The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, May 01, 1966, Image 7

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Wayne Lawrence announced the
Social Calendar for the rest
of Spring Term.
May 20 - Dramatic Show
"Masks of War"
May 21 - Hayfield Holiday
Hootenanny and Picnic
Wilkes Barre
Hazleton SGA 5 s
May 28 _ May Ball
June 3 - Dance
June 14 _ Convocation
The term will soon be over and
many of us will no longer be
here. Please attend as many of
the social events as possible.
Anyone going to Hayfield Holi
day hootenanny and Picnic is
asked to contact Bobj Landro.
The Delta Tau Delta Fraternity
has selected its fraternity
emblem. The emblem, designed
by Allen Smith, represents the
Drafting and Design Technology
curriculum to which its mem
bers belong. The Fraternity,
which consists of 31 members,
was formed to promote fellow
ship among the Drafting and
Design Technology students and
to encourage those in good
academic standing to willingly
give of their time and efforts
to help those not so fortunate
fraternity brothers. Mr George
Caliva, engineering professor,
serves as fraternity advisor
and the following are officers
President - Joe Kachurak
Secretary - Dave Case
Treasurer - Joe Romanick
GIVE BLOOD JUNE 3rdl 40 pints
covers us 5 140 sends blood to
Vietnam. Tell Mrs. Tamea now
that YOU are willing to give.
Mr. Matteo, a partner.’ in the
local accounting f-.’m Palmer
and Company spoke to the mem
bers of the Business Club. Mr.
Matteo, who began his college
sfudies at the Hazleton Campus,
spoke mainly of the duties of
an accountaht, the importance
of Certification for an ac
countant and the possibilities
for advancement in business
for a good accountant. Mr.
Matteo mentioned that in 1965
the average starting salary
for accountants just out of
college was $6,600 a year.
Following his talk, Mr. Matteo
held a brief question and ans
wer period.
The Womens 5 Auxiliary of High
acres held a Card Party and
Games Guests could
play various card games or
bingo. There was an Esquire
Room for men. Door prizes and
prizes on jpurshased chances
were awarded. Because of the
success of this endeavor many
students can have interest free
loans. Up to $lOO cash can be
borrox-red by any Highacres stu
dent who needs cash for books
or other minor essentials.
The following students trans
fered to the University Park
Campus for the Spring Term!
Cheryl Fodullo
Joseph Gorski
Edward Gurka
Gary Hagenbach
Kenneth Hughes
Susan Ike
Thad Oslak
Paul Sherman
Illoyna Sotaek
Kikuke Suda
Esther Summer
We sure miss you one and all.