Page Two - Highacrea Collegian, A CHRISTMAS TAIL by Donna Marie Bayer AA I wandered beneath the ice-laden trees I could feel the spirit of Christmas float ing in the air around me. The sound of chimes from the fake bell tower assailed my ears with Christmas fellowship and I could see the snow on the Commons roof. I was content with being alone, for at this moment I felt at one with na ture and the winter wonderland surrounding me. The sunlight was reflecting off the icicles high over my head and 3itglyarrpslitsta BOARD OF DIRECTORS i•nna Baver...Editor-ilk-Chief hristie Tito.. Executive Edito erry Roselevich..Business Man- alter Donald Serfass..Managing Edito Dr. Michael Santulli...Facul ty Advisor mrl NEM D. Serb's' - Editor, D. Eimer, J. Gormley, M. Eydoek, D. Mace, D. Mayo, C. Tito, D. Yost FEATURE: D. Bayer - Editor, C. Tito. ILLUSTRATION: D. Serfage, C. Tito. ADVERTISING: J. Roslevich- Ifttor, D. Bayer EDITORIAL: C. Tito.- Editor, J. Barton COMPOSITIONI D. Bayer - Man ager, D. Mayo, J. Boelevich, C. Tito The COLLEGIAN is located in the PUblioations office in the Commons Game Boom December 16, 1974 the entire scene was faintly reminiscent of the "fairy land" that one imagines as a small child. I was totally immersed in my reflections of Christ mases long past, when I es pied a squirrel standing on the pavement in front of me, glaritiratlne as If to say that I had no business invading his private domain. Not wishing to appear rude (and also being possessed of a rather strange sense of humor) I kowtowed to him and said, "Good afternoon, Mk. Squirrel." He glared up at me again and his little eyes glittered red. "What's good about it?" Taken totally aback by such a negative reply (in fact, any reply at all) from such a cute amd cuddly little creature (forgive me, Mr. Squirrel, I didn't mean to insult you), I stammered, "We11....1 uh....that i 5..." "Well, miss, is it, or is it not a good afternoon?" "Well, sir, you see... I-had thought 50... but..." "And don't you think so now?" "Mind your manners, girl. Respect your elders. Now, "Well, to be perfectly would Mr. Scrooge talk to a holiest, sir, at this point, squirrel?" I don't know what to think." "I doubt it, sir." He glared again. "Not "So I had to find another at all consistent, are you?" way of convincing him of his "Well, not usually, but--" wrongdoings and giving him the feeling of love and fellow ship of Christmas. Three spir its was recommended by my public relations man. Besides, spirits to give him the spir it has a nice ring to it." "So do the chimes, sir." "Will you stop interrup ting me? Now. Mr. Scrooge "But nothing! Do you know why this is not a good after noon?" "No, sir." "This is not a good after noon because I should have been hibernating four weeks ago, and I am very, very tired." "Well, sir, I don't mean to pry, but---" "Why aren't I sleeping? Well, listen, miss, and I'll tell you. lam not permit ted to hibernate this year until everyone on this cam pus has the Christmas spirit." "Oh, how awful....and doesn't everyone have it?" "No, unfortunately not. There is one man who doesn't. He is your Assistant Dean and we will call him Mr. Scrooge." "Oh, surely, sir, he must have the spirit." He curled his upper lip over his teeth and snarled at me. "I say he doesn't. And I should know." "Just how should you know, sir?" "I am the ghost of Jacob Marley, and I am am waiting for three spirits to visit our Assistant Dean and con vince him of the error of his ways." I shuddered, for suddenly the cold air seemed colder. "Indeed, sir. Three spirits? Whatever for? Couldn't you convince him yourself?" He sneered at me. "How many people do you know that would stand and talk to a squirrel?" I looked around to make sure no one. was watching. Sure enough, I was talking to a squirrel. I wondered how my analyst would react to this. I decided he probably would not believe me at all. "Er... not many, 5ir...." "And do you think that Scrooge is nutty enough to talk to a squirrel? Sorry about the pun." "It wasn't a pun, sir. It was merely a poor attempt at one." continued next page