The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, February 01, 1974, Image 2

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    Page Two- Highaoree Collegian,
edna: the
poor sw:Mnt's
Alas, winter is the time
of chilled bones, running
noses and deep depressions.
What can one do to relieve
oneself of the winter blues?
With a little time one can
become happy and alive again
Admiring Dr. Aurandls line.
up of winter hats,.
Telling visitors that the
water tower is really the
campus phallic symbol.
Joining the •GET MAVERICK
TO U PARK" Crusade.
Wondering why the Soc 5
books cost $2O and contained
no pictures.
Itglyarrpo Olailpglan
John Busher...Editor-in-Chief
Maria Rovito.Executive editor
Dale Walck..Business manager
Linda Gallagher. Managing editor
Fred Kolet.Production manager
Lawrence Suhre.Faculty advisor
NEWS: L. Gallagher-Editor, D.
Berger, C. Kokinda, N. Meiser,
M.J. Rovito, D. Serfass, C.
Tito, T. Urosevich.
'ENTERTAINMENT: J. Yatsko-Editor
T. Seo.
FEATURE: D. Berger-Editor, J.
Maderick, Edna.
EDITORIAL: M.J. Ravito -Editor,
'J. Mullen.
(ADVERTISING: D. Walck-Manager,
I.Gallagher, J. Mullen.
IPHOTOGRAPHY: M. Denke, C. Tito,
10. Snyder.
'SPORTS: M.A. DeLazio-Editor,
a. hichael, O. Shenosky.
COMPOSITION: F. Kolet-Manager,
D. Bayer, L. Gallagher, M.J.
Byvito, D. Walok.
The COLLEGIAN is located in
the Publications office in
the S.U.B. game room.
February 1 , 1 974
Sitting in S 101 for three
classes in a row and dreaming
up new ways to stare at the
green walls.
Joining MuEd 86 and singing
along with "Mr. Jumpeter's
Watching the cars stall in
the freshman parking lot.
Getting off of the straight
and narrow and on to the wide
and crooked.
Spring will be here soon,
with love and warmth and chip
munks. Until then have snow
ball fights and watch the
icicles drip.
Dick Nolan
Beagle Killing, Inc.
Beagles are extraordinary dogs. They
are sturdy, lively, intelligent, and friendly.
Uniformly so. Which is why our Air Force
chose them for a torture death in largely
useless experimenfs of poisonous substances
and their effect on animal tissues.
It seems there is no power on earth that
can deter the Air Force certainly not
mere public outcry, or even protests in the
American Congress. The tests go forward.
They are a damnable disgrace but they go
forward. Our University of Cal ifornia is the
partner of the Air Force in this cruel and
unnecessary exercise.
Two hundred beagle puppies will be
"scientifically" poisoned, a little at a time,
to. see how much carbon monoxide, rocket
fuel fumes, plastics solvents, and other
noxious vapors it takes to kill a beagle over
a period of time.
When they are finished, the experimen
ters will know just that how much it takes
to kill a beagle. The results can't be
accurately assessed even as to other ani
mals, much less as to human beings. You
have to ask WHY?
We know carbon monoxide kills. We are
inclined to suspect that if we expose the
breathing apparatus and bloodstream to
other poisons we are likely to sicken and die.
We further suspect some people might be
able to survive a smidge more poison"than
others, depending on constitutional factors.
What's the big deal, except a demonstration
of experimental techniques that were out
moded 100 years ago?
There's a profit motive. Every time we
come across something especially disgusting
in our evolving American society we find a
profit motive. Either that or sheer insanity.
What we have been developing, along
with all our other curious offshoot enterpris
es, is an experimental animal industry.
"Industry!" It is booming.
You needn't worry, as one Congressman
did aloud in a speech, that the experimen
ters are out to decimate the beagle popula
tion. The "industry" will supply as many
On February 5, Dr. I.
M. Levitt will have a present
ation concerning Uniaortified
Flying Objects. Winter Week
end will be February 8, 9, an ,
10. Activites will include
a ski trip, toboganning and
ice skating.
The Theta Sigma Pi will
hold a Sweetheart Dance on
February 16 at Gus Genetti's.
Students may watch the bul-
letin boards for details on
other upcoming events.
beagle puppies as are required for the
torture chambers. They are breeding them
for the purpose.
Put the experimental animal industry in
harness with the foundation boondoggle, also
known as the grant rip-off, and you begin to
see why useless experiments and reduplica
tions of experiments are carried out with
such abandon. Add boondoggling with public
funds, as in the great Air Force beagle
torment, and you understand still further.
I don't have the heart, and I suspect you
don't have the stomach, for a detailed
description of what happens to a beagle
puppy under .scientific torture. If you want
the harrowing details, perhaps to mail to
your Congressman, you can write to United
Action for Animals, Inc., 509 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N.Y. 10017, for an investigative
report, complete with clinical excerpts. If
you want to be nice about it you can includ
Putting animals in chambers and satur
ating them with various toxic vapors proves
nothing useful, and it ignores better tech
niques which more advanced scientists are
quite familiar with, and which require no
animal experimentation at alt.
A molecule, dammit, is a molecule.
Those who are in the field of synthesizing
chemical compounds can do the job on
paper, using mathematical methods and
computer analysis, and know in advance
what effect their compounds will have.
Any clown can poison a beagle and then
write a jargon paper relating in detail how
much poison it took under what conditions
and for how long. In this day and age such
procedures are about on the same level as
rattle-shaking and prancing about in a
ceremonial mask.
While we muck about with pseudo
science, and spend millions doing it, we
neglect genuine scientific breakthrough
which the newer technology makes possible.
But the experimental animal industry
thrives. The directors, indeed, have taken to
touting it highly as a growth industry. We do
grow depraved.