PROFESSORS (continued from page one) Michigan and his PhD from Penn State. Dr. Miller is a member of the Registration Committee and resides in Conyngham. Nicholas Skimbo has been promoted to assistant professor of Accounting and Quantitative Business Analysis. Mr. Skimbo earned his undergraduate in Business Administration and his M.B.A. in Finance and Man agement at Rutgers University. A faculty-member since 1969, he was elected "Teacher of the year" in 1972. Mr. Skimbo is also business consultant for • Merck and Co., Inc. of Rahway, New Jersey. Dr. Lawrence Suhre has been promoted to assistant pro fessor of English. Dr. Suhre, a faculty member since 1971, received his B.S. from St. Francis College and his M.A. and PhD from Penn State. He is a member of The Modern Lan guage Association and the Northeast Language Association and is a representative of the InterCanpus Committee on English of Penn State. Dr. Siihre is also a member of the Fighacres Library Committee. P ARNASsuS OPENS MEMBERSHIP The Parnassus Chapter of the Keystone will open its membership to sophomores daring the winter term. The requirements for acceptance to membership. Interested parties may also contact Debbie Berger, Mike Petresky, Fred Kolet or Professor Concannon. Linda Gallagher, Parnassus President, urges any sophomore who fills the require ments to seriously consider the honor society are a 2.5 cum and participation in two extracurricular activities. Freshmen will be accepted dur ing the spring term. The purpose of the Key stone Society is to enrich stud ent life at the Hazleton Campus by encouraging both academic study and positive participation in organized ac tivities; and to better the morale on the Campus and the ppestige of the Campus in the, Mite ONE Ist PRIZE -- 3 PAIRS OF JEANS THREE 2nd PRIZES -- 2 PAIRS OF JEANS SIX 3rd PRIZES -- 1 PAIR OF JEANS COME IN AND REGISTER ! OCTOBER 1-20 °° Att°l 121 WEST BROAD STREET GUESS THE STITCHES IN PAIR OF JEANS IN THE WORLD" AUTHENTIC WRANGLER JEANS 8, 1973 - PAGE SEVE NUMBER OF THE "BIGGEST