Elighacres Collegian FACULTY SPOTLIGHT by Robert Fogarty Professor Andrew Kafka, in structor of Speech and English, has long been interested in the spoken word in literature and all phases of language. He has been lecturing and writing, both in professional and private life, on a number of re lated skills, such as speaking, writing, and reading. He has Masters Degrees in both English and Educational Guidance from Columbia ' University, where he has completed all his PhD. courses. Serving as faculty moderator to Belles-Lettres Society, and as fa culty advisor to the Hazleton Cam pus Alumni Association, he is kept very,busy on campus. He is also very active in many off-campus ac tivities. While devoting much of his time to academic pursuits, he still man ages to have a few hobbies. He is an avid follower of sports, both as a spectator and as a participant, boxing and squash being his favor ites. SORORITY HOLDS INITIATION Formal initiation was held Thurs day, October 3, for all new mem bers of the Theta Sigma Pi Sorority. Girls took their pledges in the can dle-lit lounge. This initiation was held under the guidance of Mrs. Elizabeth Bodenstein, sorority ad visor. Bonnie Penkala, sorority presi dent made the announcement that a hayride will be held Saturday, Oc tober 26. This hayride will be limited to 22 couples. Any girl wishing to attend should contact bonnie. • CUSTOM WEEK HAPPENINGS Take a look at theSe familiar "sites". They are from I to r—Frank Sacco, Dave Chamberlain, Don Padova, and Dennis Boyle If a member of the older gener ation was strolling on campus the week of September 23, and did not know anything about the adventures of a college freshman the first week of school, he would have thought that all of us have gone "snakey". What would he have seen? Well, to put a long story short let's think back to that famous week called Customs Week. As he entered the campus he would have seen 18 and 19 year old students walking around with the tingle of a crawling infant. Immediately, doubt would enter his mind. He might have thought that he was being put back in time be cause people with blue caps on their heads were walking back wards. As he moved into the cam pus, clearing his vision about the trees, he sees a big grown up knee ling down and roaring like a lion. After finding a safe hiding place, so he thinks, he turns around in wonder as to where a muffled tune is coming from. To his surprise, by Rich Dino he finds a headless girl kneeling down under a cardboard box sing ing. He is beginning to wonder how he can get off the farm without be ing:seen. He conies to a road and begins running downhill. What does he see? Boys with scarves, gloves, basketballs, croquet mallets, al most everything mentionable. He thought he saw a boy with a chick en on a leash, but he was relieved when it was only a mirage. Behind the boys were girls with different colored sox, signs of everything imaginable, and funny looking bows in their hair. Hiding in the woods, he uncovered two boys with closely shaven hair cuts. Finally he got to his car and sped away like a madman. As we look back we can now laugh, but it wasn't funny then. So we rub our hands together say ing, "Wait till next year". But now the fun is over, and it's down to work. We are in water over our heads, but we can still swim. Page 3