The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, May 19, 1975, Image 3

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    Student Security EyJoycc *- E " ton
The idea of employing
students as parttime Sec
urity is a practical meth
od for employing more Sec
urity at half the price,
since it is possible to
hire two or three of these
students for the price of
one full time professional
Tne position opened up
more jobs for students, and it
was thought that Student Sec
urity would create a feeling
of interaction between students
and Security, instead of the
Gestapo-like atmosphere gener
ated by professional full-time
Security. Yet, favorable as
they may seem, too much empha
sis has been placed upon these
aspects. More priority should
be given to the most important
job of a Security officer,
which is the protection of per
sonal property. And after re
cent incidents on campus, one
would wonder if Student Sec
urity is qualified to do this
it is possible for an applicant
to include false information on
his application. Also, as men
tioned earlier, once a student
is hired, he is trained by a .
full-time officer. But what
qualifies that Secutiry officer
as an instructor?
Present training is insuf
ficient, but because of finan
cial reasons, Penn State will
not hire a professional instruc
tor. However, there is an al
ternative. Student Security
In the eyes of Penn State should be required to attend
University, Student Security summer seminars which are free,
officers are qualified. When so “hat they can receive proper
applying for the job at High- training. As for false infor
acres,student security candidates ma^lon applications, this
must be interviewed by a full- ° an easi ly he taken care of
time Security officer. During checking out the validity
these interviews, they are asked ° the applicants’ claims,
for their solutions to various or f hime should be concen
situations and must submit a trated oq hhe quality of the
list of any past work which Student Security officer, in
they feel would qualify them for s ' beaa quantity.
Dr. Samuel Prichard Dead
Dr. Samuel YanOrden Prich
ard Jr., Drums R. 2,,assistant
professor of speech communica-!
tion of .the Hazleton Campus,
died Tuesday at St. Joseph's
Hospital, Hazleton, shortly af
ter admission. Cause of death
was attributed to a heart attack.
Born in Los Angeles, Calif,
on May 19, '1925» Prichard was a
son of the late Samuel YanOrden
and Calabeth (Hour) Prichard Sr.,
and had resided in the Hazleton
area for six years.
In 1947* Dr. Prichard
earned an asspciate degree of
the arts from Pasadena City
College. In 1949» he received
his Bachelor of Arts degree from
of Heart
The Highacres Collegian, May 19, 1975 - Page 3.
Good or Bad
the job. If they meet the min
imum qualification factor des
ignated by University Park, and,
in turn, they are hired, they
then go through training with
full-time Security as their in
structors .
But these procedures are
too lenient. Applications from
the candidate concerning past
experience are not thoroughly
investigated. This means that
gin Bell, to the vine-covered
buildings, to the pinball wiz
ards in the Commons, to Joyce
and Ben and Francie and Jimmy
and Tim, to whom I am entrust
ing the greatest love affair
of them all.
X bid farewell, a sad, yet
exhaultant farewell, to the '
Highacres Collegian, my love
for two years, my first and
foremost love on this campus.
I have watched it grow, nur
sed it as an anxious mother,
revelled in its victories and
the University of Redlands, and accomplishments, and shed
later that year received his bitter tears over its few fail-
Master of Arts, with a major ares. But, to me, the love
in speech, from the same school.affair I have carried on with
His Ph.D. was granted from the Highacres Collegian, has
Pennsylvania State University, been a successful and fulfil
with emphasis on rhetoric and iihg one. I need only look at
public address. a s i n gle copy of the ppper to
Dr. Prichard served as a
speech instructor atjnany uni
versities, management confer
ences, Air Force bases, and
in various continuing educa
tion programs. He served as
speech instructor and Dean of
Men at Dana College, debate
coach at Lehigh, the State TJni-
Continued next column.
versity of Hew York and also a
Bloomsburg State College.
Dr. Prichard taught at
University Park from 1966-70.
He came to this campus in 1970
Dr. Prichard has acted ai
a speech instructor for the De
partment of Labor Studies and
for the AFL-CIO COPE Training
Institute, along with having
had numerous publications of
articles and reviews in his
He was a member of the
Speech Association of America,
the Speech Association of the
Eastern States, the Pennsyl-
vania Speech Association and
the American Forensic Associa
Dr. Prichard was a vet
eran of World War 11.
Surviving are his wife,
the former Marjorie Adams; two
sons, Mark Adams Prichard and
Alan Houx Prichard, at home;
brothers, Charles, California
and Stephen, Pelham, H 0 Y o ; sis
ters, Harriet and Mrs. Eleanor
Randall, California.. A step
mother, Mrs. Marjorie Prichard,
is still alive in California,
funeral services were
held from the Krapf and Hughes
Funeral Home. Interment was
in the Congressional Cemetery,
Washington, D.C.
Love Affair
continued from page 2.
reassure myself that everything
has been worth it.
So, thank you, Highacres,
for being here. You've been
the two best years of my life,
and I will always love you for
Donna Marie Baver
The Highacres Collegian