Page Two New College Organized! At P.S.U. The College of Arts and Archi tecture, with Dr. Jules Heller as dean, will become operational at the beginning of the Winter term in January. At its meeting, the Board of Trustees approved formation of the new college, which will include departments of art, architecture, landscape architecture, music, and theatre arts. The art, music and theatre arts departments were the chief com ponents of the School of Arts, an area of the College of the Liberal Arts since 1955, which will be dis continued. Landscape architecture, a cur riculum in the department of horticulture in the College of Ag riculture, will become a depart ment in the new college, with Wayne H. Wilson, professor of landscape architecture, as head of the department. The department of architecture, of which Philip F. Hallock is act ing head, is to be moved from the present College of Engineering " As everyone knows, the attendance at activities this year Is minimal when compared to last year. This may, in effect, he due to lack of student interest in the particular types of entertainment offered. This we do not think is the case. A variety of activities has been offered with similar results poor attendance. .Lectures, films, and dances have taken up all but one Friday night spot, with none of these gaining much success. SGA is perplexed. It is trying its utmost to promote more participation. An example of this is the new Communications Box to enable clubs, students, and faculty members to have their interests announced via the PA System and colorful posters. The recent coffee hour was but one more example of how YOUR SGA is working for YOU. It has been evidenced that record hops are less of a success than our “big” dances. It has been cited that we have been spoiled by having too many small dance bands. Can’t we be content to have a majority of record hops with only two or three “big” dances per term?” The Social Committee is following a very close budget, but at the same time trying to do the most with what it has. Hlghacres wl Collegian “HAZLETON CAMPUS’ OWN NEWSPAPER” Published by the Journalism Club of the Hazleton Campus of the Pennsylvania State University, Hazleton, Pennsylvania Carolyn Egger, Darlyn Clark June Fiel Tom Randis Phil Jeffries Bill Slattery Gregg Smith Geneva Avillion, Kathy Botchik Carmela Sacco, Anne Marie Semancik, Arleen Dallachiesa, Marie Melchiorre, Mary Jean Turse Faculty Advisor Mr. Thomas Price Co-Editors News Editor Sports Editor . Assistant Sports Editor Photography Business Manager Typists ... Reporters and Architecture, which will be re named the College of Engineering. A department of architectural engineering has also been estab lished in the College of Engineer ing, to be headed by Giiford H. Albright, associate professor of architectural engineering. The work in this area was carried on as a curriculum in the department of architecture in the past. Dr. Heller, new dean of the Col lege, served during the summers of 1955 and 1957 as visiting associ ate professor, while he was a member of the University of Cal ifornia faculty. He returned to the University in June, 1961, to suc ceed Albert Christ-Janer, who be came head of the newly estab lished School in February, 1956. A graduate of the Arizona State College, with bachelor of arts de grees in fine arts and education, Dr. Heller was granted the master of arts degree by Columbia Uni versity and doctor of philosophy by the University of Southern California. EDITORIAL