable influence. English 111, Chem 30, Bio 11, and His tory 20 are passed by in favor of Champ(A.K.A. "Draino"), Abra .On Dabra. and Space Mission. Santulli, Holmberg, and Van- Deventer are exchanged for Williams, Gbttlieb, and the al mighty Ball. All thoughts of studying for the sixth period Psych 2 exam are cast aside as the "condemned," huddle around these mechanical demons, curs ing the stray balls of Ping Pong players and the sounds bf washing machines, screaming "TILT!? What do you mean, TILT!? Why, you f—k-r you! I'm going to shake the s—t out of this w-or- lapper!!" EPIDEMIC HITS HIGHACRES By Gandalf At its annual convention, the American Medical Associa tion, as has been its custom, has listed the major diseases that take the heaviest toll up on the American publjc. This year, a new disease was dis covered that is rising in fre quency and threatening cancer's omnipotent presence. It's symp toms are undetectable in the ear ly stages, but as the disease progresses the victim is subject to spaams of distemper, hyper tension, cold sweats, and a lust for precious metals. A point is soon reached where the victim is beyond the reach of medical help and is wracked by nervous con vulsions in the index or middle fingers, a slumped posture, shak ing arms, and an increse in his vocabulary of the "lower” words. Families have been shattered as their finances are slowly drain ed end close relationships are taxed to the breking point as the sufferer continues on his road to destruction. This is the horror known as "the silver ball syndrome"(Pinubus Ballus). It is believed that the disease is contracted in the dens of iniquity, known as ar cades, where can be found the foul devices that are the only relief for the hopeless devils. As one enters the doorway the air is filled with the cries of "you f—k-r"," not a chance at it!", "sucked down the hole", and "GAMESt I WAIT GAMES". Victims will harbor ther for days on end, finding the "drug" that will satiate their desires. By chance, a glassy, multicolor ed eye will turn toward you, be fore the engine of temptation sounds its call of thumps, bells, rings, and buzzers. Pity must be shown these wretched indi viduals, for they are cursed to their final hour. Before you, the reader, are lulled into a false sense of security, let it be known that even the teeming metrop olis of "Hazleburg" is not im mune from the syndrome's ram page. Highacres itself has been in it's clutches for mon- Parents, heed my words! You are the only hope for sav ing your offspring. This fiendish menace is undermining the foundation of our country and soon we may fall to our enemies. Take action now! If you see. your eon oo daughter nervously trembling and you hear thorn climb out oC their bedroom windows, take them to the basement, chain them to the wall, and barricade the doors. The sounds and sights ALENTINES DAY .— from \ RUSSELL I \ STOVER / \ CANDY / FOWLER, DICK, LAUREL MALL, HAZLETON HAPPY of withdrawal are horrible to percieve, but you may take courage and- hope in the idea that you are doing it for your family, your country, and for mankind. Lane Lecture continued from page 1 different directions, "thereby proving a conspiracy occurred.' "Only 11% of the American people believe in the original version," Lane continued,"only 11% believe that Oswald killed J.F.K..Probably more people than that believe in the , tooth fairy." Lane explained that the Warren Commission had set up six panels to investigate the assasination. However, Lane said that the Commission did not even have a panel to find out who killed Kennedy. "The Commission was established to prove that Oswald killed Kennedy," Lane said, "the Commission had no way to even accept other evidence. I would have added arjothev continued on page 10 BUY OUR SWEETS FOR YOUR SWEETIE and WALKER