The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, December 07, 1961, Image 1

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    iSTSSi Highacres ® Collegian
Engineers Council VoLUME 27 _ No 2 hazleton campus, hazleton, Pennsylvania December ?,1961
President Eric Walker was
elected president of the Engineers’
Joint Council recently. Headquar
ters office for the organization,
which includes ten member soc
cieties in its constituency, is in
the New United Engineering
Building, which Was dedicated re
cently with Dr. Walker as speaker.
Registration Set
For Winter Term
•Registration for the' winter term
will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 3,
according to - an announcement
made by Mr. William E; Schneider,
Assistant Director of the. High
acres campus. -
Under the current registration
schedule; baccalaureate- students
will report to South Hall 101 for
registration - during the morning
sessions on the third;’. Associate
degree students will report during
the afternoon.
All students must bring the fol
lowing four items with them at
the time of registration, Schneider
pointed out: Fee receipts,, pen
(fountain .or ballpoint), cash' or
checks to pay for texts and. ma
terials, and student - identification
Classes, for the. winter term be*-
'•gin on Friday, Jan. 6, at. a.m.
.'Tjme schedule for registration
Baccalaureate students —-A-H,
8:00 a. m.; I-P, 9:30 a.m.; Q-Z,
11:00 a. m,?y .
, Associate degree students
First-year EET, 1:00 p. m,; Sec
ond-year EET, 2:00 p.m.; First
year DDT, 3:00. Second-year
DDT, 4:00 p.m.
The Highacres library will open
for two weeks during the Christ
mas vacation, according to an an
nouncement made by Mrs. Mary
Ferry, campus librarian. Vacation
hours will run from 9 to 4, Mrs.
Ferry declared, with the library
open from Monday to. Friday. The
library will close on Thursday,
December 21.
S.G.A. Keeps Active
Richard Bertolini, Harry Defina,
and Glenn Schaeffer currently
head Highacres S.G.A. as presi
dent, vice-president and treasurer
respectively. They were . elected
during the 5.G.A... election conven
tion in- May of 1961.
The S.G.A. for the 1961-1962
terms held its first formal meeting
during the first week of classes.
At that time members of the Ex
ecutive Committee and subsidiary
committees were appointed by the
Joanne- Pretti, a first-term
freshman, was appointed secre
tary; George Wanko was ap
pointed chairman of the Social
Activities.. Committee; Dick Adami
was again appointed. Commissioner
og Fine Arts; A 1 Teneza was ap
pointed Chairman of the Commu
nications Commission; Sam O’Don
nell was appointed Commissioner
of Athletics.
Activities sponsored hy the
S.G.A. to date include the follow-
Operation Abolition
Shown on Campus;
Discussion Follows
The controversial film, Oper
ation Abolition was presented at
Highacres Saturday, Nov. 11 at
8 p. m. The film, endorsed by the
House Committee oh Un-American
was brought here by
the I.C.G.' and was sponsored by
Mr. John Bolton.
The guest speakers offered op
posing views on the film, and on
the work of the Committee. Mr.
Bolton, who is the Personnel Di
rector of Bundy Tubing, presented
the case in defense of the Com
mittee and* Its film. Prof. David
Amidon, formerly an. instructor at
Hazleton Campus, and currently a
graduate student at the University
of Pittsburgh, presented the case
against the film and the
The program in conjunction with
the film consisted of. a preliminary
statement by each gentleman, du
ring which each briefly stated his
position. The film was then shown,
and a question and answer period
(Continued on Page 4, Column 1)
ing: On September 22, the activ
ities season opened with the well
attended Freshman Welcome
Dance; on October 21, the S.G.A.
sponsored a chartered bus excur
sion to University Park for those
Hazleton Campus students inter
ested in seeing the Penn State-
Syracuse game; on October 27, the
Beatnik Dance proved a tremen
dous success; and on November 3,
the S.G.A. arranged a lecture by
Representative Daniel Flood.
More recently, on November 10,
S.G.A. presented two films, Ballet
Theatre and All the King’s Men-
The S.G.A., with the help of the
O.S.G.A. has also been instrumen
tal in organizing inter- and intra
campus athletics. A number of
organized sports has proved
successful in stimulating the much
needed interest in student activ
ities on campus. Football, with
five teams and forty men, is a
particularly successful example of
such sports organization.
Worlds Affairs Club
Begins Activities;
Foreign Guests Talk
Armand Batista, student from
El Salvador, Nora Zahave, student
from Israel, and Arne Bruckhause,
student from Germany partici
pated in a panel discussion at
the World Affairs Club meeting
in the Main Building on Nov. 28.
The World Affairs Club is a
new addition to the clubs at High
acres. Its first meeting, held on
November 7, was a background
discussion of the film Operation
Abolition before it was shown on
campus. The second meeting, held
on November 14, was a. discussion
of opinions formed, concerning the
In the second meeting, the ex
treme views on the movie were
found by the majority to be lack
ing in objectivity. It was decided
that there is need for more facts
to be viewed from a less emotional
point of view, and that there was
a need also for education, rather
than indoctrination.
The aims of the World Affairs
Club are threefold: (1) to better
inform our students on the prob-
Christmas Fete
Opens Holiday
Social activities at the High
acres campus will bracket the va
cation period with two dances, the
first of which will begin tonight at
9 in the Student Union Building-
A Christmas affair, this eve
ning’s dance will feature live band
music by the Rhythm Ramblers;
Unlike the practice in former
years, the rule restricting attend
ance solely to couples, will no
longer be in force. The dance will
be an informal one.
Concluding the student social
activities program for 1961 will
be a “Highacres Ski Lodge” dance
scheduled for December 30, also
to be held at the Union Building.
Further details have not yet been
announced. Decorations are in
charge of Bill Petruska.
Heading up the decorations
committee for the Christmas dance
tonight is Jill Faux, while Lee
Zeisloft serves as chairman of the
refreshment committee for. the.
Las Vegas Night
Recent Affair
The bandit milk machine in the
Highacres cafeteria was joined by
its chance-taking counterparts on
the evening of November 24 when
the Student Activities Association
presented Las Vegas Night for
the enjoyment of the faculty, stu
dents, and friends.
From 8 to 12 p.m. the S.U.B.
was transformed into a nightclub
to rival any west of the Missis
sippi. The dealers at each table
were assisted by young lovelies
dressed in appropriate attire, and.
a spectacular floor show was
Tickets were exchanged .for
sums of play money ($2,500). Any
money remaining after one left
the tables could be used for
chances on various door prizes
which were on display.
lems confronting our country and'
the world today; (2) to help stu
dents to form sound opinions on
these problems; (3) to develop the
student’s ability to express these
opinions in a group situation.