The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, May 15, 1961, Image 7

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    Dear Mr. Kishbaugh:
In the last edition of The Hiahacres
Collegign.,you wrote an article that was titled
’’Racial Prejudiced Essentially, it dealt with
the problem of the Negro. I would like to
give yof My evaluation of this problem com
parable to some of yotar comments.
’’Today's Negro papulation, on the whole, is
no better off than when they were slaves."
This is taken from the core of your subject
matter. The basis for that statement is
exist ant.. We are not, still fighting over
the racial issue. The Negro race is progressing
par-excellence. In the North and in the West,
the Negro enjops privileges denied other
Caucasian nationalities. In only one geographic
location, the deep South,is segregation an issue.
And not without good reason. These white
southerners are born with an innate discomfort
for the Negro. The Negor is born with an
innate discomfort for the white. Only with
the element of time and understanding will
man be able to live in homogeneity there.
You say, "Cities are marked off with in
visible lines." I say there are not invisible
lines, but natural lines. Would you consent
to your daughter or son marrying a Negro? Do
you see no environmental error in this? This
may all come about with time, but it must be
dome in moderation.
In a region where we have no Negro problem
we too often use a Utopian method for the
solution of this problem. We fail to empathize
with the southern white; we fail to recognize
that most Negros are not educated. There are
many, as there are whites, who are not pro
ficeint in their work. Certainly we must
correct this conditioh,* but... it must be
done slowly: integration with moderation.
As an answer to this student's letter,
would like to thank him for his interest
what goes on at this Campus. You are one
the few students who take issue with what
on and tries to improve the situations by
constructive criticism. Too many of the
students here at Highacres are apathetic to
the events and circumstances that we students
find ourselves from day to day.
I hope that in the future all the students
will support and take interest in all the
activities and affairs that are connected
Letter to the Editor
Editors Comment
with the
Vol. 26
Co-sditors Paul Miller
Business Manager Rosema
Circulation Manager Fre
Reporters Lois Lombardo,
Krutsick, Jim
Jay Birt, and
Photographers William 31
Steve Clar
Typists Robert Zelnick,
and Sally Switaj
Hazleft’on Campus; and '
nc and clique associa
No. 9