A SHORT THOUGHT -The ornameht of a house is the friends who frequent it. VOLUME WHOSE Fellow Students I am addressing this letter to each one of you because I am honestly concerned with the ati `fairs at our campus and I need •Our help The fall term of this academic year is now underway and I feel a lack of communication between you and your Student Government Association: I have attempted to _f:nd out why and the only plausi able conclusion I arrive at is: you, the student body, do not fully understand the significance of your Student Government As sociation (SGA) and your SGA has not attempted to enlighten you as to its purpose and under takings. First,.,the SGA is composed of couzi<o members and four ex ecutive officers. These members are elected by you; they repre sent you; they, for all practical purposes, are you. They are pledg ed to concern themselves with student activities and interests and, in this respect, I must corn, mend the body for its efforts. However, I. find. that SGA mem- bers are somehow alienated from the mass of the student body. This isr of greatest concern to me be cause, without you, we are a farce -- a formal organization stating grand motives and ideai, but incapable of making these ideas a reality. As.your president, I urge you to: review your role as students and discover what responsibilit ies you must accept as such When elections are held for SGA re presentatives, you should not con sider ;.,how popular a candidate is. Rather, you should consider the attitude, fortitude, and motivat ions of the candidates.. The can- COLLEGIAN THE HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN, HAZLETON CAMPUS, NOVEMBER, 1969 CAMPUS? didate that you choose to cast a ballot for should dedicate himself to the interests of the student body. _Furthermore, he must be willlng to uphold these interests in the light of ridicule from fac ulty or administration. If he can not dedicate himself in this way, be becomes not a representative of you, but of the establishment. However, your- resplms'bility does not stop when you elect peo ple to represent you. You, as a student, must be in constant con tact with your government. SGA must be aware of your sentiments and needs before it can attempt to take remedial. action. Questions may arise in your mind as to what the Student Gov ernment Association can do. With your support, our fronUers are unlimited. For example, the Stud ent Union Building, or Sub, as we fondly call it, was a direct result of Student Government As sociation in act , on. A need was recognized on this campus and those representatives who had student welfare in mind sought to fulfill the need. What then seemed an impossibility became a reality. It seems to me that an example such as this should inspire all students to strive for continued progress on this campus. It should if anything, prove, that a unified student effort can accomplish a "Mission : Imposs' ble. " I also sense that many of you feel that there are no matters of real concern to you here at High acres. I cannot stress how much in error this feeling is. Everyday, student problems a rise of which many of you are not aware. To illustrate this: Do (Coned On Page Six) THE HIGHACRES HIGHACRES BREAKS GROUND Groundbreaking ceremonies for a $3 million building project at the Hazleton Campus was held on Sunday, November 16. Some 300 people attended the event. The afternoon's activities were opened by Mr. Frank Kostos, di rector of the Hazleton Campus. Mr. Kostos then turned the pro gram over to Dr. Michael Matsko, Chairman of the Hazleton Cam pus Educational Council, who ser ved as master of ceremonies. Dr. Matsko introduced Eric Walker, President of the Penn sylvania State University. Walk er outlined the importance of the 19 Commonwealth Campuses by saying that University Park has reached its ultimate capacity. Future growth of Penn State de pends primarily on the expansion of the Commonwealth Campuses. Hazleton Campus plays a vital part in that expans'on and sever al buildings are scheduled to be erected on our grounds. Also at the groundbmalcing, Dr.. Walker presented a, replica of the famous Nittany Lion to the Hazleton Campus. Barbara Sider accepted the statue on behalf of the student body. In her acceptance speech, Mrs. Sipler defined the true meaning of the Nittany Lion by saying. "The lion, by virtue of his stance, signifies leadership "and by virtue of his species, signifies strength. I cannot find two words more be fitting the Pennsylvania State University than leadership and strength." - Upon accepting the presenta tion, she said. "May it serve as a constant reminder of the lead ership and strength of Penn State, and may it encourage all of us to live up to the traditions and ideals of our University." Other honored guests at the oc casion were: U. S. Representative Daniel J. Flood; and State Repre sentative James Bachmann. Construction of the classroom laboratary building and the food service building are already un derway. Future buildings include a dormitory and a library. You-The Collegian The Highacres Collegian staff is reorganizing. The paper repre sents the students and reflects their interest and enthusiasm. In order to represent the stud ent body fully, the newspaper needs a loyal and hard working staff. The present edition has been published through the ef forts of only six students. Although these six students are dedicated to the welfare of the campus it will be impossible to publish another paper under these conditions. Anyone wishing -- and willing to work on the newspaper should contact Barbara Sipler or Joyce Rupp as - soon as possible.